Validator for JSON-based Open-API specifications from the TM Forum []
This Python script parses a named Swagger 2.0 JSON API specification and checks that it conforms to the norms expected of a TM Forum Open-API specification.
Checks scoped for R18.0 APIs include (but not limited to):
- The info node has 'title', 'description' and 'version' attributes and are not empty
- The info.version fits the number format of 'major.minor(.patch)' with no pre/post-fix text
- The 'host' attribute is set to 'serverRoot'
- The 'basePath' starts with '/tmf-api/'
- If the 'basePath' has a major version in the URI, it must match the major version from 'info.version'
- Every API has a '/hub' resource
- With respect to HTTP response codes:
MUST | SHOULD | MUST NOT | Design Guide 3.0 Ref | |
GET | (200 or 206 {partial}), 400, 404, 405, 500 | 401, 403 | Part 1: Pages 26, 28, 39 | |
POST | (201 or 202), 400, 404, 405, 409, 500 | 401, 403 | Part 1: Page 56 | |
PATCH | (200 or 202 or 204), 400, 404, 405, 409, 500 | 401, 403 | Part 1: Pages 50, 60 | |
PUT | (200 or 202 or 204), 400, 404, 405, 409, 500 | 401, 403 | Part 1: Page 46 | |
DELETE | (200 or 202 or 204), 400, 404, 405, 500 | 401, 403 | 201 | Part 1: Page 69 |
Checks added for R18.5 APIs include:
- A successful GET (response-code 200) for a specific resource {id} must return a single instance (not a type:array)
- Each error response should be described and consistent, such as:
- '404' : { 'description' : 'Party Not Found', 'schema' : {'$ref': '#/definitions/Error'} }
- Any 'operationId' attribute value must follow typical programming naming conventions (unique, no spaces)
- Consistent Error body representation of user and application specific error codes (when used), as per GD-3.0 Part-1, Page-20
- EntityRef: The EntityRef MUST include 'id' and 'href' attributes, other attributes MAY include: name, @type, @schemaLocation, validFor, role
Other additions being considered in the future:
- Home Document:
- Linking:
- Consistency to support automated code-generation, such as:
- 'info.version' needs three degrees: major.minor.patch
- Using dot.notation breaks the generator, such as (in params): { "name": "validFor.endDateTime", "format": "date-time", ... }
- Swagger can be case-insensitive in some contexts, but the generator is case-sensitive
The tool can also be useful in generating tests for each resource within the API. This can be used to generate appropriate Postman scripts.
Use the online tool to convert the output summary files (JSON) to Excel (xls) or CSV formats.