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Set of plugins for Beancount (valuation, filter_map, group_pad_transactions)


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Set of plugins used by lazy-beancount (but can also be useful on their own).


pip3 install git+


  • valuation: track total value of the opaque fund over time
  • filter_map: apply operations to group of transactions selected by Fava filters
  • group_pad_transactions: improves treatment of pad/balance operations for multi-currency accounts


A Beancount plugin to track total value of the opaque fund. You can use it instead of the balance operation to assert total value of the account. If the value of the account is currently different, it will instead alter price of the underlying synthetical commodity created by the plugin used for technical purposes.

You can use it instead of combination of pad/balance checks to avoid generating realized gains/losses in the account.


Enable plugin in the ledger

plugin "beancount_lazy_plugins.valuation"

Then using a set of 1970-01-01 custom "valuation" "config" commands configure accounts with the opaque funds with following arguments:

  1. Account name
  2. The corresponding commodity name. These don't really matter and are just for your own reference.
  3. A PnL (profits and losses) account that will be used to track realized gains and losses.
1970-01-01 custom "valuation" "config"
  account: "Assets:FirstOpaqueFund:Total"
  currency: "OPF1_EUR"
  pnlAccount: "Income:FirstOpaqueFund:Total:PnL"

1970-01-01 custom "valuation" "config"
  account: "Assets:SecondOpaqueFund:Total"
  currency: "OPF2_USD"
  pnlAccount: "Income:SecondOpaqueFund:Total:PnL"

Then you can define sample points in time of the total account value using

2024-01-05 custom "valuation" Assets:FirstOpaqueFund:Total           2345 EUR

Note that multiple currencies per account are not supported.

You can use the fund accounts in transactions as usual, just make sure that only one currency per account is used. The total fund value will be correctly shown in all operations / Fava interfaces.

You can use one balance statement to define initial balance of the account but it has to be before you define transactions in/out of the account.


1970-01-01 open Assets:CoolFund:Total "FIFO"
1970-01-01 open Income:CoolFund:PnL

plugin "beancount_lazy_plugins.valuation"
1970-01-01 custom "valuation" "config"
    account: "Assets:CoolFund:Total"
    currency: "COOL_FUND_USD"
    pnlAccount: "Income:CoolFund:PnL"

2024-01-10 * "Investing $1k in CoolFund"
    Assets:Physical:Cash    -1000.00 USD
    Assets:CoolFund:Total    1000.00 USD

; CoolFund value falls, COOL_FUND_USD now worth 0.9 USD
2024-02-10 custom "valuation" Assets:CoolFund:Total 900 USD

; CoolFund value falls, COOL_FUND_USD now worth 1.1 USD
2024-03-11 custom "valuation" Assets:CoolFund:Total 1100 USD

; Withdraw 500 USD, after which 600 USD remains which corresponds to 545.45455
; in COOL_FUND_USD (still worth 1.1 USD) ???
2024-03-13 * "Withdraw $500 from CoolFund"
    Assets:Physical:Cash    500.00 USD
    Assets:CoolFund:Total  -500.00 USD

; Effectively this gets converted to
; 2024-03-13 * "Withdraw $500 from CoolFund"
;   Assets:Physical:Cash    500.00 USD
;   Assets:CoolFund:Total  -454.55 COOL_FUND_USD {} @ 1.1 USD
;   Income:CoolFund:PnL

; remaining amount grows to 700 USD
2024-04-11 custom "valuation" Assets:CoolFund:Total 700 USD

; withdraw all
2024-04-15 * "Withdraw $700 from CoolFund"
    Assets:Physical:Cash    700.00 USD
    Assets:CoolFund:Total  -700.00 USD

; Account is at 0 again now


A plugin that allows to apply operations to group of transactions. You can filter by set of parameters (taken from Fava's filters, plugin is using the same code) and apply tag or add metadata to the transaction. Considering that tags and metadata can later be used by other plugins, it allows a lot of flexibility in the potential usage.


2021-01-01 custom "filter-map" "apply"
    ; following three arguments correspond to Fava's filters:
    ; time, account and advanced filter (as ordered left to right in the UI)
    time: "2024-01-09 to 2024-02-15"
    account: "Expenses:Bills"
    filter: "payee:'Company ABCDE' -any(account:'Expenses:Taxes')"
    ; the following arguments specify operations to apply to selected transactions
    ; space-separated list of tags to add (# is optional) to selected transactions
    addTags: "tag1 tag2 #tag3"
    ; any dictionary of the metadata to add/alter selected transactions
    addMeta: "{'comment': 'Transaction description'}" 

Beancount entry date can be arbitrary and is not being used by the plugin.

Example 1: adding tag to all transactions related to certain account

2021-01-01 custom "filter-map" "apply"
    account: "Expenses:Bills"
    addTags: "recurring"

This will add #recurring tag to all transactions affecting Expenses:Bills. This may be useful in conjunction with fava-dashboards

Example 2: add tag and comment to recurring expense to a certain account

2021-01-01 custom "filter-map" "apply"
    filter: "narration:'WEBSITE.COM/BILL'"
    addTags: "recurring"
    addMeta: "{'comment': 'Montly payment for Service ABCDE'}"

Besides adding a tag, add a clarifying comment.

Example 3: tag all transactions from a specific trip

2021-01-01 custom "filter-map" "apply"
    time: "2024-03-12 to 2024-03-23"
    filter: "-#recurring -any(account:'Expenses:Unattributed')"
    addTags: "#trip-country1-24 #travel"

Similar to pushtag/poptag operations but much more flexible and, besides, will work alongside all included files and independently of the order in which transactions are defined. Again, useful in combination with fava-dashboards (or lazy-beancount where dashboard configs are slightly changed).

Example 4: advanced usage

2021-01-01 custom "filter-map" "apply"
    filter: "#subscription-year"
    addTags: "recurring"
    addMeta: "{'split': '12 months / month'}"

Can be used in combination with the beancount_interpolate plugin (see Split plugin in particular).

Example 5: presets

2021-01-01 custom "filter-map" "preset"
    name: "trip"
    filter: "-#not-travel -#recurring -any(account:'Expenses:Taxes') -any(account:'Expenses:Unattributed')"

2021-01-01 custom "filter-map" "apply"
    preset: "trip"
    time: "2024-03-15 to 2024-03-22"
    addTags: "#trip-somewhere-24 #travel"

Let's consider example 3 again. For each trip you want to describe it's likely that the filter field is going to be the same. To avoid repeating it for all trips you can save it (or any combination of fields, really) to reuse as a preset in other filters.


This plugin improves treatment of pad/balance operations, in partucular if you use them following this guide:

If you have multiple currencies in the single account, multiple pad transactions will be generated. However, if some of these correspond to currency conversions that you don't specify explicitly (and I think that's way too much hassle), the groups of pad operations may create too much noise when you look at transaction journal and tables. This plugin combines these groups into a single transaction.

Enable processing pad and balance operations explicitly in the beginning of the ledger:

option "plugin_processing_mode" "raw"

In the end of the main ledger use plugins in the following order:

plugin "beancount.ops.pad"
plugin "beancount.ops.balance"

plugin "beancount_lazy_plugins.group_pad_transactions"


Set of plugins for Beancount (valuation, filter_map, group_pad_transactions)








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