The EC (Expertcoderz) Autoclicker is an open-source, advanced autoclicking utility for Windows, written fully in AutoHotkey v2. It aims to provide a large variety of configurability and functionality never before seen in other general-purpose autoclicking tools.
Executables provided in Releases are compiled using Ahk2Exe, with UPX for compression.
- Fixed or randomized click intervals
- Left/right/middle click
- Single/double/triple click
- Hold-down
- Pre-start delay
- Automatic stop
- after a specific number of clicks;
- when a specific duration has passed; and/or
- at a specific time
- Position the mouse pointer every click
- at a specific point
- randomly within a specific box boundary
- Hotkeys (configurable; multiple hotkeys per action are supported)
- start
- stop
- toggle
- close
- Profiles – saved and named sets of autoclicking configurations (exportable)
- Command-line parameter to run headlessly based on a given profile
- Persistent settings to customize the user interface
- Automatic update checking (optional)
(This is most stable and recommended if you do not intend to modify EC Autoclicker's source code.)
Prerequisites: None. EC Autoclicker is a portable standalone application; no installation is needed.
Download the executable file from the latest release and run it to use EC Autoclicker.
The executables are not signed. You may receive security warnings when downloading or opening them.
Prerequisites: AutoHotkey v2 must be installed.
Note: In its uncompiled script form, EC Autoclicker is unable to check for newer versions online (neither automatically nor manually).
Download either the repository or all .ahk
files under the src
directory. Run src\EC-Autoclicker.ahk
with AHK v2 to use EC Autoclicker.
You will receive the latest (and possibly experimental) version of EC Autoclicker, regardless of whether it is the same as the released version.
Headless (no-GUI) mode can be entered by selecting File > Collapse to tray
the main GUI.
Alternatively, to launch straight into headless mode, first create a profile
with the desired configuration. Then, the /profile
command-line switch
followed by the name of the profile can be passed to EC Autoclicker as follows:
.\EC-Autoclicker.exe /profile MyProfile
When running in headless mode, EC Autoclicker is represented by an icon on the taskbar tray which can be right-clicked to display a menu of options.
- EC Autoclicker has been tested to work on Windows 7 and higher, where AutoHotkey v2 is supported. It is incompatible with Windows XP.
- In order for automated clicks to have effect on windows of elevated processes, EC Autoclicker must be run with administrative privileges.
- The X and Y mouse position coordinates displayed at the bottom right corner depend on the screen/window relativity configuration under the Positioning tab.
- Persistent settings/options are stored in the Windows Registry under
. Profiles are stored as keys under theAutoclicker\Profiles
subkey. - If the option for automatic updates is enabled, EC Autoclicker will check once a week for any updates, and download them only after showing a confirmation prompt on launch.
Contributions to EC Autoclicker in the form of bug fixes, enhancements, and even feature additions are welcome.
If your intended pull request is meant to introduce an enhancement or new feature, it is strongly encouraged that you open a feature request first before actually working on the PR. This gives an opportunity for your idea to be maintainer-evaluated and to receive potentially time-saving feedback, lest changes need to be made.
Please do not submit a PR that:
- Comprises purely of code formatting changes; code refactoring, however, may be acceptable.
- Hasn't been tested successfully.
- Fixes multiple issues that aren't interrelated or due to the same root cause; please instead submit multiple PRs per issue.
EC Autoclicker is licensed under the open source GNU GPL v3.0. Any modified copies of EC Autoclicker must remain open source and under the same license.