My 🌳:
Ask me about
- Modern
- The
programming language - The
build and test system - The
programming language for Trading View Ansible
for configuration managementDocker
for containers- Continuous Integration and Deployment with
orGithub Actions
- The
database system Grafana
for databases visualization with charts and graphs- The superior text editor
- terminal multiplexerWeb3
- World Wide Web but with blockchain
- 📈 Working on a project for automated trading.
- 🔭 Experience at BMW's Autonomous Driving Campus in Germany in a project for Self-Driving Cars between BMW and Stellantis (ex-Fiat Chrysler Automobiles).
- 🌱 Learning new ways for automated trading.
- 📫 How to reach me: drop me a message on LinkedIn
- Developer productivity - Materials for my developer productivity course
- Server setup for dockerized websites - In this repository I setup a server with a website and an access to Grafana connected to a postgresql database, all using Docker containers.
- Web3 - Basic contracts created on the Ethereum network.
- Design patterns C++ - This is my Design Patterns repository containing state-of-the-art examples of practical usage of Design Patterns in modern C++.
- Design patterns Python - My Design Patterns repository with state-of-the-art examples of practical usage of Design Patterns in Python.
- TDD with gtest - This is the repository where I keep all the relevant information about Test Driven Development with C++ and GTest.
- TDD with python - This is the repository where I keep all the relevant information about Test Driven Development with Python.
- Web scraper example - a project I made to show how I would approach web scraping.
- Leetcode - These are my C++ solutions to Leetcode problems. All problems have the same number as the ones on
- Docker Images - This is where I keep the Dockerfiles to my Docker image. You can find my Docker images on my dockerhub account:
- Talking containers - Example of using two docker containers communicating through sockets. In this example, one container is reciting Shakespeare's Hamlet to another assuming an average reading speed of 150 words per minute.
- Scrapers - Repository where I store my web scrapers.
- AI for trading - This is the repository where I store the programs and projects I've done for the Udacity AI for trading nanodegree. The repository is focusing primarily on two aspects of trading: Quantitative trading and AI algorithms in trading.
- PyProjects - This is where I store my mini-projects written in Python.
- Video PyEditor - This is a video editing tool I use for operations on videos.
- Advanced C++ - Contains examples of modern C++ usage.
- Ergodox layout