Discover and unearth the relics of cthonia, these relics are tradeable on piglins for which you can receive awesome rewards depending on the rarity of your relic! which are also configurable below, check ⚙️ Configuration
Some relics have their own uses or functions too! you just gotta discover it ingame.
An entry for slimefun addon jam 2022 which started from june 3 to 13.
In the middle earth, the lands of Cthonia where rich civilization exist since the dawn of aether has been brought down to its knees through centuries of war against the gods of oblivion.
Cthonia fell into the hands of the dark, it was succumbed slowly transforming the radiant lands to dire biome (nether) leaving a scattered waste lands with dark entities who were dammed during the war. As centuries past by, cthonian relics are widely scattered in the waste lands waiting to be unearthed from the ground and looted from dark mobs.
As an adventurer, you take part in the discovery of these ancient relics and pursue the fortune that lies beyond.

This plugin is high configurable in terms of drop rates, where do the relics drop (blocks or in mobs) and the amount of piglin rewards you receive from a successfull barter per each relic. You can add additional item drop rewards or where to drop relic in the fields or remove them at your own disposal. Item rewards support slimefun and vanilla items using the appropriate item ID.
You can also generate random config templates by deleting the relic-settings.yml file.
I develop stuff for free with dedication and hard work. Sharing this project with fellow minecraft gamers/server owners or giving it a star is a huge sign of appreciation!
a donation button (currently using parent's paypal due to my pending account requirements).
Minecraft-Heads for the head textures used by the addon:
Visit MC Heads Site