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A decentralized, peer-to-peer, encrypted chat written in Python.

FluxChat uses asymetic-encryption to encrypt messages end-to-end. TLS is used to encrypt the traffic between single nodes. Kademlia algorithm is used to route messages and position nodes in the network.

Quick Start


Run this in your favourite shell, Bash.

brew install gettext virtualenv
git clone
cd fluxchat-py


  • Peer-to-peer connection without a central server.
  • Send end-to-end messages with asymmetric encryption.
  • TLS encryption used to secure communication between individual nodes.

Further Information

See wiki for more informations about


source ./.venv/bin/activate
./src/ --dev -c var/config1.json

cd src
python3 -m unittest tests/

./src/ mail -c var/config1.json -s Test -b 'Hello World' -t XYZ
./src/ list -c var/config2.json

./src/ -c var/config2.json list
./src/ -c var/config2.json read --uuid 4fbd8a82-05ac-4a30-9bad-4d9ff02661b2
export IS_UNITTEST=true
export PYTHONPATH=$PWD/src
coverage run -m unittest tests.test_address_book.AddressBookTestCase.test_save_load

openssl rsa -pubin -inform PEM -in var/data1/public_key.pem -outform DER | openssl dgst -sha256 -c