Python wrapper for's Duckling Clojure library
This library is inspired by Edward Stone's Python wrapper for natty.
It provides a low-level access to Duckling's parse()
function as well as a wrapper for easy access.
requires an installed JVM (either plain JRE or JDK) to run since Duckling itself is implemented in Clojure (which is leveraging the JVM).
d = DucklingWrapper()
print(d.parse_time(u'Let\'s meet at 11:45am'))
# [{u'dim': u'time', u'end': 21, u'start': 11, u'value': {u'value': u'2016-10-14T11:45:00.000-07:00', u'others': [u'2016-10-14T11:45:00.000-07:00', u'2016-10-15T11:45:00.000-07:00', u'2016-10-16T11:45:00.000-07:00']}, u'text': u'at 11:45am'}]
print(d.parse_temperature(u'Let\'s change the temperatur from thirty two celsius to 65 degrees'))
# [{u'dim': u'temperature', u'end': 65, u'start': 55, u'value': {u'unit': u'degree', u'value': 65.0}, u'text': u'65 degrees'}, {u'dim': u'temperature', u'end': 51, u'start': 33, u'value': {u'unit': u'celsius', u'value': 32.0}, u'text': u'thirty two celsius'}]
d = Duckling()
d.load() # always load the model first
# [{u'body': u'tomorrow', u'dim': u'time', u'end': 8, u'value': {u'values': [{u'grain': u'day', u'type': u'value', u'value': u'2016-10-10T00:00:00.000-07:00'}], u'grain': u'day', u'type': u'value', u'value': u'2016-10-10T00:00:00.000-07:00'}, u'start': 0}]
Other examples can be found in the test directory.
DucklingWrapper(jvm_started=False, parse_datetime=False, language=Language.ENGLISH, minimum_heap_size='128m', maximum_heap_size='2048m'):
"""Simplified Python wrapper for Duckling by
jvm_started: Optional attribute to specify if the JVM has already been
started (with all Java dependencies loaded).
parse_datetime: Optional attribute to specify if datetime string should
be parsed with datetime.strptime(). Default is False.
language: Optional attribute to specify language to be used with
Duckling. Default is Language.ENGLISH.
minimum_heap_size: Optional attribute to set initial and minimum heap
size. Default is 128m.
maximum_heap_size: Optional attribute to set maximum heap size. Default
is 2048m.
duckling_wrapper.parse(self, input_str, reference_time=''):
"""Parses input with Duckling for all dims.
input_str: An input string, e.g. 'You owe me twenty bucks, please
call me today'.
reference_time: Optional reference time for Duckling.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_time(self, input_str, reference_time=''):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of times.
input_str: An input string, e.g. 'Let's meet at 11:45am'.
reference_time: Optional reference time for Duckling.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_timezone(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of timezones.
input_str: An input string, e.g. 'My timezone is pdt'.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_temperature(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of temperatures.
input_str: An input string, e.g. 'Let's change the temperature from
thirty two celsius to 65 degrees'.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_number(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of numbers.
input_str: An input string, e.g. 'I'm 25 years old'.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_ordinal(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of ordinals.
input_str: An input string, e.g. 'I'm first, you're 2nd'.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_distance(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of distances.
input_str: An input string, e.g. 'I commute 5 miles everyday'.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_volume(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of volumes.
input_str: An input string, e.g. '1 gallon is 3785ml'.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_money(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of moneys.
input_str: An input string, e.g. 'You owe me 10 dollars'.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_duration(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of durations.
input_str: An input string, e.g. 'I ran for 2 hours today'.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_email(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of emails.
input_str: An input string, e.g. 'Shoot me an email at
[email protected]'.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_url(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of urls.
input_str: An input string, e.g. ' is
under construction, but you can check my github'.
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
duckling_wrapper.parse_phone_number(self, input_str):
"""Parses input with Duckling for occurences of phone numbers.
input_str: An input string, e.g. '424-242-4242 is obviously a fake
A preprocessed list of results (dicts) from Duckling output.
Duckling(jvm_started=False, parse_datetime=False, minimum_heap_size='128m', maximum_heap_size='2048m'):
"""Python wrapper for Duckling by
jvm_started: Optional attribute to specify if the JVM has already been
started (with all Java dependencies loaded).
parse_datetime: Optional attribute to specify if datetime string
should be parsed with datetime.strptime(). Default is False.
minimum_heap_size: Optional attribute to set initial and minimum heap
size. Default is 128m.
maximum_heap_size: Optional attribute to set maximum heap size. Default
is 2048m.
duckling.load(self, languages=[]):
"""Loads the Duckling corpus.
Languages can be specified, defaults to all.
languages: Optional parameter to specify languages,
e.g. [Duckling.ENGLISH, Duckling.FRENCH] or supported ISO 639-1 Codes (e.g. ["en", "fr"])
duckling.parse(self, input_str, language=Language.ENGLISH, dim_filter=None, reference_time=''):
"""Parses datetime information out of string input.
It invokes the Duckling.parse() function in Clojure.
A language can be specified, default is English.
input_str: The input as string that has to be parsed.
language: Optional parameter to specify language,
e.g. Duckling.ENGLISH.
dim_filter: Optional parameter to specify a single filter or
list of filters for dimensions in Duckling.
reference_time: Optional reference time for Duckling.
A list of dicts with the result from the Duckling.parse() call.
RuntimeError: An error occurres when Duckling model is not loaded
via load().
- for their awesome work and tools for the NLP community
- Edward Stone for the inspiration to write a python wrapper for library from a different programming language
- Apache License 2.0 (check the LICENSE file)