In this project, we display random users' profile pic, name, dob & city of residence. A very, very minimal
Title Button & UserData
display sandwiched btw & . But cool logic for the button, that fetches data from .
See the final deployment -->
I've been focusing on TypeScript, as next challenge in JavaScript land. With this project, I wanted to challenge my TS skills within React.
Typescript within React is pretty straight-fowards:
- a) Rule of Thumb(ROT) 1: just let it detect the type of a variable according to the value assigned.
- b) but what about {props} useState, useEffect and events? Welll... you just learn what type should be assigned to them. Best resource for that:
- c) ROT2: use interfaces for each component. Still have to decide whether its more efficient to have all the interfaces in their own file or just associated with their respective component.
- d) Pay extra attention to API data... mostly doable with interface, but in some cases generics may work better.
props, state,