Some people at school are using my config and don't agree with all the modifications I want to do so I've got 2 options :
- I don't do what I want to not bother them
- I do it because I really want it, sorry guys
The thing is, when I find something fun which can help with school's Mac, they might need to update and take the (not wanted) modifications anyway.
I split my config in 2
- global stuff for everyone
- personal stuff This repo is the global one
- Some usefull alias
- Basic configuration for zsh
- Install script that help at school with zfs change
First, you need to clone it in "$HOME/.config_common"
git clone $HOME/.config_common
Then run it
$HOME/.config_common/ <options>
- -u : Update the symbolic link
- -f|--force : Doesn't ask question, do it
- -p|--personal <url_to_personal_git_repo> : you need to pass the url to your personal config repo and it will clone it
- -b : update brew, tap repo if any and install applications if any
- -h|--help : display help
Well, it's just a repo with your files inside.
- brew_apps : contain application you would like to install with brew, one application per line
- brew_tap : contain list of depot to tap with brew, one depot per line
- : If you provied a in your personal repo, the global will run it
- ln : the global will make symbolic link, cf "ln file" below
- prompt : it should only contain the prompt you would like to use, if not provied, the general one will be use
- zshrc : the global zshrc will source it at the end of it's own execution
In this file, you can write the symlink you want to create. Those symlink will be updated by the global if you've got a zfs change. The syntax is as follow :
If those name begin with '/', they will be used as given, if not, those names will be prefixed. In the second case, the command that will be run is the following :
ln -s $HOME/.config_personal/<file_to_symlink> $HOME/<name_of_symlink>
Note that every time you start the install script with the -u flag, the symblink will be updated
git clone [email protected]:Geam/config_common.git .config_common
cd .config_common
./ -u -b -f -p [email protected]:Geam/config_personal.git
cd $HOME/.config_common
./ -u -f
- 12/12/2015 :
- correct few bug in
- correct typo (personnal instead of personal)