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#tranSMART RESTful API documentation

Available calls for the tranSMART RESTful API

The following is a list of all HTTP requests that can be made to a tranSMART RESTful API. All URI's are relative to your tranSMART server's URI (eg. http://some.transmart.server/transmart).

The return message's body will contain JSON with additional HAL format, with the exception of the request for high dimensional data (see section below).

Call HTTP request Description
get all studies GET /studies returns information on all available studies
get single study GET /studies/{studyId} returns information on a single study
get all concepts GET /studies/{studyId}/concepts returns information on all concepts for a study
get single concept GET /studies/{studyId}/concepts/{conceptPath} returns information on one concept for a study
get all subjects GET /studies/{studyId}/subjects returns information on all subjects for a study
get single subject GET /studies/{studyId}/subjects/{subjectId} returns information on one subject for a study
get subjects with concept GET /studies/{studyId}/concepts/{conceptPath}/subjects returns the subjects which have data for this concept
get all observations GET /studies/{studyId}/observations returns all clinical observation values for a study
get observations subj to certain criteria GET /observations returns all clinical observation according to some filters. These are patient_sets (list of result instance ids or single patient set id (integer); cannot be combined with patients), patients (list of patient ids or single patient id (integer); cannot be combined with patient_sets; avoid specifying a large list for performance reasons), concept_paths (list of concepts paths or single concept path (string); mandatory). Multiple values are specified in the usual fashion for url parameters. There is one extra parameter: variable_type -- this specifies the type of ClinicalVariable to create (defaults to normalized_leafs_variable)
get observations for single concept GET /studies/{studyId}/concepts/{conceptPath}/observations returns clinical observation values for one concept for a study
get all platforms GET /platforms returns the names all available platforms
get platform ids for a single platform GET /platforms/{platform}/platform_ids returns all platform identifiers for a given platform
create patient set POST /patient_sets body should be query definition in a subset of i2b2's XML schema. Response is the same as for GET /patient_sets/{result_instance_id}
get single patient set GET /patient_sets/{resultInstanceId} returns information a previously created patient set
get index of highdim data for single concept GET /studies/{studyId}/concepts/{conceptPath}/highdim returns index with the available datatype and projections, assay constraints and data constraints for this highdim concept for a study
get highdim data for single concept GET /studies/{studyId}/concepts/{conceptPath}/highdim?dataType={dataType}&projection={projectionType}&assayConstraints={assayConstraints}&dataConstraints={dataConstraints} returns highdim data of a specific dataType and projection for one concept of a study

Explanation of URI variables

variable explanation
{studyId} The id of the study, as returned by the /studies call.
{conceptPath} A path that defines the concept within a study. This is similar to the concept path as defined within tranSMART, but without the initial part that defines the study path (and with necessary character conversion to make it compatible with URI syntax). The safest and most robust method of obtaining this value is by making use of the embedded links in the /studies/{studyId}/concepts result.
{subjectId} A unique subject identifier, as returned by /studies/{studyId}/subjects call.
{dataType} High dimensional concepts can be of several types, depending on what your tranSMART version supports. Possible data type options are contained in the highdim index returned by the /studies/{studyId}/concepts/{conceptPath}/highdim call.
{projectionType} High dimensional data can have values stored in a variety of projections. Possible projection options are contained in the highdim index returned by the /studies/{studyId}/concepts/{conceptPath}/highdim call.
{assayConstraints} Assay constraints limit the assays included in the response. This is a urlencoded JSON object. The keys are the names of the constraints and each value is either 1) an object where the keys are the corresponding constraint's parameters and the values are the parameters' values or 2) an array of such objects. The parameters for the constraints are not described in the API. Look at core-api's documentation; for the standard constraints, see the AssayConstraint class.
{dataConstraints} Analogous to {assayConstraints}, except it limits the rows in the high dimensional result. For the standard data constraints, see DataConstraint

HTTP exchange details

Each of the above GET requests needs two header fields set:

  1. Authentication: if your tranSMART server requires OAuth authentication (see section on OAuth below), then this header needs to have a value set to Bearer {accessToken}.
  2. accept: the return message will contain a body that contains JSON with HAL format. This needs to be specifically requested by setting this field to application/hal+json. Otherwise, plain JSON will be returned, and you will miss out on all the HAL explorable goodness.

Here is an example HTTP request for the /studies call:

GET /transmart/studies HTTP/1.1
Host: some.transmart.server
Authorization: Bearer 12345-abcde
accept: application/hal+json

High dimensional protobuf data

To facilitate the many variants of high dimensional data formats to be returned by tranSMART, we have chosen to use Google's protobuf solution. Whereas all other calls return a body containing JSON with additional HAL format, the request for high dimensional data returns a binary protobuf stream.

This binary stream can be parsed using the protobuf library, the implementation of which depends on the libraries available for your client application. The exact structure of the incoming data is defined in the highdim.proto file, which is available in the src/protobuf/highdim folder of the transmart-rest-api repository. This proto file must be included in your client application's resources and loaded by your protobuf instance, for it allows the correct parsing of the messages contained in the binary stream.

There are two types of messages contained in the binary stream, which need to be parsed differently. The first message contains header information, and all subsequent messages will each contain information on one row of your dataset.

The header message primarily contains the definition of all assays in your dataset, for which the subsequent row messages will contain the values. An assay is usually equivalent to a single subject, but please see the highdim.proto file for what else is definable per assay (under message Assay). In addition to the assay information, the header message also defines the name and type for each of the returned values in the row messages (under message ColumnSpec)

Each row message contains one ColumnValue item per assay, and the order is identical to the order of the assay definitions in the header. The content of this item is defined in the highdim.proto file under message ColumnValue, and it can contain multiple values (eg. z-score and log-value), for which the name and type is defined in the header (under message ColumnSpec).

NOTE: If there is no measurement taken for a combination of assay and probe then NaN would be used as the value. This workaround was made later to avoid changing the protobuf declaration, so we could still use compressed arrays of primitive data types, but at the same time mark absence of a value.

Example code for how to parse the protobuf binary stream into something sensible, please see the transmartRClient.

Authentication with OAuth

The RESTful API supports authentication with OAuth 2.0. The client application needs to be registered with the OAuth server, after which each end-user of that client can authenticate with the OAuth server to allow the client access to all of tranSMART's resources on the end-user's behalve. This is done via the following steps:

  1. End-users need to be redirected to the following OAuth URI to be visited in a web browser. Here they can authenticate themselves for this client application: {oauthServer}/oauth/authorize?response_type=code&client_id={clientId}&client_secret={clientSecret}&redirect_uri={oauthServer}/oauth/verify

  2. After the end-user has successfully authenticated at this URI, a request token is supplied, which the end-user needs to copy and paste as input to your client.

  3. Your client needs to exchange this request token for a semi-permanent access token, using the following HTTP request: GET {oauthServer}/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_code&client_id={clientId}&client_secret={clientSecret}&code={requestToken}&redirect_uri={oauthServer}/oauth/verify

The response of step 3 will be JSON containing the access token, in addition to its type, a refresh token (not yet supported), and when the access token will expire in seconds:

    "access_token" : "12345-abcde",
    "token_type" : "bearer",
    "refresh_token" : "67890-fghij",
    "expires_in" : 99999 

Explanation of URI variables

variable explanation
{oauthServer} The URI of the OAuth server to be used. By default this will be identical to the URI of your tranSMART server.
{clientId} The client id assigned to your client application after registering it with the OAuth server.
{clientSe****cret} The client secret assigned to your client application after registering it with the OAuth server.
{requestToken} The temporary token received by your end-user after authenticating, and which needs to be exchanged by your client for an access token.


HTTP available tranSMART RESTful API







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