This repo can be used to inspect and see the performance of isTraceHTTPEnabled.
First, install the dependencies:
npm i
This will install light-my-request that is used to emulate HTTP behavior without needing to create a HTTP Server.
Then, get the CPU profile:
npm run prof
This will generate a file like CPU.[Number]...
ending with .cpuprofile
I already run some profiles, you can see below:
To visualize the isTraceHTTPEnabled
, you need to open that profile with VSCode because they have support to visualize CPU Profiles in a way that shows the amount of time spent in each function.
If you don't have VSCode and don't want to install, you can use speedscope. Just import the CPU Profile and go to the tab Sandwich
and import
Below, the example images of each profile.
Above, we can't find isTraceHTTPEnabled
, probably it was introduced after 16.x.