"Geospatial web fancy buy stuff thing. "
Please make sure you have following software installed before proceed.
- VirtualBox 4.2.x
- ruby (preferbly via rvm)
- vagrant
gem install vagrant
- Check out the project via git
git clone git://github.com/HKCodeCamp/bartr.git
- In the root folder of the project, run following commands to install dependencies:
gem install vagrant
- Start Vagrant
vagrant up
- SSH into VM
vagrant ssh
- In the VM, change to app folder:
cd /vagrant
- Install project dependencies
bundle install
- Create Database
sudo su postgres
createdb bartr_test
createdb bartr_development
Setup App Setting
Copy config/application.default.yml to config/application.yml and fill in proper keys
(For Production ENV) heroku config: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars
heroku config:add HEROKU_API_KEY=xxxxx APP_NAME=yyyy ( for delayed_job worker )
Startup the server:
bundle exec foreman start
Verified if everything setup properly by open browser (on your host machine) and enter
It should show the app website.
If everything worked properly, you can press Ctrl-C to exit foreman.
You may suspend the VM from your host machine via command:
vagrant suspend
For more details:
- Vagrant Get Started Guide
- Bundler - Application dependencies management
- Foreman - Process management