Biology Scripts
Copyright 2023 Hal W Canary III, Lindsay R Saunders PhD. Use of this program is governed by contents of the LICENSE file.
Open a terminal. For MacOS, get the instructions here:
Install Python (version ≥ 3.)
Verify that the command
python3 --version
. Check if it is installed with the commandgit --version
. "If you don’t have it installed already, it will prompt you to install it." -
Clone this repo with
:cd ~ git clone
or, if you have Github permissions:
cd ~ git clone
This will install into the directory
To execute all tests:
After installing the bioscript
repository, execute the following, (after
changing the filenames appropriately:
~/bioscript/ \
--outfile ~/Desktop/EnvUn_SP24_Round1.fasta \
Suppose the input file is ~/Desktop/foobar.fasta
and the genus to be filterted is Foobar
~/bioscript/ \
-g Foobar \
--count 2 \
~/Desktop/foobar.fasta \
-o ~/Desktop/foobar_new.fasta
This should write to a file ~/Desktop/foobar_new.fasta
What it does:
Descriptions of the form
>XX999999.9 Foobar baz strain Ind Int 3 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
will be renamed
>Foobar_baz XX999999.9 strain Ind Int 3 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence
Given the above input description, the genus is assumed to be
. Only exact matches for the genus are used. -
Given the above input description, the species is assumed to be
.Only the "best" sequence for each species is kept, according to the following criteria:
If one has the string "
type strain
" in its description and the other does not, use the former, otherwise: -
If one has a higher ratio of
characters in the sequence than the other, use that one, but otherwise: -
If one's accession string starts with "
", and the other does not, use that one, otherwise: -
Use the one with the longer sequence.
To run the ranked match program, first install python3
and ~/bioscript
described above. Then, from a Terminal, first navigate to the directory where
your rankings CSV file is located.
$ cd ~/Desktop
(Here, the string "$
" represents your entire prompt. You don't type it,
only the text after the $
To see what files are located here, use the ls
command. For example:
$ ls
Bio212_FA20_Topic_Rankings.csv Bio212_FA20_Topic_Rankings_OUTPUT.txt
To produce rankings:
$ ~/bioscript/ Bio212_FA20_Topic_Rankings.csv
Francesca Russo topic=36 (ranked=1)
Jamie Costa topic=68 (ranked=1)
Robin Ortega topic=37 (ranked=1)
Kobe Davis topic=77 (ranked=1)
Mia Beard topic=7 (ranked=1)
Nathanael Rangel topic=76 (ranked=2)
Gloria Conley topic=55 (ranked=1)
Marvin Richmond topic=13 (ranked=1)
Whitney Wang topic=6 (ranked=1)
Cohen Aguilar topic=19 (ranked=1)
Josie Rodriguez topic=72 (ranked=1)
Henry Zimmerman topic=34 (ranked=1)
Ariyah Valdez topic=10 (ranked=3)
Kyler McDaniel topic=35 (ranked=2)
Dahlia Taylor topic=20 (ranked=3)
Jackson Avalos topic=38 (ranked=1)
Paloma Williams topic=52 (ranked=2)
Oliver Moon topic=57 (ranked=1)
Naya Riley topic=63 (ranked=3)
Amari Fischer topic=53 (ranked=2)
Maci Fuentes topic=54 (ranked=5)
Bowen Potter topic=24 (ranked=2)
Rory Pollard topic=50 (ranked=3)
Jad Warren topic=65 (ranked=3)
Sloane Pham topic=27 (ranked=1)
Russell Tapia topic=69 (ranked=2)
Michaela Rodriguez topic=43 (ranked=1)
Henry Archer topic=49 (ranked=1)
Kadence Lyons topic=71 (ranked=1)
Cyrus Ball topic=None (ranked=2)
Abby Decker topic=None (ranked=2)
Alternatively, to save the output to a text file:
$ ~/bioscript/ Bio212_FA20_Topic_Rankings.csv > Bio212_FA20_Topic_Rankings_OUTPUT.txt