This gem prevents any of your ActiveRecord data from being destroyed. Any model that you've given a "deleted_at" datetime column will have that column set rather than let the record be deleted.
User.find(3).destroy # Sets the 'deleted_at' attribute to
# and returns a frozen record. If halted by a
# before_destroy callback it returns false instead
User.find(3).destroy(:force) # Executes the real destroy method, the record
# will be removed from the database.
User.destroy_all # Soft-deletes all User records.
User.delete_all # bye bye everything (no soft-deleting here)
There are also two scopes provided for easily searching deleted and not deleted records:
User.deleted.find(...) # Only returns deleted records.
User.not_deleted.find(...) # Only returns non-deleted records.
Note: Your normal finds will, by default, include deleted records. You'll have to manually use the not_deleted
scope to avoid this:
User.find(1) # Will find record number 1, even if it's deleted.
User.not_deleted.find(1) # This is probably what you want, it doesn't find deleted records.
Yes. All you need to do is call the 'revive' method.
User.find(3).destroy # The user is now deleted.
User.find(3).revive # The user is back to it's original state.
And if you had dependent records that were set to be destroyed along with the parent record:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy
User.find(3).destroy # All the comments are destroyed as well.
User.find(3).revive # All the comments that were just destroyed
# are now back in pristine condition.
Forcing deletion works the same way: if you hard delete a record, its dependent records will also be hard deleted.
default_scope where(:deleted_at => nil)
If you use such a default scope, you will need to simulate the deleted
scope with a method
def self.deleted
self.unscoped.where('deleted_at IS NOT NULL')
Yes. You don't have to change ANY of your code to get permanent archiving of all your data with this gem.
When you call destroy
on any record (or destroy_all
on a class or association) your records will
all have a deleted_at timestamp set on them.
The behaviour of the destroy
method has been updated so that it now returns
when halted by a before_destroy callback. This is in line with behaviour
of ActiveRecord. For more information see
If you operate a system where destroying or reviving a record takes more
than about 3 seconds then you'll want to customize
PermanentRecords.dependent_record_window = 10.seconds
or some other
value that works for you.
Patches welcome, forks celebrated.
Copyright 2015 Jack Danger Canty @ released under the MIT license