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Ractive.js Website

Super basic setup

You only need a text editor with Markdown support and preview to start writing documentation. Simply fork the repo, clone your fork and start writing.

# Fork this repo and clone your fork
git clone [email protected]:YOUR_USERNAME/

# Start editing the docs!

Running the site locally

If you want to run the full site locally, you will need a virtualenv setup. Install the following additional software and do the following commands. Installation of the additional software may vary by platform. Refer to their platform-specific documentation to know more.

  • Python 2.7
  • pip
  • virtualenv
# Create a virtualenv and activate it

# Fork this repo and clone your fork
git clone [email protected]:YOUR_USERNAME/ src
cd src

# Start the virtualenv
source ../bin/activate

# on Windows start the virtualenv with

# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Start the webserver
mkdocs serve

# When done developing, deactivate the virtualenv

Finding and fixing broken links

# Install broken-link checker
npm install -g broken-link-checker

# Run broken-link checker while mkdocs is running
blc -egorv http://localhost:8000


  • Everything is written in vanilla Markdown.
  • Current documentation goes in the docs directory.
  • Legacy documentation goes in the legacy directory.
  • Paths should be in lowercase kebab-style (i.e. path-to/my/
  • All links must be relative to the current file.
  • Pages should start with a title as first heading.
  • The nav bar is managed in mkdocs.yml under pages.
  • Providing examples:
    • Create a bare minimum example in the playground that demonstrates only the related property.

    • Get the content data of your example (eg. N4IgF...uEA) and use it to place a RUN IT button right above your code section.

    • Strip down your example (remove unnecessary parts, like el: '#container', unnecessary parts of template, the new keyword, ...) and place it in a code section under Examples header.

    • Follow the other examples' coding style, use 2 spaces per indentation.

    • Example of an example:

      1. Actual working code:


        <div id="output"></div>


        ractive = new Ractive({
        	el: '#output',
            template: `
                <h2>Check the console</h2>
            data: {
            	foo: {
            		bar: 1,
            		baz: 2
        console.log(ractive.get('foo')) // => {bar: 1, baz: 2}
      2. Stripped version that is placed into the Examples section:

         <div data-playground="N4IgFiBcoE5SAbAhgFwKYGcUgL4BoQN4YkBjFASwDc0ACAXloDs0B3WgJTMpoApgAOkwEoRaBJFoByAMQB7AK4oADkql4htLbXQBbZcnSSABpu3mAPGABMAPgDCYNKQDWOp7VJymGOQjQWAPQ2tmZaxhpM5gAmqEiSglHaIgBmcnIJYbQiIgBGSDCSAIx42UlaOSj5AF6S1lkiOFlNTDgAlEJCXj5+aAB0CHIA5rwk5NT9Q2govFJpclJtbbSBgQy2tMD5hbQltDV1OCAE2JAgFtHUtBTR9AIgiipK97ZBl1S2uEA"></div>
         ractive = Ractive({
             data: {
             	foo: {
             		bar: 1,
             		baz: 2
         console.log(ractive.get('foo')) // => {bar: 1, baz: 2}            


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