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Porting SDiagonal from Bridge.jl #240

merged 9 commits into from
Jul 9, 2017
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106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions src/SDiagonal.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# Originally contributed by D. Getz (, M. Schauer
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By the way, if you're porting someone else's code, and you want to attribute them, it's also quite possible to make them the author in git using something like git commit --author="Some Body <[email protected]>"

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When I do this kind of thing, I'd be inclined to add the original chunk of code (in probably non-working form) under the other author's name as a single commit (@mentioning them to make sure they're happy with that). Then add any necessary changes under your own name in further commits.

The nice thing about doing it this way is you avoid baking authorship into comments which people feel they can't remove (like the one above), but you also get to do proper attribution which I feel is quite important.

Just some thoughts, I'm happy this was merged already.

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When you port entire files (like in this case) it is also possible to preserve the full git history

# at under MIT License

import Base: ==, -, +, *, /, \, abs, real, imag, conj

@generated function scalem(a::StaticMatrix{M,N}, b::StaticVector{N}) where {M, N}
expr = vec([:(a[$j,$i]*b[$i]) for j=1:M, i=1:N])
:(@_inline_meta; let val1 = ($(expr[1])); similar_type(SMatrix{M,N},typeof(val1))(val1, $(expr[2:end]...)); end)
@generated function scalem(a::StaticVector{M}, b::StaticMatrix{M, N}) where {M, N}
expr = vec([:(b[$j,$i]*a[$j]) for j=1:M, i=1:N])
:(@_inline_meta; let val1 = ($(expr[1])); similar_type(SMatrix{M,N},typeof(val1))(val1, $(expr[2:end]...)); end)

struct SDiagonal{N,T} <: StaticMatrix{N,N,T}
SDiagonal{N,T}(diag::SVector{N,T}) where {N,T} = new(diag)
diagtype(::Type{SDiagonal{N,T}}) where {N, T} = SVector{N,T}
diagtype(::Type{SDiagonal{N}}) where {N} = SVector{N}
diagtype(::Type{SDiagonal}) = SVector

# this is to deal with convert.jl
@inline (::Type{SD})(a::AbstractVector) where {SD <: SDiagonal} = SDiagonal(convert(diagtype(SD), a))
@inline (::Type{SD})(a::Tuple) where {SD <: SDiagonal} = SDiagonal(convert(diagtype(SD), a))
@inline (::Type{SDiagonal})(a::SVector{N,T}) where {N,T} = SDiagonal{N,T}(a)

@generated function SDiagonal(a::StaticMatrix{N,N,T}) where {N,T}
expr = [:(a[$i,$i]) for i=1:N]

convert(::Type{SDiagonal{N,T}}, D::SDiagonal{N,T}) where {N,T} = D
convert(::Type{SDiagonal{N,T}}, D::SDiagonal{N}) where {N,T} = SDiagonal{N,T}(convert(SVector{N,T}, D.diag))

function getindex(D::SDiagonal{N,T}, i::Int, j::Int) where {N,T}
@boundscheck checkbounds(D, i, j)
@inbounds return ifelse(i == j, D.diag[i], zero(T))

# avoid linear indexing?
@propagate_inbounds function getindex(D::SDiagonal{N,T}, k::Int) where {N,T}
i, j = ind2sub(size(D), k)

ishermitian(D::SDiagonal{N, T}) where {N,T<:Real} = true
ishermitian(D::SDiagonal) = all(D.diag .== real(D.diag))
issymmetric(D::SDiagonal) = true
isposdef(D::SDiagonal) = all(D.diag .> 0)

factorize(D::SDiagonal) = D

==(Da::SDiagonal, Db::SDiagonal) = Da.diag == Db.diag
-(A::SDiagonal) = SDiagonal(-A.diag)
+(Da::SDiagonal, Db::SDiagonal) = SDiagonal(Da.diag + Db.diag)
-(Da::SDiagonal, Db::SDiagonal) = SDiagonal(Da.diag - Db.diag)
-(A::SDiagonal, B::SMatrix) = eye(typeof(B))*A - B

*(x::T, D::SDiagonal) where {T<:Number} = SDiagonal(x * D.diag)
*(D::SDiagonal, x::T) where {T<:Number} = SDiagonal(D.diag * x)
/(D::SDiagonal, x::T) where {T<:Number} = SDiagonal(D.diag / x)
*(Da::SDiagonal, Db::SDiagonal) = SDiagonal(Da.diag .* Db.diag)
*(D::SDiagonal, V::AbstractVector) = D.diag .* V
*(D::SDiagonal, V::StaticVector) = D.diag .* V
*(A::StaticMatrix, D::SDiagonal) = scalem(A,D.diag)
*(D::SDiagonal, A::StaticMatrix) = scalem(D.diag,A)
\(D::SDiagonal, b::AbstractVector) = D.diag .\ b
\(D::SDiagonal, b::StaticVector) = D.diag .\ b # catch ambiguity

conj(D::SDiagonal) = SDiagonal(conj(D.diag))
transpose(D::SDiagonal) = D
ctranspose(D::SDiagonal) = conj(D)

diag(D::SDiagonal) = D.diag
trace(D::SDiagonal) = sum(D.diag)
det(D::SDiagonal) = prod(D.diag)
logdet{N,T<:Real}(D::SDiagonal{N,T}) = sum(log.(D.diag))
function logdet(D::SDiagonal{N,T}) where {N,T<:Complex} #Make sure branch cut is correct
x = sum(log.(D.diag))
-pi<imag(x)<pi ? x : real(x)+(mod2pi(imag(x)+pi)-pi)*im

eye(::Type{SDiagonal{N,T}}) where {N,T} = SDiagonal(ones(SVector{N,T}))

expm(D::SDiagonal) = SDiagonal(exp.(D.diag))
logm(D::SDiagonal) = SDiagonal(log.(D.diag))
sqrtm(D::SDiagonal) = SDiagonal(sqrt.(D.diag))

\(D::SDiagonal, B::StaticMatrix) = scalem(1 ./ D.diag, B)
/(B::StaticMatrix, D::SDiagonal) = scalem(1 ./ D.diag, B)
\(Da::SDiagonal, Db::SDiagonal) = SDiagonal(Db.diag ./ Da.diag)
/(Da::SDiagonal, Db::SDiagonal) = SDiagonal(Da.diag ./ Db.diag )

@generated function check_singular(D::SDiagonal{N}) where {N}
Base.Cartesian.@nexprs $N i->(@inbounds iszero(D.diag[i]) && throw(Base.LinAlg.SingularException(i)))

function inv(D::SDiagonal)

6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/StaticArrays.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import Base: getindex, setindex!, size, similar, vec, show,
length, convert, promote_op, promote_rule, map, map!, reduce, reducedim, mapreducedim,
mapreduce, broadcast, broadcast!, conj, transpose, ctranspose,
hcat, vcat, ones, zeros, eye, one, cross, vecdot, reshape, fill,
fill!, det, inv, eig, eigvals, expm, sqrtm, trace, vecnorm, norm, dot, diagm, diag,
lu, svd, svdvals, svdfact,
fill!, det, logdet, inv, eig, eigvals, expm, logm, sqrtm, trace, diag, vecnorm, norm, dot, diagm, diag,
lu, svd, svdvals, svdfact, factorize, ishermitian, issymmetric, isposdef,
sum, diff, prod, count, any, all, minimum,
maximum, extrema, mean, copy, rand, randn, randexp, rand!, randn!,
randexp!, normalize, normalize!, read, read!, write
Expand All @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ export Scalar, SArray, SVector, SMatrix
export MArray, MVector, MMatrix
export FieldVector
export SizedArray, SizedVector, SizedMatrix
export SDiagonal

export Size, Length

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ include("MArray.jl")

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104 changes: 104 additions & 0 deletions test/SDiagonal.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
@testset "SDiagonal" begin
@testset "Constructors" begin
@test SDiagonal{1,Int64}((1,)).diag === SVector{1,Int64}((1,))
@test SDiagonal{1,Float64}((1,)).diag === SVector{1,Float64}((1,))

@test SDiagonal{4,Float64}((1, 1.0, 1, 1)) === (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
@test SDiagonal{4}((1, 1.0, 1, 1)) === (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
@test SDiagonal((1, 1.0, 1, 1)) === (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

# Bad input
@test_throws Exception SMatrix{1,Int}()
@test_throws Exception SMatrix{2,Int}((1,))
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@test_throws Exception is generally a very bad idea. It will pass if the code has a typo.

# From SMatrix
@test SDiagonal(SMatrix{2,2,Int}((1,2,3,4))) === (1,4)

@test SDiagonal{1,Int}(SDiagonal{1,Float64}((1,))).diag[1] === 1


@testset "Methods" begin

@test StaticArrays.scalem(@SMatrix([1 1 1;1 1 1; 1 1 1]), @SVector [1,2,3]) === @SArray [1 2 3; 1 2 3; 1 2 3]
@test StaticArrays.scalem(@SVector([1,2,3]),@SMatrix [1 1 1;1 1 1; 1 1 1])' === @SArray [1 2 3; 1 2 3; 1 2 3]

m = SDiagonal(@SVector [11, 12, 13, 14])

@test diag(m) === m.diag

m2 = diagm([11, 12, 13, 14])

@test logdet(m) == logdet(m2)
@test logdet(im*m) ≈ logdet(im*m2)
@test det(m) == det(m2)
@test trace(m) == trace(m2)
@test logm(m) == logm(m2)
@test expm(m) == expm(m2)
@test sqrtm(m) == sqrtm(m2)

@test isimmutable(m) == true

@test m[1,1] === 11
@test m[2,2] === 12
@test m[3,3] === 13
@test m[4,4] === 14

for i in 1:4
for j in 1:4
i == j || @test m[i,j] === 0

@test_throws Exception m[5,5]

@test_throws Exception m[1,5]

@test size(m) === (4, 4)
@test size(typeof(m)) === (4, 4)
@test size(SDiagonal{4}) === (4, 4)

@test size(m, 1) === 4
@test size(m, 2) === 4
@test size(typeof(m), 1) === 4
@test size(typeof(m), 2) === 4

@test length(m) === 4*4

@test_throws Exception m[1] = 1

b = @SVector [2,-1,2,1]
b2 = Vector(b)

@test m*b == @SVector [22,-12,26,14]
@test (b'*m)' == @SVector [22,-12,26,14]

@test m\b == m2\b

@test b'/m == b'/m2
@test_throws Exception b/m
@test m*m == m2*m

@test ishermitian(m) == ishermitian(m2)
@test ishermitian(m/2)

@test isposdef(m) == isposdef(m2)
@test issymmetric(m) == issymmetric(m2)

@test (2*m/2)' == m
@test 2m == m + m
@test m*0 == m - m

@test m*inv(m) == m/m == m\m == eye(SDiagonal{4,Float64})

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ include("FieldVector.jl")


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