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adjoint/transpose transcend material concerns #25364

merged 7 commits into from
Jan 9, 2018
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions base/boot.jl
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Expand Up @@ -212,8 +212,6 @@ macro _noinline_meta()
Expr(:meta, :noinline)

function postfixapostrophize end

struct BoundsError <: Exception
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736 changes: 368 additions & 368 deletions base/deprecated.jl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

59 changes: 39 additions & 20 deletions base/linalg/adjtrans.jl
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Expand Up @@ -51,22 +51,40 @@ Transpose(x::Number) = transpose(x)
# unwrapping constructors
Adjoint(A::Adjoint) = A.parent
Transpose(A::Transpose) = A.parent
# normalizing unwrapping constructors
# technically suspect, but at least fine for now
Adjoint(A::Transpose) = conj(A.parent)
Transpose(A::Adjoint) = conj(A.parent)

# eager lowercase quasi-constructors, unwrapping
adjoint(A::Adjoint) = copy(A.parent)
transpose(A::Transpose) = copy(A.parent)
# eager lowercase quasi-constructors, normalizing
# technically suspect, but at least fine for now
adjoint(A::Transpose) = conj!(copy(A.parent))
transpose(A::Adjoint) = conj!(copy(A.parent))

# lowercase quasi-constructors for vectors, TODO: deprecate
adjoint(sv::AbstractVector) = Adjoint(sv)
transpose(sv::AbstractVector) = Transpose(sv)
# wrapping lowercase quasi-constructors
adjoint(A::AbstractVecOrMat) = Adjoint(A)

Lazy matrix transpose. Mutating the returned object should appropriately mutate `A`. Often,
but not always, yields `Transpose(A)`, where `Transpose` is a lazy transpose wrapper. Note
that this operation is recursive.

This operation is intended for linear algebra usage - for general data manipulation see
[`permutedims`](@ref), which is non-recursive.

# Examples
julia> A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]
3×3 Array{Int64,2}:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

julia> transpose(A)
3×3 Transpose{Int64,Array{Int64,2}}:
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
transpose(A::AbstractVecOrMat) = Transpose(A)
# unwrapping lowercase quasi-constructors
adjoint(A::Adjoint) = A.parent
transpose(A::Transpose) = A.parent
adjoint(A::Transpose{<:Real}) = A.parent
transpose(A::Adjoint{<:Real}) = A.parent

# some aliases for internal convenience use
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,13 +203,14 @@ pinv(v::TransposeAbsVec, tol::Real = 0) = pinv(conj(v.parent)).parent
## right-division \
/(u::AdjointAbsVec, A::AbstractMatrix) = Adjoint(Adjoint(A) \ u.parent)
/(u::TransposeAbsVec, A::AbstractMatrix) = Transpose(Transpose(A) \ u.parent)

/(u::AdjointAbsVec, A::Transpose{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}) = Adjoint(conj(A.parent) \ u.parent) # technically should be Adjoint(copy(Adjoint(copy(A))) \ u.parent)
/(u::TransposeAbsVec, A::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}) = Transpose(conj(A.parent) \ u.parent) # technically should be Transpose(copy(Transpose(copy(A))) \ u.parent)

# dismabiguation methods
*(A::AdjointAbsVec, B::Transpose{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}) = A * transpose(B.parent)
*(A::TransposeAbsVec, B::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}) = A * adjoint(B.parent)
*(A::Transpose{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}, B::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}) = transpose(A.parent) * B
*(A::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}, B::Transpose{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}) = A * transpose(B.parent)
*(A::AdjointAbsVec, B::Transpose{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}) = A * copy(B)
*(A::TransposeAbsVec, B::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}) = A * copy(B)
*(A::Transpose{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}, B::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}) = copy(A) * B
*(A::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}, B::Transpose{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}) = A * copy(B)
# Adj/Trans-vector * Trans/Adj-vector, shouldn't exist, here for ambiguity resolution? TODO: test removal
*(A::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractVector}, B::Transpose{<:Any,<:AbstractVector}) = throw(MethodError(*, (A, B)))
*(A::Transpose{<:Any,<:AbstractVector}, B::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractVector}) = throw(MethodError(*, (A, B)))
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32 changes: 19 additions & 13 deletions base/linalg/bidiag.jl
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Expand Up @@ -247,8 +247,14 @@ broadcast(::typeof(trunc), ::Type{T}, M::Bidiagonal) where {T<:Integer} = Bidiag
broadcast(::typeof(floor), ::Type{T}, M::Bidiagonal) where {T<:Integer} = Bidiagonal(floor.(T, M.dv), floor.(T, M.ev), M.uplo)
broadcast(::typeof(ceil), ::Type{T}, M::Bidiagonal) where {T<:Integer} = Bidiagonal(ceil.(T, M.dv), ceil.(T, M.ev), M.uplo)

transpose(M::Bidiagonal) = Bidiagonal(M.dv, M.ev, M.uplo == 'U' ? :L : :U)
adjoint(M::Bidiagonal) = Bidiagonal(conj(M.dv), conj(M.ev), M.uplo == 'U' ? :L : :U)
adjoint(B::Bidiagonal) = Adjoint(B)
transpose(B::Bidiagonal) = Transpose(B)
adjoint(B::Bidiagonal{<:Real}) = Bidiagonal(B.dv, B.ev, B.uplo == 'U' ? :L : :U)
transpose(B::Bidiagonal{<:Number}) = Bidiagonal(B.dv, B.ev, B.uplo == 'U' ? :L : :U)
Base.copy(aB::Adjoint{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal}) =
(B = aB.parent; Bidiagonal(map(x -> copy.(Adjoint.(x)), (B.dv, B.ev))..., B.uplo == 'U' ? :L : :U))
Base.copy(tB::Transpose{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal}) =
(B = tB.parent; Bidiagonal(map(x -> copy.(Transpose.(x)), (B.dv, B.ev))..., B.uplo == 'U' ? :L : :U))

istriu(M::Bidiagonal) = M.uplo == 'U' || iszero(M.ev)
istril(M::Bidiagonal) = M.uplo == 'L' || iszero(M.ev)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -494,15 +500,15 @@ const SpecialMatrix = Union{Bidiagonal,SymTridiagonal,Tridiagonal}

#Generic multiplication
*(A::Bidiagonal{T}, B::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} = *(Array(A), B)
*(adjA::Adjoint{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal{T}}, B::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} = *(Adjoint(Array(adjA.parent)), B)
*(A::Bidiagonal{T}, adjB::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractVector{T}}) where {T} = *(Array(A), Adjoint(adjB.parent))
*(adjA::Adjoint{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal{T}}, B::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} = *(adjoint(Array(adjA.parent)), B)
*(A::Bidiagonal{T}, adjB::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractVector{T}}) where {T} = *(Array(A), adjoint(adjB.parent))
/(A::Bidiagonal{T}, B::AbstractVector{T}) where {T} = /(Array(A), B)
/(A::Bidiagonal{T}, adjB::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractVector{T}}) where {T} = /(Array(A), Adjoint(adjB.parent))
/(A::Bidiagonal{T}, adjB::Adjoint{<:Any,<:AbstractVector{T}}) where {T} = /(Array(A), adjoint(adjB.parent))

#Linear solvers
ldiv!(A::Union{Bidiagonal, AbstractTriangular}, b::AbstractVector) = naivesub!(A, b)
ldiv!(transA::Transpose{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal}, b::AbstractVector) = ldiv!(transpose(transA.parent), b)
ldiv!(adjA::Adjoint{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal}, b::AbstractVector) = ldiv!(adjoint(adjA.parent), b)
ldiv!(A::Transpose{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal}, b::AbstractVector) = ldiv!(copy(A), b)
ldiv!(A::Adjoint{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal}, b::AbstractVector) = ldiv!(copy(A), b)
function ldiv!(A::Union{Bidiagonal,AbstractTriangular}, B::AbstractMatrix)
nA,mA = size(A)
tmp = similar(B,size(B,1))
Expand All @@ -527,7 +533,7 @@ function ldiv!(adjA::Adjoint{<:Any,<:Union{Bidiagonal,AbstractTriangular}}, B::A
for i = 1:size(B,2)
copyto!(tmp, 1, B, (i - 1)*n + 1, n)
ldiv!(Adjoint(A), tmp)
ldiv!(adjoint(A), tmp)
copyto!(B, (i - 1)*n + 1, tmp, 1, n) # Modify this when array view are implemented.
Expand All @@ -542,7 +548,7 @@ function ldiv!(transA::Transpose{<:Any,<:Union{Bidiagonal,AbstractTriangular}},
for i = 1:size(B,2)
copyto!(tmp, 1, B, (i - 1)*n + 1, n)
ldiv!(Transpose(A), tmp)
ldiv!(transpose(A), tmp)
copyto!(B, (i - 1)*n + 1, tmp, 1, n) # Modify this when array view are implemented.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -580,16 +586,16 @@ function \(transA::Transpose{<:Number,<:Bidiagonal{<:Number}}, B::AbstractVecOrM
A = transA.parent
TA, TB = eltype(A), eltype(B)
TAB = typeof((zero(TA)*zero(TB) + zero(TA)*zero(TB))/one(TA))
ldiv!(Transpose(convert(AbstractArray{TAB}, A)), copy_oftype(B, TAB))
ldiv!(transpose(convert(AbstractArray{TAB}, A)), copy_oftype(B, TAB))
\(transA::Transpose{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal}, B::AbstractVecOrMat) = ldiv!(Transpose(transA.parent), copy(B))
\(transA::Transpose{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal}, B::AbstractVecOrMat) = ldiv!(transpose(transA.parent), copy(B))
function \(adjA::Adjoint{<:Number,<:Bidiagonal{<:Number}}, B::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Number})
A = adjA.parent
TA, TB = eltype(A), eltype(B)
TAB = typeof((zero(TA)*zero(TB) + zero(TA)*zero(TB))/one(TA))
ldiv!(Adjoint(convert(AbstractArray{TAB}, A)), copy_oftype(B, TAB))
ldiv!(adjoint(convert(AbstractArray{TAB}, A)), copy_oftype(B, TAB))
\(adjA::Adjoint{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal}, B::AbstractVecOrMat) = ldiv!(Adjoint(adjA.parent), copy(B))
\(adjA::Adjoint{<:Any,<:Bidiagonal}, B::AbstractVecOrMat) = ldiv!(adjoint(adjA.parent), copy(B))

factorize(A::Bidiagonal) = A

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21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions base/linalg/bitarray.jl
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Expand Up @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ end

## Structure query functions

issymmetric(A::BitMatrix) = size(A, 1)==size(A, 2) && count(!iszero, A - transpose(A))==0
issymmetric(A::BitMatrix) = size(A, 1)==size(A, 2) && count(!iszero, A - copy(A'))==0
ishermitian(A::BitMatrix) = issymmetric(A)

function nonzero_chunks(chunks::Vector{UInt64}, pos0::Int, pos1::Int)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,16 +250,19 @@ function put_8x8_chunk(Bc::Vector{UInt64}, i1::Int, i2::Int, x::UInt64, m::Int,

function transpose(B::BitMatrix)
l1 = size(B, 1)
l2 = size(B, 2)
Bt = falses(l2, l1)
adjoint(B::Union{BitVector,BitMatrix}) = Adjoint(B)
transpose(B::Union{BitVector,BitMatrix}) = Transpose(B)
Base.copy(B::Adjoint{Bool,BitMatrix}) = transpose!(falses(size(B)), B.parent)
Base.copy(B::Transpose{Bool,BitMatrix}) = transpose!(falses(size(B)), B.parent)
function transpose!(C::BitMatrix, B::BitMatrix)
@boundscheck size(C) == reverse(size(B)) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
l1, l2 = size(B)

cgap1, cinc1 = Base._div64(l1), Base._mod64(l1)
cgap2, cinc2 = Base._div64(l2), Base._mod64(l2)

Bc = B.chunks
Btc = Bt.chunks
Cc = C.chunks

nc = length(Bc)

Expand All @@ -278,10 +281,8 @@ function transpose(B::BitMatrix)
msk8_2 >>>= j + 7 - l2

put_8x8_chunk(Btc, j, i, x, l2, cgap2, cinc2, nc, msk8_2)
put_8x8_chunk(Cc, j, i, x, l2, cgap2, cinc2, nc, msk8_2)
return Bt
return C

adjoint(B::Union{BitMatrix,BitVector}) = transpose(B)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions base/linalg/blas.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ end
syr!(uplo, alpha, x, A)

Rank-1 update of the symmetric matrix `A` with vector `x` as `alpha*x*Transpose(x) + A`.
Rank-1 update of the symmetric matrix `A` with vector `x` as `alpha*x*transpose(x) + A`.
[`uplo`](@ref stdlib-blas-uplo) controls which triangle of `A` is updated. Returns `A`.
function syr! end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ end
syrk!(uplo, trans, alpha, A, beta, C)

Rank-k update of the symmetric matrix `C` as `alpha*A*Transpose(A) + beta*C` or `alpha*Transpose(A)*A +
Rank-k update of the symmetric matrix `C` as `alpha*A*transpose(A) + beta*C` or `alpha*transpose(A)*A +
beta*C` according to [`trans`](@ref stdlib-blas-trans).
Only the [`uplo`](@ref stdlib-blas-uplo) triangle of `C` is used. Returns `C`.
Expand All @@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ function syrk! end

Returns either the upper triangle or the lower triangle of `A`,
according to [`uplo`](@ref stdlib-blas-uplo),
of `alpha*A*Transpose(A)` or `alpha*Transpose(A)*A`,
of `alpha*A*transpose(A)` or `alpha*transpose(A)*A`,
according to [`trans`](@ref stdlib-blas-trans).
function syrk end
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions base/linalg/bunchkaufman.jl
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bkfact(A, rook::Bool=false) -> BunchKaufman

Compute the Bunch-Kaufman [^Bunch1977] factorization of a symmetric or Hermitian matrix `A` as ``P'*U*D*U'*P`` or ``P'*L*D*L'*P``, depending on which triangle is stored in `A`, and return a `BunchKaufman` object. Note that if `A` is complex symmetric then `U'` and `L'` denote the unconjugated transposes, i.e. `Transpose(U)` and `Transpose(L)`.
Compute the Bunch-Kaufman [^Bunch1977] factorization of a symmetric or Hermitian matrix `A` as ``P'*U*D*U'*P`` or ``P'*L*D*L'*P``, depending on which triangle is stored in `A`, and return a `BunchKaufman` object. Note that if `A` is complex symmetric then `U'` and `L'` denote the unconjugated transposes, i.e. `transpose(U)` and `transpose(L)`.

If `rook` is `true`, rook pivoting is used. If `rook` is false, rook pivoting is not used.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ end
getproperty(B::BunchKaufman, d::Symbol)

Extract the factors of the Bunch-Kaufman factorization `B`. The factorization can take the
two forms `P'*L*D*L'*P` or `P'*U*D*U'*P` (or `L*D*Transpose(L)` in the complex symmetric case)
two forms `P'*L*D*L'*P` or `P'*U*D*U'*P` (or `L*D*transpose(L)` in the complex symmetric case)
where `P` is a (symmetric) permutation matrix, `L` is a `UnitLowerTriangular` matrix, `U` is a
`UnitUpperTriangular`, and `D` is a block diagonal symmetric or Hermitian matrix with
1x1 or 2x2 blocks. The argument `d` can be
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,13 +191,13 @@ function getproperty(B::BunchKaufman{T}, d::Symbol) where {T<:BlasFloat}
if getfield(B, :uplo) == 'L'
return UnitLowerTriangular(LUD)
throw(ArgumentError("factorization is U*D*Transpose(U) but you requested L"))
throw(ArgumentError("factorization is U*D*transpose(U) but you requested L"))
else # :U
if B.uplo == 'U'
return UnitUpperTriangular(LUD)
throw(ArgumentError("factorization is L*D*Transpose(L) but you requested U"))
throw(ArgumentError("factorization is L*D*transpose(L) but you requested U"))
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22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions base/linalg/cholesky.jl
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Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ function _chol!(A::AbstractMatrix, ::Type{UpperTriangular})
return UpperTriangular(A), info
A[k,k] = Akk
AkkInv = inv(adjoint(Akk))
AkkInv = inv(copy(Akk'))
for j = k + 1:n
for i = 1:k - 1
A[k,j] -= A[i,k]'A[i,j]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -384,9 +384,9 @@ function getproperty(C::Cholesky, d::Symbol)
Cfactors = getfield(C, :factors)
Cuplo = getfield(C, :uplo)
if d == :U
return UpperTriangular(Symbol(Cuplo) == d ? Cfactors : adjoint(Cfactors))
return UpperTriangular(Symbol(Cuplo) == d ? Cfactors : copy(Cfactors'))
elseif d == :L
return LowerTriangular(Symbol(Cuplo) == d ? Cfactors : adjoint(Cfactors))
return LowerTriangular(Symbol(Cuplo) == d ? Cfactors : copy(Cfactors'))
elseif d == :UL
return Symbol(Cuplo) == :U ? UpperTriangular(Cfactors) : LowerTriangular(Cfactors)
Expand All @@ -397,9 +397,9 @@ function getproperty(C::CholeskyPivoted{T}, d::Symbol) where T<:BlasFloat
Cfactors = getfield(C, :factors)
Cuplo = getfield(C, :uplo)
if d == :U
return UpperTriangular(Symbol(Cuplo) == d ? Cfactors : adjoint(Cfactors))
return UpperTriangular(Symbol(Cuplo) == d ? Cfactors : copy(Cfactors'))
elseif d == :L
return LowerTriangular(Symbol(Cuplo) == d ? Cfactors : adjoint(Cfactors))
return LowerTriangular(Symbol(Cuplo) == d ? Cfactors : copy(Cfactors'))
elseif d == :p
return getfield(C, :piv)
elseif d == :P
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -437,9 +437,9 @@ ldiv!(C::Cholesky{T,<:AbstractMatrix}, B::StridedVecOrMat{T}) where {T<:BlasFloa

function ldiv!(C::Cholesky{<:Any,<:AbstractMatrix}, B::StridedVecOrMat)
if C.uplo == 'L'
return ldiv!(Adjoint(LowerTriangular(C.factors)), ldiv!(LowerTriangular(C.factors), B))
return ldiv!(adjoint(LowerTriangular(C.factors)), ldiv!(LowerTriangular(C.factors), B))
return ldiv!(UpperTriangular(C.factors), ldiv!(Adjoint(UpperTriangular(C.factors)), B))
return ldiv!(UpperTriangular(C.factors), ldiv!(adjoint(UpperTriangular(C.factors)), B))

Expand All @@ -462,21 +462,21 @@ end

function ldiv!(C::CholeskyPivoted, B::StridedVector)
if C.uplo == 'L'
ldiv!(LowerTriangular(C.factors), B[C.piv]))[invperm(C.piv)]
ldiv!(Adjoint(UpperTriangular(C.factors)), B[C.piv]))[invperm(C.piv)]
ldiv!(adjoint(UpperTriangular(C.factors)), B[C.piv]))[invperm(C.piv)]

function ldiv!(C::CholeskyPivoted, B::StridedMatrix)
if C.uplo == 'L'
ldiv!(LowerTriangular(C.factors), B[C.piv,:]))[invperm(C.piv),:]
ldiv!(Adjoint(UpperTriangular(C.factors)), B[C.piv,:]))[invperm(C.piv),:]
ldiv!(adjoint(UpperTriangular(C.factors)), B[C.piv,:]))[invperm(C.piv),:]

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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions base/linalg/dense.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ function nullspace(A::StridedMatrix{T}) where T
(m == 0 || n == 0) && return Matrix{T}(I, n, n)
SVD = svdfact(A, full = true)
indstart = sum(SVD.S .> max(m,n)*maximum(SVD.S)*eps(eltype(SVD.S))) + 1
return adjoint(SVD.Vt[indstart:end,:])
return copy(SVD.Vt[indstart:end,:]')
nullspace(a::StridedVector) = nullspace(reshape(a, length(a), 1))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1402,9 +1402,9 @@ function sylvester(A::StridedMatrix{T},B::StridedMatrix{T},C::StridedMatrix{T})
RA, QA = schur(A)
RB, QB = schur(B)

D = -(Adjoint(QA) * (C*QB))
D = -(adjoint(QA) * (C*QB))
Y, scale = LAPACK.trsyl!('N','N', RA, RB, D)
scale!(QA*(Y * Adjoint(QB)), inv(scale))
scale!(QA*(Y * adjoint(QB)), inv(scale))
sylvester(A::StridedMatrix{T}, B::StridedMatrix{T}, C::StridedMatrix{T}) where {T<:Integer} = sylvester(float(A), float(B), float(C))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1445,9 +1445,9 @@ julia> A*X + X*A' + B
function lyap(A::StridedMatrix{T}, C::StridedMatrix{T}) where {T<:BlasFloat}
R, Q = schur(A)

D = -(Adjoint(Q) * (C*Q))
D = -(adjoint(Q) * (C*Q))
Y, scale = LAPACK.trsyl!('N', T <: Complex ? 'C' : 'T', R, R, D)
scale!(Q*(Y * Adjoint(Q)), inv(scale))
scale!(Q*(Y * adjoint(Q)), inv(scale))
lyap(A::StridedMatrix{T}, C::StridedMatrix{T}) where {T<:Integer} = lyap(float(A), float(C))
lyap(a::T, c::T) where {T<:Number} = -c/(2a)