- 2021: Burmese security forces kill at least 65 civilians in the Hlaingthaya massacre.
- 2019: Cyclone Idai makes landfall near Beira, Mozambique, causing devastating floods and over 1,000 deaths.
- 2017: A naming ceremony for the chemical element nihonium takes place in Tokyo, with then Crown Prince Naruhito in attendance.
- 2008: A series of riots, protests, and demonstrations erupt in Lhasa and subsequently spread elsewhere in Tibet.
- 2007: The Nandigram violence in Nandigram, West Bengal, results in the deaths of at least 14 people.
- 2006: Operation Bringing Home the Goods: Israeli troops raid an American-supervised Palestinian prison in Jericho to capture six Palestinian prisoners, including PFLP chief Ahmad Sa'adat.
- 2006: The 2006 Chadian coup d'état attempt ends in failure.
- 1995: Norman Thagard becomes the first American astronaut to ride to space on board a Russian launch vehicle.
- 1988: In the Johnson South Reef Skirmish Chinese forces defeat Vietnamese forces in an altercation over control of one of the Spratly Islands.
- 1982: The South African government bombs the headquarters of the African National Congress in London.
- 1980: LOT Polish Airlines Flight 007 crashes during final approach near Warsaw, Poland, killing 87 people, including a 14-man American boxing team.
- 1979: Alia Royal Jordanian Flight 600 crashes at Doha International Airport, killing 45 people.
- 1978: The Israel Defense Forces launch Operation Litani, a seven-day campaign to invade and occupy southern Lebanon.
- 1972: Sterling Airways Flight 296 crashes near Kalba, United Arab Emirates while on approach to Dubai International Airport, killing 112 people.
- 1967: The body of U.S. President John F. Kennedy is moved to a permanent burial place at Arlington National Cemetery.
- 1964: Jack Ruby is convicted of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, the assumed assassin of John F. Kennedy.
- 1961: A USAF B-52 bomber carrying nuclear weapons crashes near Yuba City, California.
- 1951: Korean War: United Nations troops recapture Seoul for the second time.
- 1945: The R.A.F. drop the Grand Slam bomb in action for the first time, on a railway viaduct near Bielefeld, Germany.
- 1943: The Holocaust: The liquidation of the Kraków Ghetto is completed.
- 1942: Anne Miller becomes the first American patient to be treated with penicillin, under the care of Orvan Hess and John Bumstead.
- 1939: Slovakia declares independence under German pressure.
- 1931: Alam Ara, India's first talking film, is released.
- 1926: The El Virilla train accident, Costa Rica, kills 248 people and wounds another 93 when a train falls off a bridge over the Río Virilla between Heredia and Tibás.
- 1923: Charlie Daly and three other members of the Irish Republican Army are executed by Irish Free State forces.
- 1921: Six members of a group of Irish Republican Army activists known as the Forgotten Ten, are hanged in Dublin's Mountjoy Prison.
- 1920: In the second of the 1920 Schleswig plebiscites, about 80% of the population in Zone II votes to remain part of Weimar Germany.
- 1903: Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge, the first national wildlife refuge in the US, is established by President Theodore Roosevelt.
- 1901: Utah governor Heber Manning Wells vetoes a bill that would have eased restriction on polygamy.
- 1900: The Gold Standard Act is ratified, placing the United States currency on the gold standard.
Data from muffinlabs (Updated at: 2025-03-14 01:38:58 UTC)
- 2021年:缅甸安全部队在Hlaingthaya大屠杀中杀死了至少65名平民。
- 2019年:Cyclone Idai在莫桑比克贝拉附近登陆,造成毁灭性的洪水和1000多人死亡。
- 2017年:化学元素nihonium的命名仪式在东京举行,当时的纳鲁希托王储出席了会议。
- 2008年:拉萨(Lhasa)的一系列暴动,抗议和示威游行,随后在西藏其他地方散布。
- 2007年:西孟加拉邦Nandigram的Nandigram暴力行为导致至少14人死亡。
- 2006年:将货物带回家的行动:以色列部队在耶利哥袭击了一名美国监督的巴勒斯坦监狱,占领了包括PFLP首席艾哈迈德·萨阿达特(Ahmad Sa'adat)在内的六名巴勒斯坦囚犯。
- 2006年:2006年乍得政变的尝试以失败结束。
- 1995年:诺曼·塔加德(Norman Thagard)成为第一位乘坐俄罗斯发射车上乘坐太空的美国宇航员。
- 1988年:在约翰逊南礁小规模冲突中,中国军队在控制了其中一个斯普拉特群岛的争执中击败了越南军队。
- 1982年:南非政府在伦敦非洲国民大会的总部炸弹。
- 1980年:波兰航空公司007航班在波兰华沙附近的最后一个进近期间撞车,杀死了87人,其中包括一支14人的美国拳击队。
- 1979年:阿里亚皇家约旦600航班在多哈国际机场撞车,造成45人丧生。
- 1978年:以色列国防军发射行动Litani,这是为期7天的入侵和占领黎巴嫩南部的运动。
- 1972年:阿拉伯联合酋长国卡尔巴附近的斯特林航空公司(Sterling Airways)航班在前往迪拜国际机场的驶入时撞车,造成112人丧生。
- 1967年:美国总统肯尼迪的尸体被移至阿灵顿国家公墓的永久墓地。
- 1964年:杰克·鲁比(Jack Ruby)被判杀害约翰·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)的刺客李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德(Lee Harvey Oswald)罪名成立。
- 1961年:一名USAF B-52轰炸机携带核武器坠毁在加利福尼亚州尤巴市附近。
- 1951年:朝鲜战争:联合国军队第二次夺回首尔。
- 1945年:R.A.F.第一次将大满贯炸弹放在德国比勒菲尔德附近的铁路高架桥上。
- 1943年:大屠杀:克拉科夫贫民窟的清算完成。
- 1942年:在Orvan Hess和John Bumstead的照顾下,安妮·米勒(Anne Miller)成为第一位接受青霉素治疗的美国患者。
- 1939年:斯洛伐克在德国压力下宣布独立。
- 1931年:印度第一部谈话电影阿拉姆·阿拉(Alam Ara)发行。
- 1926年:哥斯达黎加的El Virilla火车事故造成248人丧生,当火车从Heredia和Tibás之间的RíoVirilla上桥上驶过一座桥时,造成了93人伤口。
- 1923年:查理·戴利(Charlie Daly)和爱尔兰共和党的其他三名成员由爱尔兰自由州军队处决。
- 1921年:一群爱尔兰共和党激进主义者的六名成员被称为“被遗忘的十”,被绞死在都柏林的山乔伊监狱中。
- 1920年:在1920年的Schleswig全民投票中,大约80%的II区投票人口保留了魏玛德国的一部分。
- 1903年:鹈鹕岛国家野生动物保护区是美国第一个国家野生动物保护区,由总统西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)建立。
- 1901年:犹他州州长赫伯·曼宁·威尔斯(Heber Manning Wells)否决了一项法案,该法案将减轻对一夫多妻制的限制。
- 1900年:批准了《黄金标准法》,将美国的货币置于黄金标准上。
数据来源于muffinlabs并由googletrans自动翻译 (更新于: 2025-03-14 01:38:58 UTC)