official branch for IROS 2022 paper codes including collecting data, all benchmark in paper, training scripts and evaluations etc.
Background: How to efficiently use high-level information or sensor data in end-to-end driving. The whole architecture in MMFN from origin paper:
**Scripts** quick view in `run_steps`
: collect data/ run eval in select routes files or town
: pre-process data before training to speed up the whole training
: after having training data, run this one to have model parameters files. pls remember to check the config (You can try training process on Docker also)
This repo also provide experts with multi-road consideration. Refer to more experts, pls check latest carla-expert repo
Install anaconda
source ~/.profile
Clone the repo and build the environment
git clone
cd mmfn
conda create -n mmfn python=3.7
conda activate mmfn
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
For people who don't have CARLA [在内地的同学可以打开scripts换一下函数 走镜像下载更快点.. ]
chmod +x scripts/*
# input version
# auto download now ...
Download the vectorized lib with .so
, will install based on your system version, for commercial reason, we cannot open this part of codes(C++) fully but get the lib file, with lib setting, we can still directly input the opendrive file and output the vectorized lane, pls see more usage in the code
bashrc or zshrc setting:
# << Leaderboard setting
# ===> pls remeber to change this one
export CODE_FOLDER=/home/kin/mmfn
export CARLA_ROOT=/home/kin/CARLA_0.9.10.1
# ===> pls remeber to change this one
export SCENARIO_RUNNER_ROOT=${CODE_FOLDER}/scenario_runner
export LEADERBOARD_ROOT=${CODE_FOLDER}/leaderboard
export PYTHONPATH="${CARLA_ROOT}/PythonAPI/carla/":"${SCENARIO_RUNNER_ROOT}":"${LEADERBOARD_ROOT}":"${CARLA_ROOT}/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-0.9.10-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg":"${CODE_FOLDER}/team_code":${PYTHONPATH}
The data is generated with leaderboard/expert_agent/
in 8 CARLA towns using the routes and scenarios files provided at leaderboard/data
The dataset is structured as follows:
- TownX_{tiny,short,long}: corresponding to different towns and routes files
- TownX_X_07_01_23_26_34: contains data for an individual route
- rgb_front: multi-view camera images at 400x300 resolution
- lidar: 3d point cloud in .npy format
- measurements: contains ego-agent's position, velocity and other metadata
- radar: radar point in .npy format
- maps: birdview maps image
- opendrive: opendrive xodr file
First, please modify the config files and on .zshrc
or .bashrc
remember to export your CARLA_ROOT
as above said, Here is config file preview:
# Seed used by the TrafficManager (default: 0)
port: 2000
trafficManagerSeed: 0
# ============== for all route test=============== #
debug: False
# only for debug ===> or just test the agent
routes: 'leaderboard/data/only_one_town.xml'
# towns: ['Town01', 'Town02', 'Town06', 'Town07']
# routes: 'leaderboard/data/training_routes/'
scenarios: 'leaderboard/data/all_towns_traffic_scenarios.json'
# ====================== Agent ========================= #
track: 'MAP' # 'SENSORS'
agent: 'team_code/expert_agent/'
- agent_config: expert
Please write great port according to the CARLA server, and inside the script it will try to use Epic or vulkan mode since opengl mode will have black point on raining day, check the folder path and carla root to your path, then directly run this: [Hine: If the GPU memeory is bigger than 12G, and CPU memory with big swap space will be better.]
conda activate mmfn
# << Leaderboard setting
# ===> pls remeber to change this one
export CODE_FOLDER=/home/kin/mmfn
export CARLA_ROOT=/home/kin/CARLA_0.9.10.1
# ===> pls remeber to change this one
export SCENARIO_RUNNER_ROOT=${CODE_FOLDER}/scenario_runner
export LEADERBOARD_ROOT=${CODE_FOLDER}/leaderboard
export PYTHONPATH="${CARLA_ROOT}/PythonAPI/carla/":"${SCENARIO_RUNNER_ROOT}":"${LEADERBOARD_ROOT}":"${CARLA_ROOT}/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-0.9.10-py3.7-linux-x86_64.egg":"${CODE_FOLDER}/team_code":${PYTHONPATH}
python run_steps/ port=2010 towns="['Town02', 'Town04', 'Town05', 'Town10']" resume=True if_open_carla=True
# if you have big GPU memory, you can start with these two simultaneously.
python run_steps/ port=2000 towns="['Town01', 'Town03', 'Town06', 'Town07']" resume=True if_open_carla=True
The dataset folder tree will like these one:
└── train
├── Town06_tiny
├── Town06_00_07_01_23_40_19
├── lidar
├── maps
├── measurements
├── opendrive
├── rgb_front
└── radar
├── Town06_00_07_01_23_40_19
└── Town06_00_07_01_23_40_19
The scripts will start a CARLA with specific port number, example running like this:
Note: since official stable leaderboard have memory leak issue, check out here. Please check your memory and kill it to resume. Other notes for CARLA leaderboard check out here
No need CARLA in these phase, please remember to modify the train.yml config file and especially ==modify the DATA PATH==
The record and visualization on training params use the wandb, please login before train, more details can be found at, You can disable wandb from config file using disabled
To speed up the training since the data process is somehow time consuming. Save the finished data:
python run_steps/
DDP if you want to use multi-GPU through DDP or multi computers:
as using GPU,nnodes
as computer numberCUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3,4,5 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=4 --nnodes=1 run_steps/
Or one single GPU can just run:
python run_steps/
Note for Docker: There is a Dockerfile
ready for building training environment, but please remember to using -v
link the datasets folder to container.
fork from transfuser codes, the benchmark training file and process can run as following command:
python team_code/benchmark/aim/ --device 'cuda:0'
python team_code/benchmark/cilrs/ --device 'cuda:0'
python team_code/benchmark/transfuser/ --device 'cuda:0'
This part is for evaluating to result or leaderboard, you can also download the modal file and try upload to leaderboard through leaderbaord branch. The whole process is the same way like generate dataset
Download or Train a model file saved to
. Pretrained weight can download here, check issue note it's not the best weight or maybe better than papers. Try train on your own dataset for fair comparsion. -
Check config/eval.yaml and inside
file spefice model weight path.routes: 'leaderboard/data/only_one_town.xml' # ====================== Agent ========================= # track: 'MAP' # 'SENSORS' agent: 'team_code/e2e_agent/' defaults: - agent_config: e2e # ======== e2e.yaml file for model path ============ # model_path: 'log/mmfn_img'
Running eval python script and see result json file in
Folderpython run_steps/ --config-name=eval
The first one will take 1-2 mins because we are in traffic light. Be patience..
If all setting is correct, you will see eval like this one, pls remember to change route to only_one_town
for debug.
And a demo video in CARLA main window view (speed up) the weight I used is mmfn_vec
in dowload link:
title={MMFN: Multi-Modal-Fusion-Net for End-to-End Driving},
author={Zhang, Qingwen and Tang, Mingkai and Geng, Ruoyu and Chen, Feiyi and Xin, Ren and Wang, Lujia},
booktitle={2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
This implementation is based on codes from several repositories. Thanks for these authors who kindly open-sourcing their work to the community. Please see our paper reference part to get more information on our reference
❤️: LBC, WorldOnRails, Transfuser, carla-brid-view, pylot, CARLA Leaderboard 1.0, Scenario Runner 1.0