Testing framework used by the Kong Kubernetes Team.
Originally this testing framework was developed for the Kong Kubernetes Ingress Controller (KIC) but is now used across multiple Kubernetes projects.
This testing framework supports the following use cases:
- provide Kubernetes testing environments pre-deployed with addons for manual and automated testing via CLI or Golang
- provide unit testing utilities for Golang tests which focus on Kubernetes
- provide integration testing utilities for Golang tests which test Kubernetes controllers and other applications
- Go
- Linux (Mac/Windows not currently supported)
This framework can be used via command-line interface or as a Golang library.
This project provides a command-line tool named ktf
which can be used to build Kubernetes testing environments.
If you have Golang installed locally you can install with go
$ go install github.com/kong/kubernetes-testing-framework/cmd/ktf@latest
Otherwise you can use the shell script to install the latest release for your operating system:
$ curl --proto '=https' -sSf https://kong.github.io/kubernetes-testing-framework/install.sh | sh
If neither of these options suits you then you can install manually by navigating to the RELEASES page and downloading the binary for your platform directly.
You can deploy a testing environment with the following command:
$ ktf environments create --generate-name
Testing environments can be deleted with this command:
$ ktf environments delete --name <NAME>
Commonly this tool is used to deploy a Kubernetes environment with addons such as the Kong Gateway.
You can deploy a cluster with the Kong Gateway already deployed and accessible via LoadBalancer
services by running the following:
$ ktf environments create --name kong-gateway-testing --addon metallb --addon kong
Once the cluster is up configure your kubectl
to use it:
$ kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kong-gateway-testing
You can see the IP addresses where you can reach the Gateway and the Admin API with:
$ kubectl -n kong-system get services
If you have any questions about this tool and want to get in touch with the maintainers, check in on #kong in Kubernetes Slack.