Artifact Ver 0.2 - Functional Version
You can download the dataset via this link:
You can unzip it to naspipe/[experiment name]/translation/data.
The final data direction should looks like: naspipe/[experiment name]/translation/data/wmt14_en_de_joined_dict/...
If reviewers need a bare metal host to evaluate our artifact, please leave a message in the hotcrp.
If you want to exit an experiment quickly, please start another shell and use:
sudo pkill -9 python
Pull and run PyTorch official image:
docker pull pytorch/pytorch:1.9.0-cuda10.2-cudnn7-devel
cd naspipe/
nvidia-docker run -it -v $PWD:/workspace --net=host --ipc=host pytorch/pytorch:1.9.0-cuda10.2-cudnn7-devel
Inside docker:
apt-get update
apt-get install -y git
cd /
git clone
cd fairseq
pip install --editable ./
Fix fairseq compatibility issues:
git am < /workspace/0001-compatible.patch
cd /workspace
Enable deterministic execution:
Please make sure the data is copied to naspipe/[experiment name]/translation/data/wmt14_en_de_joined_dict/...
cd /workspace/reproducible/translation
Run sequential execution (no parallel):
python -m launch --nnodes 1 --node_rank 0 --nproc_per_node 4 --data_dir data/wmt14_en_de_joined_dict --master_addr localhost --module gpus=4 --checkpoint_dir output --distributed_backend gloo -b 3840 --lr 0.000060 --lr_policy polynomial --weight-decay 0.000000 --epochs 10 --print-freq 10 --verbose 0 --num_ranks_in_server 4 --config_path gpus=4/mp_conf.json
If you see the the following logs, the artifact runs perfectly.
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][1/49372] Time: 0.784 (0.784) Id: 0 Tokens: 761 Output: 8336.44824218750000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][2/49372] Time: 1.943 (1.364) Id: 1 Tokens: 3293 Output: 36547.63671875000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][3/49372] Time: 1.803 (1.510) Id: 2 Tokens: 3136 Output: 34344.91406250000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][4/49372] Time: 1.467 (1.499) Id: 3 Tokens: 1717 Output: 18729.03515625000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][5/49372] Time: 2.070 (1.613) Id: 4 Tokens: 3520 Output: 38475.35156250000000000000000000000000
Please make sure the data is copied to naspipe/[experiment name]/translation/data/wmt14_en_de_joined_dict/...
python -m launch --nnodes 1 --node_rank 0 --nproc_per_node 4 --data_dir data/wmt14_en_de_joined_dict --master_addr localhost --module gpus=4 --checkpoint_dir output --distributed_backend gloo -b 3840 --lr 0.000060 --lr_policy polynomial --weight-decay 0.000000 --epochs 10 --print-freq 10 --verbose 0 --num_ranks_in_server 4 --config_path gpus=4/mp_conf.json
Outputs (forward losses) between step 96-100:
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][96/49372] Time: 1.828 (1.748) Id: 95 Tokens: 2976 Output: 32363.60546875000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][97/49372] Time: 1.689 (1.747) Id: 96 Tokens: 2880 Output: 31520.35351562500000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][98/49372] Time: 1.893 (1.749) Id: 97 Tokens: 3552 Output: 39054.67968750000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][99/49372] Time: 1.921 (1.751) Id: 98 Tokens: 3456 Output: 37461.26562500000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][100/49372] Time: 1.926 (1.752) Id: 99 Tokens: 3520 Output: 39656.17968750000000000000000000000000
Outputs (forward losses) between step 196-200:
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][196/49372] Time: 1.633 (1.752) Id: 195 Tokens: 2208 Output: 26274.00390625000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][197/49372] Time: 1.901 (1.753) Id: 196 Tokens: 3200 Output: 30433.37109375000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][198/49372] Time: 1.972 (1.754) Id: 197 Tokens: 3328 Output: 40601.20703125000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][199/49372] Time: 1.838 (1.755) Id: 198 Tokens: 2912 Output: 33449.57421875000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][200/49372] Time: 1.781 (1.755) Id: 199 Tokens: 2912 Output: 32267.23437500000000000000000000000000
python -m launch --nnodes 1 --node_rank 0 --nproc_per_node 4 --data_dir data/wmt14_en_de_joined_dict --master_addr localhost --module gpus=4 --checkpoint_dir output --distributed_backend gloo -b 3840 --lr 0.000060 --lr_policy polynomial --weight-decay 0.000000 --epochs 10 --print-freq 10 --verbose 0 --num_ranks_in_server 4 --config_path gpus=4/mp_conf.json
Outputs (forward losses) between step 96-100:
(Note that: the parallel execution might be re-ordered, please match Output with Id.)
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][96/49372] Time: 1.179 (0.924) Id: 96 Tokens: 2880 Output: 31520.35351562500000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][97/49372] Time: 0.842 (0.924) Id: 95 Tokens: 2976 Output: 32363.60546875000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][98/49372] Time: 1.023 (0.925) Id: 97 Tokens: 3552 Output: 39054.67968750000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][99/49372] Time: 0.699 (0.922) Id: 101 Tokens: 2400 Output: 29934.16992187500000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][100/49372] Time: 1.329 (0.926) Id: 98 Tokens: 3456 Output: 37461.26562500000000000000000000000000
Outputs (forward losses) between step 196-200:
(Note that: the parallel execution might be re-ordered, please match Output with Id.)
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][196/49372] Time: 0.790 (0.966) Id: 200 Tokens: 2688 Output: 30363.91601562500000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][197/49372] Time: 1.119 (0.967) Id: 193 Tokens: 3840 Output: 42197.10546875000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][198/49372] Time: 1.385 (0.969) Id: 197 Tokens: 3328 Output: 40601.20703125000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][199/49372] Time: 0.941 (0.969) Id: 196 Tokens: 3200 Output: 30433.37109375000000000000000000000000
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][200/49372] Time: 1.018 (0.969) Id: 201 Tokens: 3456 Output: 43732.59765625000000000000000000000000
In Experiment 2, we provide the original environment where we conducted our performance evaluation. The throughput trend matches our results in Figure 5 (although Figure 5 was conducted on 8 GPUs).
Run 200 steps is enought to get a stable throughput.
Pull the transformer image with apex installed:
docker pull zsxhku/transformer:apex
Start docker under the AE directory:
cd naspipe/
nvidia-docker run -it -v $PWD:/workspace --net=host --ipc=host zsxhku/transformer:apex
cd /workspace/throughput/translation
Run throughput with different search configurations by modifying the last input argument (e.g., modifiy --input_path [space_config] to --input_path config_4_4.json):
python -m launch --nnodes 1 --node_rank 0 --nproc_per_node 4 --data_dir data/wmt14_en_de_joined_dict --master_addr localhost --module gpus=4 --checkpoint_dir output --distributed_backend gloo -b 3840 --lr 0.000060 --lr_policy polynomial --weight-decay 0.000000 --epochs 10 --print-freq 10 --verbose 0 --num_ranks_in_server 4 --config_path gpus=4/mp_conf.json --input_path [space_config]
Expected output at the 200 step, estimated time to execute 1K subnets is (0.129):
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][200/1000] Time(1639706538.722864): 0.329 (0.404) Epoch time [hr]: 0.026 (0.129)
Expected output at the 200 step, estimated time to execute 1K subnets is (0.144):
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][200/1000] Time(1639706693.9953368): 0.349 (0.423) Epoch time [hr]: 0.029 (0.144)
Expected output at the 200 step, estimated time to execute 1K subnets is (0.153):
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][200/1000] Time(1639706892.0565453): 0.323 (0.442) Epoch time [hr]: 0.031 (0.153)
Expected output at the 200 step, estimated time to execute 1K subnets is (0.214):
Stage: [3] Epoch: [0][200/1000] Time(1639707112.2461872): 1.513 (0.672) Epoch time [hr]: 0.043 (0.214)
We have provided the sample raw output (sample) and sample figure (sample_figure.pdf).
You can directly generate the figure based on our sample raw output; or your can regenerate the raw output yourself.
The experiments can be run on 4GPUs, and you can observe a same trend with the Figure 5 of our paper.
[NOTE!] Please make sure the data is copied to naspipe/baselines/translation/data/wmt14_en_de_joined_dict/...
cd naspipe/
nvidia-docker run -it -v $PWD:/workspace --net=host --ipc=host zsxhku/transformer:apex
cd /workspace/
Run Figure 5 script and save the log to a file:
./ | tee output
If you encounter any errors, clean the processes by running the naspipe/ on host (not inside the docker); then re-run the script. You can manually select experiments (by deleting unwanted experiments from the script).
Make sure the matplotlib is installed:
python -m pip install matplotlib
Generate Figure5:
python output figure5
Then you will get figure5.pdf.
sudo apt-get install mailutils
For the options, choose Internet Site.
Use scp to copy the generated figures;
Or you can use the below command to send the generated PDFs to your email (remember to set your email address).
echo "Figure 5" | mail -s "Experiment Figure 5" your_email -A figure5.pdf