This repository contains a number of Jupyter notebooks with examples from the Materials Modelling lectures.
You will need a working Jupyter installation with Python, Numpy, and Fenics to execute most of the code. You can also clone that notebook on the lab1 JupyterHub instance. All required software should already be installed there.
Notebook | Description |
Asymtotic.ipynb | Using asymptotic homegenisation to solve for an effective transport coefficient (lecture 5) |
Cahn-Hillard.ipynb | Used to create the Cahn-Hillard simulation showing spinodal decomposition (lecture 3); note that visualisation is done externally using Paraview |
FD_Heat_Equation.ipynb | Finite difference solution of 2D heat equation and numerical stability analysis (lecture 4) |
FD_beam_problem.ipynb | Finite differences solution of the beam problem (lecture 2,4) |
membrane_problem.ipynb | FEM solution of the 2D membrane problem (lecture 2,4) |
membrane_problem_quad.ipynb | FEM solution of the 2D membrane problem using quadrilateral basis functions (lecture 2,4) |