Maxwell Zen and Jennifer Sun
A rocket ship is stranded in space and wants to return to Earth safely!
- Each planet has a set mass and radius. They all have the same density and increase in size
- The stone planets cannnot be moved
- The rocket ship has a set starting position and initial velocity
- Players are able to modify size and placement of all planets excluding the stone planets and Earth
- If the rocket escapes too far from the screen or is stuck bouncing around planets, it will eventually die and be reset
- All planets can be moved except for the stone planets and Earth (which is the goal destination)
- Clicking on a planet selects it and opens the sidebar menu for options to change it
- Dragging planets around the screen moves it. Planets cannot overlap
- Pressing ' ' launches the rocket
- Pressing 'q' resets the current level and adds one to the try counter
- Gravitation
- Bouncing
- Vector calculations
- Velocity