Webscraper that sets out make listening to webnovels easier for myself. Turned into project that let users store all chapters of their favorite Mangas or Webnovels offline in one file. Creates Epubs of text based novels, and PDF and most forms of comic book archives like Cbz, at this moment, the goal is to make adding other sites extremely easy using the appsettings.json
in Benny-Scraper project.
MangaKatana is currently the best site to get mangas as the others scramble the chapter images, I can only assume they are owned by the same people and will need to find a way to unscramble it.
- Addition of webnovle.com from martial-god#41 - Expected Release by 04/14/2024
- Create Documentation, especially for trying to add a new Scraper Strategy for new sites - COMING SOON https://feahnthor.github.io/
- Add Cbz filetype as an option for Mangas
- Figure out how to properly construct an Epub. https://validator.w3.org/#validate-by-upload for chapter validations
- Code rewrite so process from Scraper to Epub works
- Update code to accommodate more novel sites
- Switch from SQL to MySql to embedd database
- Test on computers without sql installed
- Test on Linux machine and Mac - in this Case Ubuntu 20.04-x64, Mac Sonoma 14.1
- Add Calibre integration - completed novels will be added to the Calibredb if it is installed on host computer
- Verify the update novel works - INFO can be found martial-god#24 (comment)
- Try Manga sites
- Add a Configuration table to have user have more control of settings. STILL NEED TO ADD COMMANDLINE OPTIONS TO RETRIEVE VALUES
- Finish up Selenium Scraper -- UPDATE: use of seleniumn was necessary when trying to retrieve images from manga sites, it is still faster to use http for NovelData (things such as tags and author)
- Add UI
https://lightnovelworld.com https://www.novelfull.com/ https://mangakatana.com/
- For both sites, the url for the
Table of Contents
page for the novel is needed. - Note : all Epubs will be stored in your Documents folder BennyScrapedNovels/{Novel Name}, unless changed through command line options. Get an Epub Reader to read the contents, chrome extensions are available like
EPUB Reader
- Click a novel and copy the url at the top
- Paste copied url into application, then wait until message about epub has been generated. Speed depends on server response of the site.
So long as the error isn't highlighted while the application is running, they are just Warnings or Errors. Nothing Fatal
dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained true -r ubuntu.20.04-x64 -o C:\Users\Mime\Downloads\BennyScraperLinux
// the path can be whichever you want
dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained true -r osx-x64 -o /Users/myuser/Desktop/BennyScraperMac
// add to Environment using bash or zsh
dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained true -r win-x64 -o C:\Users\Mime\Downloads\BennyScraper
- Make sure executable has been added to the environment variables
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll [COMMAND] [OPTIONS] [--] [VALUES]
-l, --list List all novels in database. Options include
-P, --page [INT]
-I, --items-per-page [INT]
-S, --search [STRING]
-U, --update-all Updates all non-completed novels in database with ones found online. Will only update ones that were not modified the same day.
-i, --novel-info-by-id Gets the detailed saved information about a novel, including save location
--clear-database Clear all novels and chapters from database.
-d, --delete-novel-by-id Deletes a novel by its ID
-r, --recreate-epub-by-id Recreates Epub novel using the [ID].
-c, --concurrent-request Set the number [INT] of concurrent requests to a website. Default is 2, value will be limited to number
of CPU cores on your computer. *Some websites may block your ip if too many requests are made in a short
-s, --save-location Set default save location [PATH]. Overridden by specific 'manga' or 'novel' locations if set.
-m, --manga-save-location Set manga-specific save location [PATH]. Overrides 'save-location'.
-n, --novel-save-location Set novel-specific save location [PATH]. Overrides 'save-location'.
-e, --manga-extension (Default: -1) Default extension for mangas (any image based novel) [INT] *count starts a 0*. Default is
-f, --single-file Choose how to save Mangas: as a single file containing all chapters (Y), or as individual
files for each chapter (N).
-L, --update-novel-saved-location-by-id Updates the saved location of a novel by its [ID]. Useful when a file has been moved, or never added due to previous bug.
--get-extension Gets the saved default extensions for mangas.
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
Usage examples:
List all novels, default 10 to a page:
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll --list
Benny-Scraper -l
List all novels searching by name, changing total results per page: [OPTIONS] -P, --page [INT] | -I, --items-per-page [INT] | -S, --search [STRING]
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll --list -I [INT] -S [STRING] ex: 15 ex: One Piece
Benny-Scraper -l -I 10 -S Martial -P 1 -- this will search for all novels where the title the contains the word 'Martial', showing only 10 results per page, and start the search on page 1.
Get more info about a novel, including how things were saved. IT IS RECOMMENDED YOU RUN THIS AFTER USING benny-Scraper VERSION 1.0.0, as bugs caused files to not be stored correctly.
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll --novel-info-by-id [ID] ex: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Benny-Scraper -i [ID]
Clear database:
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll --clear-database
Benny-Scraper --clear-database
Delete a novel by ID:
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll --delete-novel-by-id [ID] ex: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
dotnet Benny-Scraper -d [ID]
Recreate a novel EPUB by ID:
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll --recreate-epub-by-id [ID]
Benny-Scraper -r [ID]
Set the Default location where both webnovels and Mangas will be saved.
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll --save-location [PATH] ex: C:\Users\test\Downloads must be a Directory/Folder not a File
Benny-Scraper -s [PATH]
Sets the default file extension for Comicbook Archive, i.e. .cbz, .cbr, .cbt
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll --manga-extension [INT] ex: 1
Benny-Scraper -e [INT]
Update location of a novel by its id, you can get ID from the --list or -l command:
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll --update-novel-saved-location-by-id [ID] ex: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 You will be prompted to enter the full path for the FOLDER your file(s) are stored
Benny-Scraper -L [ID]
For more information about each command and option, run:
dotnet Benny-Scraper.dll [COMMAND] --help
Hello fellow developer! 👋
I'm delighted you're taking an interest in this project. Your skills, insights, and perspective could be invaluable in enhancing what's been built so far. Whether it's new features, bug fixes, or general improvements, every contribution is appreciated. Here's how you can pitch in:
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Pull Request: When you're ready, submit a pull request from your branch to the main branch here. Provide a clear description of your changes and any relevant issue numbers.
I value every contribution and am always eager to see how this project can be improved and expanded. Let's collaborate, discuss, and build something great together!
Happy coding! 💻 ❤️