- game plugin fix-ups
- DevIL Cross-platform image loading and manipulation toolkit
- enet Thin network communication layer on top of UDP
- GLEW OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
- SDL2 Cross-platform low-level I/O access
- cmake
sudo apt install libdevil-dev libenet-dev libglew-dev libsdl2-dev
Install the dependencies on Windows with vcpkg:
vcpkg install devil enet glew sdl2
We use CMake as the cross-platform build system.
git checkout https://github.com/Mindwerks/XLEngine.git
mkdir build; cd build; cmake ../XLEngine; make -j4
(Replace < Location of vcpkg >
with the location where you installed vcpkg)
git checkout https://github.com/Mindwerks/XLEngine.git
mkdir build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=< Location of vcpkg >\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake ../XLEngine
Game data paths and render settings are specified in XLEngine.conf. On non- Windows systems, it will look for this in the XDG standard directory:
is unset or empty:
On all systems, it will then search for XLEngine.conf in the process's working directory and use the settings there as overrides.
The available settings are:
width = # window/screen width, 320 minimum
height = # window/screen height, 200 minimum
fullscreen = # true or false
vsync = # true or false
emulate-low-res = # true to render at 320x200 and stretch to fit, or false
renderer = # opengl, soft32 (true-color software), soft8 (paletted software)
data-path = # Full path to game data, e.g. C:\DAGGER\ARENA2
data-path = # ...
data-path = # ...
data-path = # ...
Currently the game must be run from where it can find the DarkXL/, DaggerXL/, etc. directories, where the AngelScript (*.as) and image (*.png) files are for the respective games. Just copy the contents of the resources/ directory to your build directory.
- dos2unix all files
- PlatformDef magic with macros
- bare minimum fixes to compile on linux with gcc
- added cross-platform cmake build system
- re-added angelscript external dep
- LuciusDXL code drop from 2011-07-12 09:24:47 +0200 (Tue, 12 Jul 2011)
- LuciusDXL licensed code under the Expat License (aka MIT License)
- Original LuciusDXL release will be included in 0.1.0 tagged release
- Added README.md
- Removed 3rd-party libs (will add back as necessary)
- Removed binaries and MSVC related files