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Digital Inclusion

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Space description
For some of us, the web is a space for collective creativity, invention, and expression. We use it to study, conduct science, find jobs, make money, eat, grow food, have sex, and more. Imagine the web in 50 years, and the amazing things we'll do with the technology to come.

Now imagine that you are left out of this future.

When we exclud…

Space description
For some of us, the web is a space for collective creativity, invention, and expression. We use it to study, conduct science, find jobs, make money, eat, grow food, have sex, and more. Imagine the web in 50 years, and the amazing things we'll do with the technology to come.

Now imagine that you are left out of this future.

When we exclude people and communities, we prevent web content and technology from growing and changing in new, surprising, and inventive ways. It's our job now to ensure we all have access, and we all get the best, most vibrant, and dynamic web possible.

In the Digital Inclusion space, we will discover the forces — of history, of society, of technology — that keep people off the web and prevent the web from evolving. We'll witness how new, unheard voices and ideas can transform the web. Together, we'll explore, invent, and share technology, design, and activism to bring more people than ever online.

How can we make science and technology queer-inclusive by design? [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review [LANG] French [LANG] German [LANG] Greek OL Mentor queering xp Sessions openly connected to the queering MozFest experience. Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#88 opened Jul 11, 2018 by mozfest-bot
A feminist call to action: Build the (menstruation) tech you want [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review OL6 Applicant OL6 Accepted to OL6 queering xp Sessions openly connected to the queering MozFest experience. [Secondary Space] Digital Inclusion Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#647 opened Aug 1, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Queering the Name Badge [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts queering xp Sessions openly connected to the queering MozFest experience. [Secondary Space] Digital Inclusion
#467 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Fall of the (pay)wall: accessibility and readability of the scientific literature [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#731 opened Aug 2, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Moral Labyrinth: a meditation on ethics in technology [Format] Gallery Interactive exhibits, installations, games or stalls. Often all day or weekend activities [Secondary Space] Decentralisation
#729 opened Aug 2, 2018 by mozfest-bot
But do you really need a chatbot? Creating design principles that matter. [DI Theme] UX [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review
#689 opened Aug 1, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Hack Your Own Adventure: Turn Your Research Paper/Longread into a Game [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts [Secondary Space] Web Literacy Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#649 opened Aug 1, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Community Leader Meet-up: Fostering Inclusive and Creative Communities [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review [YZ] Potential for collision Label we are adding to any session run by a facilitator that is running sessions in multiple spaces
#629 opened Aug 1, 2018 by mozfest-bot
"Dungeons and Dragons" as a Framework for Solution Ideation Regarding Complex Social Problems [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review OL6 Applicant OL6 Accepted to OL6 Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#616 opened Aug 1, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Prototypes for the “last billion”: a design jam on services for adolescent girls and young women in East Africa Following [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts OL6 Applicant OL6 Accepted to OL6 [Secondary Space] Decentralisation Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#592 opened Aug 1, 2018 by mozfest-bot
The Planet is the School [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review [LANG] Spanish [Secondary Space] Web Literacy Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#584 opened Aug 1, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Responsible design for well-being online [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review [Secondary Space] Web Literacy
#581 opened Aug 1, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Building Web Empathy - A Voice Interface Approach [DI Theme] UX [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts [LANG] Spanish Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#526 opened Aug 1, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Make Prosthetic Hands: Where the Open Web Touches and Heals the World [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts [Secondary Space] Web Literacy Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#510 opened Aug 1, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Decolonize the Internet [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review OL6 Applicant OL6 Accepted to OL6 [Secondary Space] Decentralisation Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#452 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Building an International Digital Inclusion Community [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#425 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Try to read my screen [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review OL6 Applicant OL6 Accepted to OL6
#420 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Blind Code Reviews: Debiasing the Open Source Contribution Process [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#418 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Making data ethics practical: [Comms] Facilitator Not On Github [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review
#413 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
MemoryCast: Share stories about the Web's past [DI Theme] Installation [Format] Gallery Interactive exhibits, installations, games or stalls. Often all day or weekend activities [Secondary Space] Web Literacy Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#409 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Women and Open Source Software – Research presentation and review Following [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review
#404 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Building a Code of Conduct Builder [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts
#399 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Interactive Origami & Adaptive Stories [Format] Gallery Interactive exhibits, installations, games or stalls. Often all day or weekend activities
#384 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Local to Global: How rural artisans leverage digital technology to improve their lives! [Format] Gallery Interactive exhibits, installations, games or stalls. Often all day or weekend activities Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#354 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Making Mozfest an inclusive event for the community [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review OL Mentor
#347 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Imagining the futures we actually want Following [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review
#333 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Murales digitales de aprendizaje [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review [LANG] Spanish Localisation support requested Required MozFest localisation support at festival [Secondary Space] Web Literacy Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#330 opened Jul 31, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Building female-friendly communities, by any means necessary [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review OL6 Applicant OL6 Accepted to OL6
#324 opened Jul 30, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Walk in My Shoes: Digital Equality for All [DI Theme] Access [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#321 opened Jul 30, 2018 by mozfest-bot
What is an Internet Shutdown? [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review
#301 opened Jul 30, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Chose your Own SMS Adventure with CiviCRM [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts [Secondary Space] Decentralisation Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#300 opened Jul 30, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Internet Shutdown Stories - An exhibition [DI Theme] Censorship [Format] Gallery Interactive exhibits, installations, games or stalls. Often all day or weekend activities
#299 opened Jul 30, 2018 by mozfest-bot
What Languages Do We Use Online? The Role of Indigenous Language Digital Activists [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review [LANG] Spanish OL Mentor [Secondary Space] Web Literacy Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#282 opened Jul 30, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Localizing the Internet Health Report: Prototyping with NYC Following [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review
#233 opened Jul 27, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Making Digital Rights inclusive of women and queers [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review OL6 Applicant OL6 Accepted to OL6 queering xp Sessions openly connected to the queering MozFest experience. Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#214 opened Jul 27, 2018 by mozfest-bot
#accordingToTheInternet: Made For Women - Learn how anyone can reclaim the internet as an inclusive cultural space Artist Open Web Part of the Artist Open Web series [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts [Secondary Space] Web Literacy Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#179 opened Jul 25, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Coven to fight machitrolls [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review OL6 Applicant OL6 Accepted to OL6 Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#173 opened Jul 24, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Anti-harassment policies and future of workplaces (Internet): How far are we? [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#143 opened Jul 20, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Media Player for the severely impaired using brain-computer interface (BCI) and open data [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review OL6 Applicant Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#134 opened Jul 17, 2018 by mozfest-bot
AFROFUTURISM ON THE OPEN WEB: BUILDING THE COLORED GIRLS MUSEUM [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts [Secondary Space] Decentralisation [Secondary Space] Web Literacy Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#127 opened Jul 17, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Feedback mobile games [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts OL6 Applicant OL6 Accepted to OL6 Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#103 opened Jul 13, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Speaking in Many Tongues: Mozilla’s Common Voice Project [DI Theme] Installation [Format] Gallery Interactive exhibits, installations, games or stalls. Often all day or weekend activities Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#95 opened Jul 12, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Women in the open web: public interviews for diversity and inclusion [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review [LANG] Spanish OL Mentor [Secondary Space] Decentralisation Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#59 opened Jun 29, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Design for Work – how to make recruiters/employers more neuro-inclusive [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review
#51 opened Jun 27, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Parkology: An Open Online Community for People Who Love Parks [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review OL Mentor Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#47 opened Jun 25, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Practical introduction to digital accessibility [Format] Shed Hands-on making, hacking and prototyping seeking to create and build code, objects or crafts [Secondary Space] Web Literacy
#40 opened Jun 21, 2018 by mozfest-bot
Artificial Empathy: Ensuring the Machines Better Humanity [Format] Learning Forum To develop and implement ideas for improvement, exchange or review Stipend requested Requires travel stipend to attend MozFest
#32 opened Jun 19, 2018 by mozfest-bot