This module translates a scene graph in USD (Universal Scene Description) format into the knowledge graph in OWL format
- Create USD sublayer for semantic tagging
python3 scripts/
--in_owl=</path/to/TBox.owl> # Input TBox ontology
--out_usd=</path/to/TBox.usda> # Output USD file representing TBox
- Naive semantic tagging
python3 scripts/
--in_usd=</path/to/scene.usda> # Input scene graph in USD
--in_TBox_usd=</path/to/in_TBox.usda> # Input USD file representing TBox
--out_ABox_usd=</path/to/out_ABox.usda> # Output semantic scene graph in USD
- Construct the knowledge graph
python3 scripts/
--in_usd=</path/to/in_ABox.usda> # Input semantic scene graph in USD
--in_owl=</path/to/TBox.owl> # Input upper level ontology
--out_owl=</path/to/out_ABox.owl> # Output knowledge graph of the scene
Go to ../../build/multiverse/modules/multiverse_knowledge
and run ctest
. The scene graph from ../../tests/multiverse_knowledge/input
will be translated in the output
folder in ../../tests/multiverse_knowledge