The guys over at Contentful have now released an official version of the API! Grab it over at the new GitHub page:
A .NET library wrapper for the Contentful Content Delivery API.
This library aims to provide a wrapper around all of the functionality provided by the Contentful Content Delivery API in a manner which is familiar to .NET developers.
Contributions are of course welcomed via pull request. I'd also appreciate any feedback on code quality and issues so that I can improve the project.
Via Nuget:
Install-Package Contentful.NET
The ContentfulClient
is the main implementation of the API. It can be injected as a dependency by using the IContentfulClient
interface. It requires a valid Access Token and a SpaceId passed in as a constructor:
IContentfulClient client = new ContentfulClient("productionAccessToken", "spaceId");
It contains two methods:
Returns a single item from the API
SearchAsync<SearchResult<T>>(searchFilters, orderByProperty, orderByDirection, skip, limit, includeLevels)
Returns a set of results based on the provided search criteria.
Above, T
is an implementation of an IContentfulItem
which can currently be one of four different types of items as defined by the Contentful API:
- Spaces
- Content Types
- Entries
- Assets
A "Search Filter" is a .NET representation of the Search Parameters available on the Content Delivery API. They should be passed
into the SearchAsync method as an IEnumerable<ISearchFilter>
. The API provides the following pre-defined filters:
: Compares string values for direct (in)equalityNumericSearchFilter
: Compares numeric using the<
: Compares Date/Time using the<
: Searches a field (or all fields) using a Full Text queryInclusionSearchFilter
: Searches within an array for a given value
Custom comparators may be created by implementing the ISearchFilter
Inclusion of linked Assets/Entries is supported by the API and are stored inside the SearchResult<T>
result returned from a SearchAsync
call, but only if the includeLevels
parameter is passed. This should be an
integer value between 1 and 10, indicating the number of levels deep the API should go to look for linked Assets/Entries
When creating SearchFilters
, it is sometimes useful to query standard Contentful properties. These standard properties and stored in a static context in the BuiltInProperties
class, for example:
var contentTypeFilter = new EqualitySearchFilter(BuiltInProperties.ContentType, "contentTypeId");
var createdAfterFilter = new DateTimeSearchFilter(BuiltInProperties.SysCreatedAt, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7), NumericEquality.GreaterThanEqual);
The Contentful service offers a way of resizing image assets stored within the Contentful CDN. These URLs can be generated using the ImageHelper
static class, for example:
var asset = await GetAsync<Asset>("assetId");
var thumbnailImage = ImageHelper.GetResizedImageUrl(
asset.Details.File.Url, // Original URL
150, // Maximum width constraint
100, // Maximum height constraint
ImageType.Jpg, // Image format
75 // (Optional) JPEG Compression Quality
Get a single Entry by specifying its ID:
var entry = await GetAsync<Entry>("entryId");
Search all Entries with Content Type "cat":
var results = client.SearchAsync<Space>(cancellationToken, new[]
new EqualitySearchFilter(BuiltInProperties.ContentType, "cat")
Do a full-text search on all Entries with Content Type "cat":
var results = client.SearchAsync<Space>(cancellationToken, new ISearchFilter[]
new EqualitySearchFilter(BuiltInProperties.ContentType, "cat"),
new FullTextSearchFilter("manx")
Search for all "cat" Entries updated since January 1st:
var results = client.SearchAsync<Space>(cancellationToken, new ISearchFilter[]
new EqualitySearchFilter(BuiltInProperties.ContentType, "cat"),
new DateTimeSearchFilter(BuiltInProperties.SysUpdatedAt, new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, 1, 1), NumericEquality.GreaterThanEqualTo),
The repository contains the KitchenSink
project which is an ASP.NET MVC 5 web project which attempts to give a practical example of the API. It's
somewhat complete, but it could use a little bit more work.