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Validates content packages to prevent invalid usage patterns for AEM as a Cloud Service (AEMaaCS) described in Debugging AEM as a Cloud Service build and deployments as those might lead to Build or Deployment errors in CloudManager. It is a validator implementation for the FileVault Validation Module and can be used for example with the filevault-package-maven-plugin.

This validator only includes checks which are not covered by the aemanalyser-maven-plugin so it is strongly recommended to also enable the aemanalyser-maven-plugin in your build.


The following options are supported apart from the default settings mentioned in FileVault validation.

Option Mandatory Description Default Value Since Version
allowReadOnlyMutablePaths (or allowVarNodeOutsideContainer deprecated) no true means read-only paths (i.e. paths to which the service session used for mutable package installation on publish does not have write permission) should be allowed. Otherwise those will only be allowed in author-only packages included in a container package. false 1.2.0
allowLibsNode no true means that libs nodes are allowed in content packages. Only set this to true when building packages which are part of the AEM product. false 1.2.0
allowHooksInMutableContent no true means that JCR Install Hooks are allowed in content packages. Only set this to true when building packages for local AEM SDK development or when explicitly allowed via OSGi configuration (details below in check description for install hooks). false 1.3.0

Included Checks

Prevent using certain paths in mutable content packages

Including /var, /tmp and some other paths in content packages being deployed to publish instances must be prevented, as it causes deployment failures. The system session which takes care of installing the packages on publish does not have jcr:write permission to those locations. Further details at

As this restriction technically only affects publish instances it is still valid to have those nodes in author-only containers. As a temporary workaround you can also extend the privileges of the sling-distribution-importer user via a custom repoinit configuration. Here is the full list of default permissions of the system session extracted from AEM 2021.2.4887.20210204T154817Z. All the following principals are mapped via the service user mapping for on publish

Principal Permissions
sling-distribution-importer allow jcr:modifyAccessControl,jcr:readAccessControl on /content
allow jcr:modifyAccessControl,jcr:readAccessControl on /conf
allow jcr:modifyAccessControl,jcr:readAccessControl on /etc
allow jcr:nodeTypeDefinitionManagement,rep:privilegeManagement on :repository
sling-distribution allow jcr:read,rep:write on /var/sling/distribution
content-writer-service allow jcr:read,rep:write,jcr:versionManagement on /content
repository-reader-service allow jcr:read on /
version-manager-service allow jcr:read,rep:write,jcr:versionManagement on /conf
allow jcr:read,rep:write,jcr:versionManagement on /etc
group-administration-service allow jcr:all on /home/groups
user-administration-service allow jcr:all on /home/users
namespace-mgmt-service allow jcr:namespaceManagement on :repository

Prevent using /libs in content package

Changes below /libs may be overwritten by AEM product upgrades (applied regularly). Further details at Instead put overlays in /apps.

Prevent using install hooks in mutable content packages

The usage of install hooks is not allowed to the system user which is installing the package on the AEMaaCS publish instances (named sling-distribution-importer) and leads to a PackageException. The code for that can be found in ContentPackageExtractor. Subsequently the deployment will fail as the exception on publish will block the replication queue on author. Further details at JCRVLT-427. Although AEMaaCS since version 2023.1.10675 ships with FileVault > 3.5.0 you need to add explicit OSGi configuration to lift this limitation. Adobe has not yet allowed this by default (tracked in ticket #SKYOPS-13098). In order to do that just include the following org.apache.jackrabbit.vault.packaging.impl.PackagingImpl.cfg.json file as OSGi configuration in your container package:


Usage of install hooks in immutable content packages is supported in Cloud Manager Build since end of May 2021 due to the update of the converter fixing SLING-10205.

Install hooks have no limitations when being used with the AEMaaCS SDK Quickstart Jar.

Prevent using mutable content in "mixed" content packages

Content packages of type mixed are allowed to have both mutable and immutable nodes. AEMaaCS will only ever install the immutable part of it. The mutable part won't be installed as that cannot be successful (due to missing write access at the time of installation). Further details at

Enforce Oak index definitions of type lucene with compatVersion set to 2

Currently only Oak index definitions of type lucene with property compatVersion set to the (Long) value 2 are supported in AEMaaCS. Further details in

Follow naming policy for Oak index definition node names

There is a mandatory naming policy for Oak index definition node names which enforces them to either comply with pattern <indexName>-<productVersion>-custom-<customVersion> (customized OOTB index) or <prefix>.<indexName>-<productVersion>-custom-<customVersion> (fully customized index). The format is used in IndexName and allows for upgrades of existing index definitions in blue/green deployments.

Further details in

Usage with Maven

You can use this validator with the FileVault Package Maven Plugin in version 1.4.0 or higher like this

          <allowReadOnlyMutablePaths>true</allowReadOnlyMutablePaths><!-- default value is false  -->