A wrapper for libde265 + Xcode project. This enables Carthage support
This repo also including the CocoaPods's spec file to use libde265 with the dependency management instead of the vendored library.
- iOS 8
- macOS 10.10
- tvOS 9.0
- watchOS 2.0
libde265 is (via this repo) available through Carthage.
github "SDWebImage/libde265-Xcode"
libde265 is available through CocoaPods.
pod 'libde265'
libde265 is available through Swift Package Manager.
let package = Package(
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/SDWebImage/libde265-Xcode.git", from: "1.0.6")
This library support HEVC(H.265) decoding. Check the libde265's official site for more detail information.
Use libde265 as you would normally, this is just a repo that adds an Xcode proj.
libde265 is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License. See the LICENSE file for more info.