This version of extras works with Raylib-CSLo. However as Raylib-CSLo is now in an Archived state, so too is this extras project.
Useful comonents for use the [Raylib]( library (C# language version).Projects are included
There are 3 different camera controllers provided in raylib-extras. Each one is intended to show an example of a different way to move the camera around a scene.
This is a first person camera. It uses the traditional mouse and WASD keys for movement. It provides position and view angle data back to the calling application. See \samples\rlFPCamera_sample for a simple use case.
This is a third person camera. It uses the traditional mouse and WASD keys for movement. It follows a target position and lets the user rotate around that as it moves.
See cameras/rlTPCamera/samples/example.cpp for a simple use case.
raylib-extras is broken up into seperate repositories per language.