This project is more or less a "better" recreation of the Java-Hamster-Model. I created this for a small tutorial teaching Object-Oriented-Programming. It sure is far from perfect, and my skills are WIP. Feel free to use this project to do whatever you want to do with it.
For more information go to the C#-Hamster-Wiki page.
To get the C#-Hamster running on your PC, you do have to download or clone this project. If you downloaded the master branch you have to unpack everything and remember the location!
Now you must start the UnityHub.
- If you don't have UnityHub installed, go to the following page (Select your OS):
After you installed UnityHub, download the Unity Engine Version 2020 LTS.
After you did all the steps above, the UnityHub should look like this:
Now you must press the "Open" button in the upper right corner. Select the folder you cloned or unpacked.
After you imported the project, it can happen that Unity is telling you that this project was edited with a different Version, just press "Choose another Editor version", then a window will open showing all your installed Editor versions, choose the one you will work with and press the button saying "Open with xyz" (xyz stands for the version you choose), and you're good to go.
If you are working with a different OS than Windows, a warning will appear telling you "Unsupported Build Target", just press the button saying "Switch Target", and Unity will do the rest for you.