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A reinforcement learning simulation environment focused on autonomous cyber defense

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Table of Contents
  1. About Cyberwheel
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. License
  5. Contacts

About Cyberwheel

Cyberwheel is a Reinforcement Learning (RL) simulation environment built for training and evaluating autonomous cyber defense models on simulated networks. It was built with modularity in mind, to allow users to build on top of it to fit their needs. It supports various robust configuration files to build networks, services, host types, offensive/defensive agents, and more.


  • Extensibility - allowing for modifying and adding various defensive actions and offensive strategies without requiring structural changes to codebase.
  • Scalability - supporting training on large networks with minimal performance cost

This environment allows for RL training and evaluations with a large set of configurable arguments to swap out networks, strategies, agents, RL parameters, and more. It also includes a visualization server using dash that allows for evaluations to be visualized in a readble graph display showing agent actions througout the episodes.

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Built With

  • Python
  • Poetry
  • Gym
  • W&B
  • Dash

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Getting Started


  • python==3.10

This project runs on, and has been tested with, Python 3.10. Once installed, poetry should automatically use this version for its virtual environment.

  • poetry

Cyberwheel uses poetry to manage and install python packages. For instructions on how to install poetry, visit their installation page.

  • graphviz

For the dash server visualization to function, you need graphviz, an open source graph visualization software, installed on your system.

Instructions for installing graphviz can be found in their documentation.


Once all dependencies are installed:

  1. If you haven't already, clone the cyberwheel repo with HTTPS
    git clone
    or with SSH:
    git clone [email protected]:ORNL/cyberwheel.git
  2. Install packages and resolve dependencies
    poetry install
  3. (Optional) If running into issues with poetry, you can create your own venv and install from requirements.txt
    python3.10 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt

On newer OSX systems running on silicone chips, there may be an error installing the pygraphviz package, with poetry not finding the graphviz configuration files. You can work around this by pip installing the pygraphviz package manually, explicitly passing graphviz config paths. This link helped me work through this issue. Feel free to comment this package out of the requirements.txt if you want to use cyberwheel without the visualizations and debug this package installation separately.

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To run any cyberwheel scripts, shell into the poetry virtual environment

poetry shell

or activate your venv if not using poetry

source venv/bin/activate

When you want to deactivate the environment with poetry, you can just hit Ctrl+D. This will exit the virtual environment shell. If using a venv, just run


Training a model

For a full list of parameters, you can run

python3 -m cyberwheel -h

or look at the config files in cyberwheel/data/configs/environment.

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Running Cyberwheel

There are 4 modes for running cyberwheel: train, evaluate, visualizer, and run


To train a model on our environment, you can run

python3 -m cyberwheel train [config_file.yaml]

which will run training with the parameters defined in the YAML config file. It will save the model during evaluations in the models/ directory. If tracking to Weights & Biases, the model and its checkpoints will be saved on your W&B project, as well as locally. This way, you can also view real-time training progress on your W&B account.

Cyberwheel allows for a wide array of configuration options as arguments that can be passed. These parameters are defined in config files stored in the data/configs/environment directory which you can pass when training, evaluating, or just running cyberwheel. You may also run any parameter in the command line and it will override the parameter stored in the YAML file.


python3 -m cyberwheel train train_blue.yaml

will train a blue agent using the parameters defined in cyberwheel/data/configs/environment/train_blue.yaml


You can evaluate a model given the parameters defined in the YAML file or command line. For example, to evaluate a pre-trained RL blue agent, you can run

python3 -m cyberwheel evaluate evaluate_blue.yaml

which will evaluate the model using the parameters defined in cyberwheel/data/configs/environment/evaluate_blue.yaml. In order to evaluate, the parameter experiment_name must be set to a model directory that exists cyberwheel/data/models/{experiment_name}. If the training run was tracked to Weights & Biases, the model and its checkpoints can be loaded from your W&B project as well. The experiment_name argument, like all other arguments, can be defined in the config or overriden in the command line like so:

python3 -m cyberwheel evaluate evaluate_blue.yaml --experiment-name TrainBlueAgent


To view the visualizations of the evaluations that were run, you can run the visualization server with:

python3 -m cyberwheel visualizer [PORT_NUM]

This will run a dash server locally on the port number passed. You can then visit http://localhost:PORT_NUM/ to access the frontend. From here, you can find the evaluation you ran in the list, and view the network state over the course of each episode with a step slider.

Visualizer GIF

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Another option is to run the cyberwheel environment without any RL components. The two agents that are currently connected to this environment are inactive red/blue agents, meaning the environment is currently running through its steps without any actions being taken. This environment is not as in-depth or exhaustive, but provides a framework to tailor the Cyberwheel environment to your use case.

python3 -m cyberwheel run cyberwheel.yaml


Training, Evaluating, and Visualizing an RL Blue Agent

python3 -m cyberwheel train train_blue.yaml

This may run long depending on hardware. For demo purposes, you can ctrl-C after a few training iterations or change the total_timesteps argument in the config file.

python3 -m cyberwheel evaluate evaluate_blue.yaml

This will evaluate the model under the current environment, and save the logs of the evaluation in cyberwheel/data/action_logs/{graph_name}.csv If the visualizer parameter is set to true, this will also generate and store visualizations in cyberwheel/data/graphs/{graph_name}/ to be viewed later. (Note: The visualization generation has a longer runtime than a basic evaluation, so if you only care about the CSV logs, you can set it to false to greatly speed up the evaluation.)

Once these have run, you can run the server on http://localhost:8050 by running:

python3 -m cyberwheel visualizer 8050

and access the server on your browser to see a list of the available graphs. These are dependent on what is listed in the cyberwheel/data/graphs/ directory.

Training, Evaluating, and Visualizing an RL Red Agent

The steps are virtually the same for the RL Red Agent:

python3 -m cyberwheel train train_red.yaml
python3 -m cyberwheel evaluate evaluate_red.yaml
python3 -m cyberwheel visualizer 8050

Cyberwheel Design

Network Design

Networks in Cyberwheel are comprised of routers, subnets, and hosts represented as nodes in a networkx graph​.

  • Routers manage network traffic between Subnets.
  • Subnets represent the broadcast domain​ and manage network traffic between Hosts.
  • Hosts are machines/devices that belong to a subnet​, and they contain list of running services with ports, CVEs, and other attributes. ​Cyberwheel builds networks from a config YAML file.

RL Blue Agent Design

The RL blue agent is largely focused on deploying Decoys to slow and/or stop red agent attacks throughout the network. The blue agent's actions and logic be configured and defined in a YAML file, allowing for greater modularity. Different configurations of blue agents are defined in cyberwheel/data/configs/blue_agent/. Its observation space is defined by the entire network, and alerts that are flagged by detectors it has set up.

RL Red Agent Design

The RL red agent is built around the Atomic Red Team techniques, with goals that are influenced by various configurations that can be configured. Different configurations can be found in cyberwheel/data/configs/red_agent/. Its observation space is defined by its (initially limited) view of the network as it explores. As it performs certain correct actions, this view can expand up to the size of the network.

Atomic Red Team Agent Design

The Atomic Red Team (ART) agent is a heuristic agent that has a set of defined rules and strategies that it can use to traverse a network, although its behavior to dictate which Hosts it chooses to target is modular. It's actions are mapped from MITRE ATT&CK Killchain Phases (Discovery, Lateral Movement, Privilege Escalation, Impact) to Atomic Red Team (ART) techniques. We've defined these techniques with a set of attributes mapped from existing cyber attack data. This allows our ART Agent to run a higher level killchain phase (i.e. discovery) on a host, and the environment will cross-reference the target host's attributes with ART Technique attributes. Techniques are valid for the attack by checking:

  • Technique includes the target host's OS in its supported platforms
  • Technique includes the killchain phase in its supported killchain phases
  • Technique can exploit any CVE that is present on the target host

If all of these conditions are met, the agent can successfully run the killchain attack on the host. These ART Techniques include Atomic Tests, which give tangible commands to run in order to execute the given attack. With this methodology, the simulator is able to transform a general killchain phase into a valid set of commands that could be run in the real world.


  1. ART Agent runs Privilege Escalation on Host.
  2. ART Agent runs OS, Killchain Phase, and CVE checks.
  3. ART Agent uses ART Technique: DLL Side-Loading Technique
  4. ART Agent chooses a random Atomic Test
  5. Atomic Test adds the following commands to Host metadata:
New-Item -Type Directory (split-path "${gup_executable}") -ErrorAction ignore | Out-Null​
Invoke-WebRequest "" -OutFile "${gup_executable}"
if (Test-Path "${gup_executable}") {exit 0} else {exit 1}​
taskkill /F /IM ${process_name} >nul 2>&1​

ART Campaign Design

The ART Campaign is very similar to the ART Agent, but its actions are much more specific. Where the ARTAgent works with higher-level actions that may filter down into more specific actions, the ART Campaign is defined with a killchain of specific ART Techniques. ART Campaigns can be more helpful for more narrow use cases to simulate a killchain of techniques in a defined network, as well as when testing with emulation.

Detectors and Alerts

Red actions produce Alerts which contain information such as the actions's source host, target host, exploited services, and techniques. The blue agent has a detector layer set up with Alerts that detect any red agent action on the network. These detectors can filter out Alerts, add noise, or even create false-positive Alerts. You can use multiple detectors together to capture various red agent behavior. These alerts are then converted into the observation space which the RL agent uses to train.


All configurations are stored in the cyberwheel/data/configs directory. You can use config to define the environment, red agents, campaigns, blue agents, decoy types, detectors, host types, networks, and services.


If you are not familiar with SOLID principles, please read this before contributing. Pretty basic, but makes a huge difference down the road --- Article on SOLID.

If you need to add a dependency, this project is packaged with poetry. Please take a few minutes to read about the basics before adding any dependencies. Do not use pip, do not use requirements.txt. TLDR: use poetry add <dependency name>. After adding your dependency, add and commit the new poetry.lock file.

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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Sean Oesch - [email protected]

Amul Chaulagain - [email protected]

Phillipe Austria - [email protected]

Matthew Dixson - [email protected]

Brian Weber - [email protected]

Cory Watson - [email protected]

Project Link:

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(2024) Towards a High Fidelity Training Environment for Autonomous Cyber Defense Agents

(2024) The Path to Autonomous Cyber Defense

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