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coffeeaddict edited this page Feb 14, 2012 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the heidi wiki!

Heidi is proudly sponsored by (a super useful flexible tool for collaborating in teams and projects across geographic locations) Check it out!


The README.rdoc file should give you just about enough information to get the show on the road. If not, dont complain - this here software is Beta (if not Alpha) until the 1.0 version is released.


Go check out what Heidi looks like on

The demo integrates hourly



  • Define ACL for Heidi::Web

  • Improve deamonizing Heidi::Web

  • tie to a gitweb / github thingy

  • show some stuff (author, files, diff) for each commit - not just the builds

  • find the owner of the image used on the homepage and get actual consent

  • make the console functional

  • jot down the pains/problems of bundler

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