This is a pure Nim implementation of protobuf, meaning that it doesn't rely
on the protoc
compiler. The entire implementation is based on a macro
that takes in either a string or a file containing the proto3 format as
specified at It
then produces procedures to read, write, and calculate the length of a
message, along with types to hold the data in your Nim program. The data
types are intended to be as close as possible to what you would normally use
in Nim, making it feel very natural to use these types in your program in
contrast to some protobuf implementations. Protobuf 3 however has all fields
as optional fields, this means that the types generated have a little bit of
special sauce going on behind the scenes. This will be explained in a later
section. The entire read/write structure is built on top of the Stream
interface from the streams
module, meaning it can be used directly with
anything that uses streams.
To whet your appetite the following example shows how this protobuf macro can be used to generate the required code and read and write protobuf messages. This example can also be found in the examples folder. Note that it is also possible to read in the protobuf specification from a file.
import protobuf, streams
# Define our protobuf specification and generate Nim code to use it
const protoSpec = """
syntax = "proto3";
message ExampleMessage {
int32 number = 1;
string text = 2;
SubMessage nested = 3;
message SubMessage {
int32 a_field = 1;
# Create our message
var msg = new ExampleMessage
msg.number = 10
msg.text = "Hello world"
msg.nested = initExampleMessage_SubMessage(aField = 100)
# Write it to a stream
var stream = newStringStream()
stream.write msg
# Read the message from the stream and output the data, if it's all present
var readMsg = stream.readExampleMessage()
if readMsg.has(number, text, nested) and readMsg.nested.has(aField):
echo readMsg.number
echo readMsg.text
echo readMsg.nested.aField
Since all the code is generated from the macro on compile-time and not stored
anywhere the generated code is made to be deterministic and easy to
understand. If you would like to see the code however you can pass
switch on compile-time and the macro will output the
generated code.
As mentioned earlier protobuf 3 makes all fields optional. This means that
each field can either exist or not exist in a message. In many other protobuf
implementations you notice this by having to use special getter or setter
procs for field access. In Nim however we have strong meta-programming powers
which can hide much of this complexity for us. As can be seen in the above
example it looks just like normal Nim code except from one thing, the call to
. Whenever a field is set to something it will register its presence
in the object. Then when you access the field Nim will first check if it is
present or not, throwing a runtime ValueError
if it isn't set. If you
want to remove a value already set in an object you simply call reset
with the name of the field as seen in example 3. To check if a value exists
or not you can call has
on it as seen in the above example. Since it's a
varargs call you can simply add all the fields you require in a single check.
In the below sections we will have a look at what the protobuf macro outputs.
Since the actual field names are hidden behind this abstraction the following
sections will show what the objects "feel" like they are defined as. Notice
also that since the fields don't actually have these names a regular object
initialiser wouldn't work, therefore you have to use the "init" procs created
as seen in the above example.
The types generated are named after the path of the message, but with dots replaced by underscores. So if the protobuf specification contains a package name it starts with that, then the name of the message. If the message is nested then the parent message is put between the package and the message. As an example we can look at a protobuf message defined like this:
syntax = "proto3"; // The only syntax supported
package = our.package;
message ExampleMessage {
int32 simpleField = 1;
The type generated for this message would be named
. Since Nim is case and underscore insensitive
you can of course write this with any style you desire, be it camel-case,
snake-case, or a mix as seen above. For this specific instance the type
would appear to be:
our_package_ExampleMessage = ref object
simpleField: int32
Messages also generate a reader, writer, and length procedure to read,
write, and get the length of a message on the wire respectively. All write
procs are simply named write
and are only differentiated by their types.
This write procedure takes two arguments plus an optional third parameter,
the Stream
to write to, an instance of the message type to write, and a
boolean telling it to prepend the message with a varint of its length or
not. This boolean is used for internal purposes, but might also come in handy
if you want to stream multiple messages as described in
The read procedure is named similarily to all the streams
readers, simply "read" appended with the name of the type. So for the above
message the reader would be named read_our_package_ExampleMessage
Notice again how you can write it in different styles in Nim if you'd like.
One could of course also create an alias for this name should it prove too
verbose. Analagously to the write
procedure the reader also takes an
optional maxSize
argument of the maximum size to read for the message
before returning. If the size is set to 0 the stream would be read until
returns true. The len
procedure is slightly simpler, it only
takes an instance of the message type and returns the size this message would
take on the wire, in bytes. This is used internally, but might have some
other applications elsewhere as well. Notice that this size might vary from
one instance of the type to another as varints can have multiple sizes,
repeated fields different amount of elements, and oneofs having different
choices to name a few.
Enums are named the same way as messages, and are always declared as pure. So an enum defined like this:
syntax = "proto3"; // The only syntax supported
package = our.package;
enum Langs {
NIM = 1;
C = 2;
Would end up with a type like this:
our_package_Langs {.pure.} = enum
UNIVERSAL = 0, NIM = 1, C = 2
For internal use enums also generate a reader and writer procedure. These are basically a wrapper around the reader and writer for a varint, only that they convert to and from the enum type. Using these by themselves is seldom useful.
In order for oneofs to work with Nims type system they generate their own
type. This might change in the future. Oneofs are named the same way as
their parent message, but with the name of the oneof field, and _OneOf
appended. All oneofs contain a field named option
of a ranged integer
from 0 to the number of options. This type is used to create an object
variant for each of the fields in the oneof. So a oneof defined like this:
syntax = "proto3"; // The only syntax supported
package our.package;
message ExampleMessage {
oneof choice {
int32 firstField = 1;
string secondField = 1;
Will generate the following message and oneof type:
our_package_ExampleMessage_choice_OneOf = object
case option: range[0 .. 1]
of 0: firstField: int32
of 1: secondField: string
our_package_ExampleMessage = ref object
choice: our_package_ExampleMessage_choice_OneOf
If you want to re-use the same message definitions in multiple places in your code it's a good idea to create a module for you definition. This can also be useful if you want to rename some of the fields protobuf declares, or if you want to hide particular messages or create extra functionality. Since protobuf uses a little bit of magic under the hood a special exportMessage macro exists that will create the export statements you need in order to export a message definition from the module that reads the protobuf specification, to any module that imports it. Note however that it doesn't export sub-messages or any dependent types, so be sure to export those manually. Anything that's not a message (such as an enum) should be exported by the normal export statement.
This library is still in an early phase and has some limitations over the official version of protobuf. Noticably it only supports the "proto3" syntax, so no optional or required fields. It also doesn't currently support maps but you can use the official workaround found here: This is planned to be added in the future. It also doesn't support options, meaning you can't set default values for enums and can't control packing options. That being said it follows the proto3 specification and will pack all scalar fields. It also doesn't support services.
These limitations apply to the parser as well, so if you are using an existing protobuf specification you must remove these fields before being able to parse them with this library.
If you find yourself in need of these features then I'd suggest heading over to which uses the official protoc compiler with an extension to parse the protobuf file.
Some might be wondering why I've decided to create this library. After all
the protobuf compiler is extensible and there are some other attempts at
using protobuf within Nim by using this. The reason is three-fold, first off
no-one likes to add an extra step to their compilation process. Running
before compiling isn't a big issue, but it's an extra
compile-time dependency and it's more work. By using a regular Nim macro
this is moved to a simple step in the compilation process. The only
requirement is Nim and this library meaning tools can be automatically
installed through nimble and still use protobuf. It also means that all of
Nims targets are supported, and sending data between code compiled to C and
Javascript should be a breeze and can share the exact same code for
generating the messages. This is not yet tested, but any issues arising
should be easy enough to fix. Secondly the programatic protobuf interface
created for some languages are not the best. Python for example has some
rather awkward and un-natural patterns for their protobuf library. By using
a Nim macro the code can be customised to Nim much better and has the
potential to create really native-feeling code resulting in a very nice
interface. And finally this has been an interesting project in terms of
pushing the macro system to do something most languages would simply be
incapable of doing. It's not only a showcase of how much work the Nim
compiler is able to do for you through its meta-programming, but has also
been highly entertaining to work on.
This file is automatically generated from the documentation found in
protobuf.nim. Use nim doc2 protobuf.nim
to get the full documentation.