This cli helps you to manage your environments variables, that are stored on SSM parameter store.
These instructions will allow you to update secrets values on secret manager and non-secret values on parameter store.
Select the correct AWS profile, install the requirements for the script.
export AWS_PROFILE=af
pip install -r requirement.txt
The parameter.json file have the following format.
Fill your file with that format. the script will replace or create (if it doesnt exist) the parameters.
You can copy the file to your /usr/local/bin/ with the name ssmcli, so you can use it as you were using another cli, without invoking it with python.
This cli has six methods.
- add-parameters
- add-single-parameter
- delete-parameters
- delete-single-parameter
- list-parameters
- list-prefixes
Each method has their own help page, so you can check the functionality of each method and what parameter and arguments is expecting each method.
# To check available methods
ssmcli --help
# To check specific method information
ssmcli add-parameters --help
ssmcli delete-parameters --help