Releases: PetervanLunteren/AddaxAI
Releases · PetervanLunteren/AddaxAI
AddaxAI v6.03
- New European model (v1.3)
AddaxAI v6.02
- Allow installation for all users as opposed to single user only
- Fix issue with COCO format and images without metadata
- Added functionality to blur people from images
- Made AddaxAI backwards compatible with JSON files created with EcoAssist versions
AddaxAI v6.01
- Renamed the project from EcoAssist to AddaxAI
- Added Tasmanian vertebrates model
- Code signing to avoid security issues
EcoAssist v5.29
- New input data formats:
- images: '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', '.png', '.tif', '.tiff', and '.bmp'
- videos: '.mp4', '.avi', '.mpeg', '.mpg', '.mov', and '.mkv'
- New feature to select line width and font size for image visualization (XS, S, M, L, XL)
EcoAssist v5.28
- Added CV4Ecology workshop inference code
- Removed redundant EXE files to avoid anti virus reports
EcoAssist v5.27
Bug fix for Windows users and the human-in-the-loop annotation feature.
EcoAssist v5.26
This version has:
- adjusted environment names for Linux users
- added local install of PyQt5 and pyrcc5 command for human in the loop feature
- added open.command for Linux users
EcoAssist v5.25
Truncated images can now be read and analysed by the classification models.
EcoAssist v5.24
And again fixed some additional bugs ;)
EcoAssist v5.23
Fixed some initial bugs related to the new automated install.