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PingCAP CI/CD Public Configurations

This repository maintains CI/CD configurations for repositories under PingCAP, TiKV and other related organizations. It contains both trigger configurations and detailed pipeline implementations.

CI Pipeline Components and Structure

A complete CI pipeline consists of three main components:

graph LR
    A[Prow Job Trigger] -->|Initiates| B[Jenkins Job DSL]
    B -->|Executes| C[Jenkins Pipeline Script]
    style A fill:#f9d77e,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style B fill:#a8d1ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style C fill:#b5e8b5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
Component Location Purpose
Prow Job Trigger /prow-jobs/<org>/<repo>/ Defines when and under what conditions jobs run
Jenkins Job DSL /jobs/<org>/<repo>/ Configures the Jenkins job settings and parameters
Jenkins Pipeline Script /pipelines/<org>/<repo>/ Contains the actual implementation steps

CI Servers

Current CI Server

Deprecated Servers (To be archived)

Repository Structure

  • /docs - Documentation about CI/CD jobs, tools, and usage guides
  • /prow-jobs - Top-level Prow job trigger configurations
  • /jobs - Jenkins CI job DSL definition files (called by Prow jobs)
  • /pipelines - Jenkins pipeline script implementations
  • /libraries - Jenkins CI shared libraries
  • /staging - Staging environment for jobs and pipelines before production deployment
    • /staging/jobs - Similar to /jobs but deployed to staging environment
    • /staging/pipelines - Similar to /pipelines but deployed to staging environment
  • [Deprecated] /jenkins/jobs - Legacy CI job DSL files for old CI servers
  • [Deprecated] /jenkins/pipelines - Legacy pipeline scripts for old CI servers

Finding Pipelines for a Specific Repository

For any repository (e.g., TiDB, TiKV, TiFlash), pipelines are organized in the following locations:

  • /prow-jobs/<org>/<repo>/ - Contains trigger configurations
  • /jobs/<org>/<repo>/ - Contains Jenkins job definitions
  • /pipelines/<org>/<repo>/ - Contains pipeline implementation scripts

For example, TiDB pipelines are located at:

  • /prow-jobs/pingcap/tidb/
  • /jobs/pingcap/tidb/
  • /pipelines/pingcap/tidb/

How to Modify and Test a Pipeline

Workflow Diagram

flowchart TD
    A[Identify pipeline to modify] --> B[Copy to staging directory]
    B --> C[Make your changes]
    C --> D[Create PR with changes]
    D --> E[PR is reviewed and merged]
    E --> F[Seed job deploys to staging]
    F --> G[Test in staging environment]
    G --> H{Tests successful?}
    H -->|Yes| I[Create PR to move to production]
    H -->|No| C
    I --> J[Include test results/links in PR]
    J --> K[PR merged to production]
    style A fill:#f5f5f5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px
    style H fill:#ffdddd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style K fill:#d5ffd5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Locate the pipeline files:

    • Find the Jenkins job definition in /jobs/<org>/<repo>/<branch-special>/<job-type>_<job-name>.groovy
    • Find the pipeline implementation in /pipelines/<org>/<repo>/<branch-special>/
    • Identify the Prow job trigger in /prow-jobs/<org>/<repo>/<branch-special>-<job-type>.yaml
  2. Make your changes:

    • Always place your modifications in the corresponding /staging directory first
    • Maintain the same directory structure in staging as in production
    • For example, if modifying /jobs/pingcap/tidb/latest/pull_integration_test.groovy, place your modified version in /staging/jobs/pingcap/tidb/latest/pull_integration_test.groovy
  3. Test your changes:

    • After your PR is merged, the seed job(automatic triggered by Prow) will deploy it to the staging CI server
    • Test the pipeline in the staging environment at
    • Navigate to the corresponding job in the staging environment
    • Trigger a test run manually to verify your changes work as expected
  4. Deploy to production:

    • Once testing is successful, create a new PR that moves the code from /staging to the top-level directories
    • Include links to your successful test jobs in the PR comments
    • After review and approval, your changes will be merged to production

File Structure and Naming Conventions

Prow Jobs

Located at /prow-jobs/<org>/<repo>/<branch-special>-<job-type>.yaml:

  • Branch specifiers:

    • latest - For trunk and feature branches
    • release-x.y - For specific release branches
    • Omit if all branches use the same configuration
  • Job types:

    • presubmits - Run on pull requests
    • postsubmits - Run on pull request merges
    • periodics - Run on a schedule

After modifying Prow jobs, update the kustomization file:


Jenkins Jobs

Located at /jobs/<org>/<repo>/<branch-special>/<job-type>_<job-name>.groovy:

  • Branch specifiers:

    • latest - For trunk and feature branches
    • release-x.y - For specific release branches (e.g., release-8.5)
    • release-x.y.z - For patch version branches (hotfixes)
    • Omit if all branches use the same configuration
  • Job types:

    • pull - Run on pull requests (works with Prow presubmits)
    • merged - Run on merges (works with Prow postsubmits)
    • periodics - Run on schedule (works with Prow periodics)
  • Job name format: [a-z][a-z0-9_]*[a-z0-9]

  • Special file aa_folder.groovy defines folder names (do not modify this filename)

Jenkins Pipelines

Located at /pipelines/<org>/<repo>/<branch-special>/:

  • Pipeline scripts: *.groovy files containing the Jenkins pipeline implementation
  • Pod templates: pod-*.yaml files defining Kubernetes pod configurations for the pipeline

Example: Complete CI Pipeline Structure

For a typical pull request test in the TiDB repository:

graph TD
    A["/prow-jobs/pingcap/tidb/latest-presubmits.yaml"] -->|Defines trigger| B["/jobs/pingcap/tidb/latest/pull_integration_test.groovy"]
    B -->|Executes| C["/pipelines/pingcap/tidb/latest/pull_integration_test.groovy"]
    C -->|May use| D["/pipelines/pingcap/tidb/latest/pod-integration_test.yaml"]
    style A fill:#f9d77e,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style B fill:#a8d1ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style C fill:#b5e8b5,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
    style D fill:#e8b5e8,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px

Workflow for Pipeline Development

  1. Identify the pipeline you need to modify
  2. Copy it to the staging directory with your changes
  3. Create a PR for review
  4. Test in staging after the PR is merged
  5. Create a new PR to move from staging to production
  6. Include test results and links in your PR

More Information

Please refer to the docs directory for additional details and guidance.