Phinch works with BIOM file type 1.0, which is formatted as JSON. This is the file format produced by QIIME version 1.8 and earlier. If you're using a newer version of QIIME, it will produce BIOM file type 2.1, which is formatted as HDF5.
It's possible to convert the HDF5 tables into JSON tables using recent versions of QIIME or the biom-format package. The following command will create a new JSON-formatted BIOM file:
biom convert -i otu_table.biom -o otu_table_json.biom --table-type="OTU table" --to-json
Alternatively, you can use this web-based tool to convert an HDF5-formatted BIOM file to a JSON-formatted BIOM file that will work with Phinch.
- First, load this conversion tool in your web browser.
- Second, drag your HDF5 BIOM file to the area labeled Drop File Here or select Browse to select it from the file picker.
- Third, click the button labeled Convert File and wait for an Open/Save dialog box to appear.
- Then, choose a name and location for your new converted file.
- Finally, open Phinch and upload your new JSON-formatted BIOM file.
If you'd like to run this tool locally, first, clone this repository.
git clone
Then, enter the new directory.
cd phinch-biom-converter/
Next, setup a virtual environment in Python. In this case I've named the environment "phin".
virtualenv phin
Then, activate the virtual environment.
source ./phin/bin/activate
Install numpy.
pip install numpy
After that, install the dependencies in requirements.txt using pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, run to start the server and load the resulting address in your browser of choice.