An attempt to implement the dot net genric collection in type script.
Provides interface to determined object's hash code and wether two items are equal
Determines if two objects are equal
- equals(value1: T, value2: T): boolean;
Generates hash code for object
- getHashCode(value: T): number;
Object declares its own equality method and Hashcode generation
Determines if another object is equal to this instance
- equals(other: any): boolean;
Generates hash code for object
- getHashCode(value: T): number;
##HashSet and ObjectSet Implements a Set. HashSet is restricted to objects that implement IEqualityComparable ObjectSet requires an IEqualityComparer declared in the constructor
##HashTable and ObjectTable Implements a Dictionary. HashTable is restricted to objects that implement IEqualityComparable ObjectTable requires an IEqualityComparer declared in the constructor