is a single-line text field with Material Design styling
for entering a credit card's CVC (Card Verification Code). It supports both
4-digit Amex CVCs and non-Amex 3-digit CVCs
See: Documentation, Demo.
npm install --save @polymer/gold-cc-cvc-input
<script type="module">
import '@polymer/gold-cc-input/gold-cc-input.js';
import '@polymer/gold-cc-cvc-input/gold-cc-cvc-input.js';
<gold-cc-input card-type="{{cardType}}"></gold-cc-input>
<gold-cc-cvc-input card-type="[[cardType]]"></gold-cc-cvc-input>
import {PolymerElement, html} from '@polymer/polymer';
import '@polymer/gold-cc-input/gold-cc-input.js';
import '@polymer/gold-cc-cvc-input/gold-cc-cvc-input.js';
class SampleElement extends PolymerElement {
static get template() {
return html`
<gold-cc-input card-type="{{cardType}}"></gold-cc-input>
<gold-cc-cvc-input card-type="[[cardType]]"></gold-cc-cvc-input>
customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement);
If you want to send a PR to this element, here are the instructions for running the tests and demo locally:
git clone
cd gold-cc-cvc-input
npm install
npm install -g polymer-cli
polymer serve --npm
polymer test --npm