I am a Hardware and Computer Hacker with a sense of developing software that helps me and the whole community do that. I love Reverse Engineering devices and software to learn and exploit them eventually.
I am also a researcher and published my first ever paper in IEEE 17th International Conference on Communications and Networks on Modbus Security (Industrial Control Systems)
Fun Fact: I also love playing football
🔥 I am a System Design Expert and Go developer
🥷 I am an Ethical Hardware and Computer Hacker
🛠️ I love learning Low Level ❤️ RUST
🔍 Reverse Engineering Electronic Circuits and Embedded Software
💾 Love Exploring Legacy Systems - I spend time building, opening the,m and building emulators
🔋 Electronics and IoT Systems Developer
Here is my CV
I am actively building Stockic, a startup that is solving the problem of getting insights from finance news to help you make better decisions right in your palm.
Join the waitlist: https://getwaitlist.com/waitlist/23342
We cut the fluff out of the news and provide the information you need to make better financial decisions quickly.
Fun Fact: To understand the impact of getting to-the-point insights and the effects of fluff on your brain, I self-studied parts of neuroscience - There is so much work that needs to be put into removing distractions from news apps and providing data-driven insights.
It's an AI startup - I am wandering around, meeting people, and searching for VCs to fund this revolution.
Our GitHub: https://github.com/PythonHacker24
Neovim Offcourse. It's the best.
I use Arch btw on my desktop computer. While traveling, I have my Macbook in my backpack.
I love working on projects that build our future. I stay on a topic that interests me for some time and work hard to explore it further. Then, I find something else but stay connected to the previous ones. I don't like to miss out on anything.
I love reading books, especially business, philosophy, and novels. I also love playing football and running. In fact, I am an endurance runner and love running for miles.
I watch Netflix and YouTube or have long discussions with my nerdy friends.
Linux Kernel Development (Robert Love), Hacking: The Art of Exploitation (Jon Erickson), Linux in a Nutshell (Ellen Siever, Stephen Figgins, Robert Love, and Arnold Robbins), Linux Kernel in a Nutshell (Greg Kroah-Hartman), The Art of Electronics (Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill), Nmap Cookbook (Nicholas Marsh)