**I am currently in the process of moving so development is going to be very slow for the next few days. A GUI is almost in place that will account for most of the user input errors. **
Based off pikapy by skvvv, which is based off ptc2 Kitryn, which is based off ptcaccount by jepayne1138, etc. Also uses pogoapi from keyphact
Was updated with several features/fixes on Aug 23 2016. To update open CMD or terminal
^^Update also broke (email verification) which is now fixed as of Aug 23 2016 5:30AM EST. Update again please.
pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/sriyegna/pikaptcha
Pikaptcha creates PTC accounts by creating a chrome session and automatically entering data in the required fields. If you choose to use the 2captcha service, the entire script can be run automatically, else you will need to manually solve captchas. Pikaptcha creates the PTC account and completes the TOS in game. It does verify emails.
For Windows Install the following clickable links: (if you cannot click them, all links are at the bottom.)
If you intend to manually solve captcha, you need Google Chrome installed to default directory in C:\Program Files\
Python 2.7.12. Do this during setup. http://imgur.com/k421LiP
Git. Do this during setup. http://imgur.com/rhQi73O
Shift+Right Click your desktop and "Open command window here".
and hit enter. You should see C:\Python27, C:\Python27\Scripts, and C:\Program Files\Git\cmd -
If you intend to manually solve captcha, Download Chromedriver. Unzip the file and place it in C:\Python27\Scripts
Shift+Right Click your desktop and "Open command window here".
pip install git+https://github.com/sriyegna/pikaptcha
and hit enter -
pip install git+https://github.com/keyphact/pgoapi.git
and hit enter -
Refer to "How To Use" instructions below
Open terminal and install chromedriver by typing
brew install chromedriver
In terminal type
pip install git+https://github.com/sriyegna/pikaptcha
without quotations and hit enter -
In terminal type
pip install git+https://github.com/keyphact/pgoapi.git
without quotations and hit enter -
Refer to "How To Use" instructions below
For Debian based linux
Open terminal and install chromedriver by typing
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
In terminal type
pip install git+https://github.com/sriyegna/pikaptcha
without quotations and hit enter -
In terminal type
pip install git+https://github.com/keyphact/pgoapi.git
without quotations and hit enter -
Refer to "How To Use" instructions below
If an update is made to pikaptcha, all you need to do to update is open CMD or terminal and type
pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/sriyegna/pikaptcha
If you want to uninstall pikaptcha, all you need to do to uninstall is open CMD or terminal and type
pip uninstall pikaptcha
For Docker(Windows, OSX, Linux)
Now you can run pikaptcha inside a docker container! All you have to do is follow these steps:
If you are want to solve captchas manually then follow the steps labelled (Manual Captcha) and (All)
If you want to use the 2captcha service then follow the steps labelled (2captcha) and (All)
1.Install docker (MAC, Windows, Linux)
(Manual Captcha) Change the ENTER_PASSWORD_HERE
in the Dockerfile-manual to the password of your choice (you will need this password to connect to the vnc server)
(2captcha) Do steps 3 to 8 of the "Using 2captcha" selection below
Build the container: (Manual Captcha)
docker build -f Dockerfile-manual -t "pikaptcha" .
(2captcha)docker build -t "pikaptcha" .
Run the container: (Manual Captcha)
docker run -d -p 5900:5900 --name pikaptcha --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN pikaptcha
(2captcha)docker run -it --name pikaptcha pikaptcha
and then the flags from the "How to use" section (like -pdocker run -it pikaptcha -p PaSsWoRd -c 10 -m [email protected] -r %YOUR_2CAPTCHA_KEY%
) -
Use the container (Manual Captcha) If port 5900 is open on your host's firewall, you can now connect to your container through your favourite VNC client (like [RealVNC] (https://www.realvnc.com/download/vnc/windows/)), and run pikaptcha like you would in your local computer. (See "How to use" section)
Get the usernames.txt file (All)
docker cp pikaptcha:/usr/src/app/usernames.txt .
- This will copy the usernames.txt that was generated by Pikaptcha and copy it into the folder you are in.
If you want to use the 2captcha service (if you cannot click the links, they are also at the bottom of the readme)
You need to download PhantomJS
You need to open the .zip file, open the phantomjs-2.x.x-windows folder, open the bin folder, and put phantomjs.exe in C:\Python27\Scripts
Either work (Start Work on top) or deposit money (Deposit on left). Get a balance or you will have no credit to solve captchas
Click the "2Captcha API" tab at the top
Look for captcha KEY. There should be a long string after that like a6ebcb3f4a7b6f6e319d8e1c37e25ec4
For the rest of the guide %YOUR_2CAPTCHA_KEY%=the string you found there
If you want to automatically verify emails, there are some specific instructions you need to follow. To help you understand plusmail, I wrote this snippet.
To verify all emails while running, refer to Example 8 & 9. You also need to allow less secure apps to connect to your google account because of the python imap library. https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=en ~ Thoridal
Also, to verify emails, you should have a relatively empty inbox. Else it needs to index your whole Inbox folder everytime and that isn't very fun.
The PlusMail trick work as follows. Suppose your name is Mark and you own [email protected] as your email account. If I send an email to [email protected], it will still go to [email protected]. Similarly, if I send an email to [email protected], it will go to [email protected]. The PlusMail trick takes advantage of the fact that Niantic doesn't check that there isn't a difference between Mark and Mark+Jacob because not all email providers support this. When you use "-m mark@gmail", it will generate emails like [email protected] differently for each account creation, but all emails will go to [email protected]. To use the plusmail trick, refer to any example with the argument -m
Shift+Right Click your desktop and "Open command window here". OR open Terminal if on linux/osx. Note that usernames.txt (the file with the accounts) will be made on your desktop, or wherever you ran terminal/cmd from. To run pikaptcha, just type pikaptcha
into the cmd/terminal. Do not run from C:\ unless you read Example 10. See examples below.
You can type pikaptcha --help
to see all parameters. Optional parameters are as follows.
--username, -u #This is the username
--password, -p #This is the password
--email, -e #This is the email
--plusmail, -m #Suppose your gmail address is [email protected]. If you use -m [email protected], this will activate the plusmail trick
--count, -c #This is the number of accounts to make
--recaptcha, -r #This is your 2captcha key
--autoverify, -av #Set this to True if you want to autoverify emails. Otherwise False (or don't use the tag)
--googlepass, -gp #This is the password to your google account if you are using -m argument and -av True
--location, -l #This is the location that is spoofed when accepting TOS
--textfile, -t #This is the location of the output text file. Eg: -t C:\users\sri\desktop\user.txt
--outputformat, -of #If you pass pkgo, it will print in the PokemonGo-Map format (-u user -p pass).
--startnum, -sn #If you use -c and -u, it will start counting from this number instead
--captchatimeout, -ct #If you want captcha to timeout of after n seconds
--inputtext, -it #If you want to read user:pass from file
--proxy, -px #Proxy to be used when accepting the Terms of Services. Must be host:port (ex. Must be a HTTPS proxy.
Example 1 : Create an entirely random account by manually entering the captcha yourself
Example 2 : Create an entirely random account with automated captcha solving
pikaptcha -r %YOUR_2CAPTCHA_KEY%"
When you enter your 2captcha key, it will look something like
pikaptcha -r a6ebcb3f4a7b6f6e319d8e1c37e25ec4"
Example 3 : Create 10 entirely random accounts by manually entering the captcha yourself
pikaptcha -c 10
Example 4 : Create 10 an entirely random accounts with automated captcha solving
pikaptcha -c 10 -r %YOUR_2CAPTCHA_KEY%
When you enter your 2captcha key, it will look something like
pikaptcha -c 10 -r a6ebcb3f4a7b6f6e319d8e1c37e25ec4
Example 5 : Create 10 random accounts that have the same set password=PaSsWoRd by manually entering captcha
pikaptcha -c 10 -p PaSsWoRd
Example 6 : Create 1 account that has a specific username=UsErNaMe with automated captcha solving
pikaptcha -u UsErNaMe -r %YOUR_2CAPTCHA_KEY%
Example 7 : Create 10 accounts using a single email address (read below on plusmail for more info) with automated captcha solving
pikaptcha -p PaSsWoRd -c 10 -m [email protected] -r %YOUR_2CAPTCHA_KEY%
Example 8 : Create 5 accounts using the plusmail trick with email verification and manual captcha solving
pikaptcha -c 5 -m [email protected] -av True -gp GoOgLePaSs
Example 9 : Create 5 accounts using the plusmail trick with email verification and automated captcha solving
pikaptcha -c 5 -m [email protected] -r %YOUR_2CAPTCHA_KEY% -av True -gp GoOgLePaSs
Example 10 : Specify the location you mock when you sign TOS
pikaptcha -l 40.7127837,-74.005941
Make sure there are no spaces in between the numbers, and make sure that there is only 1 comma in between both numbers
Example 11 : Specify the location to save the username:password. By default, it will save in the directory you run cmd/terminal from
pikaptcha -t "C:\Users\YoUr_UsEr\Desktop\usernames.txt"
You need to run cmd as admin if you want to save in C:\
Example 12 : Make the output file formatted for PokemonGo-Map.
pikaptcha -of pkgo
will output -u user1 -p pass1 -u user2 -p pass2 -u user3 -p pass3
Example 13 : Creating multiple accounts with the same username + 1, 2, 3, ...
pikaptcha -u user -c 10
this will create user1, user2, ..., user 10
Example 14 : Creating multiple accounts with the same username + a number that increments by 1 starting at 15
pikaptcha -u user -c 10 -sn 15
this will create user15, user16, ..., user 24
Example 15 : If it takes longer than 40 seconds to solve captcha, cancel the request and forfeit $0.003
pikaptcha -ct 40 -r %YOUR_2CAPTCHA_KEY%
Example 16 : Read user:pass from a file. It should be formatted like so
pikaptcha -it C:\user\sri\desktop\inputaccs.txt
Example 17 : Use public proxy when accepting the Terms of Services.
pikaptcha -px
Example 18 : Use private proxy with authentication when accepting the Terms of Services.
pikaptcha -px https://user:[email protected]:1
If you are still having troubles, you can join us at discord channel https://discord.gg/PfX5B7F Please let us know what your issue is, instead of just saying it doesnt work. Copying the error code you receive is very helpful.
Cannot find chrome binary. Chrome should be installed to the default directory in C. Ensure that it is. If it is, try uninstalling and reinstalling.
Cannot find PgoApi module.
pip install git+https://github.com/keyphact/pgoapi.git
Chromedriver not found. Your chromedriver.exe file is either not in C:\python27\scripts OR you did put the file there but you do not have an environment path setup for C:\python27\scripts
pip is not recognized as an internal or external command. You do not have an environment path setup for C:\python27\scripts OR python 2.7.12 is not installed
git is not recognized as an internal or external command. You did not install GIT
selenium not found
pip install selenium
Stuck on processing mailbox. Your mailbox is too populated. The script is going through each email finding the pokemon ones.
Google Chrome https://www.google.com/chrome/
Python 2.7.12 https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2712/
Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/download/details.aspx?id=44266
Download Chromedriver http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.23/chromedriver_win32.zip
2 Captcha Signup https://2captcha.com/auth/register
2 Captcha login https://2captcha.com/auth/login
Email verify script by Sebastienvercammen https://gist.github.com/sebastienvercammen/e7e0e9e57db246d7f941b789d8508186