Simple Dockerfile
to run the Ruby Nirvdrum/SVN2Git script under a Docker container!
Nirvdrum/SVN2Git works better then my own Rikj000/SVN-to-Git-convert tool,
which I will archive in favor of this container. -
Nirvdrum/SVN2Git requires a very old version of Git (
) to successfully convert branches + tags,
which is not shipped by Linux distributions anymore, so this container builds it from source.
See: -
Nirvdrum/SVN2Git is not actively maintained anymore,
which leads to unresolved bugs in the official version, which this container seeks to patch out.Current patches:
- Download the latest
from theRuby-SVN2Git-Docker
wget "$(
curl -s -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
'' \
| jq .assets[0].browser_download_url | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//')";
- Build svn2git container
docker build . -t svn2git:v2.4.0;
- Check out the SVN repository at the latest revision
svn checkout \
"file:///path/to/svn/input/repo/@HEAD" \
- Query SVN checkout version history for 'authors-file.txt'
cd "/path/to/svn/output/checkout/";
svn log -q | \
awk -F '|' '/^r/ {gsub(/ /, "", $2); sub(" $", "", $2); print $2" = "$2" <"$2">"}' | \
sort -u > "/path/to/authors-file.txt";
- Run svn2git container example
mkdir "/path/to/git/output/repo/";
docker run \
--volume "/path/to/git/output/repo:/var/svn2git" \
--volume "/path/to/svn/input/repo:/var/svn" \
--volume "/path/to/authors-file.txt:/var/authors-file.txt" \
svn2git:v2.4.0 \
"file:///var/svn" \
--trunk "trunk_dir" \
--branches "branches_dir" \
--tags "tags_dir" \
--authors "/var/authors-file.txt";
Note --rootistrunk
is broken, instead use --trunk "/" --nobranches --notags
See: nirvdrum/svn2git#127
Note --exclude
is broken
- Push all branches + tags to Forgejo (or another Git forge like Github/Gitlab)
cd "/path/to/git/output/repo/";
git remote add origin http://localhost:3000/username/projectname;
git push origin '*:*';