Version: 4.40.0
What's Changed
- feat: Add caller and ringer to video conf calls by @GleidsonDaniel in #5046
- feat: add bio and nickname to profile view by @reinaldonetof in #5060
- feat: forward message by @reinaldonetof in #5110
- feat: add media auto-download by @reinaldonetof in #5076
- feat: add new video conf block - Issue by @GleidsonDaniel in #5150
- feat: Add support to Android themed icons by @GleidsonDaniel in #4932
- feat: align mobile videoConf settings with web settings by @GleidsonDaniel in #5136
- feat: respect the room avatar external provider url setting by @reinaldonetof in #5095
- fix: conversion of public channel into team by @reinaldonetof in #5099
- fix: update room on the rooms list view after local search and quote showing with leading empty space on the rooms list view by @reinaldonetof in #5064
- fix: capability to dismiss the keyboard on drag for iOS on RoomsListView by @reinaldonetof in #5094
- fix: the i18n for room_archived and room_unarchived in PT-BR by @reinaldonetof in #5106
- fix: duplicated itens inside the UiKit's Select by @reinaldonetof in #5107
- fix: enable android 13 notifications by @GleidsonDaniel in #5118
- fix: handle the attachment when the value is null by @reinaldonetof in #5130
- fix: disable full screen video on iOS jitsi calls by @GleidsonDaniel in #5117
- fix: Android status bar theme on the first open isn't working properly by @reinaldonetof in #5132
- fix: user notification preference state not reflecting the real state by @reinaldonetof in #5138
- fix: conditional to setBackgroundColor only for Android by @reinaldonetof in #5147
- fix: app won't open archived channels by @reinaldonetof in #5135
- fix: selected items on a multiselect change when do a new search by @reinaldonetof in #5145
- fix: reply from a push is sent to the correct destination by @GleidsonDaniel in #5152
- fix: fix bugs related to auto-translate and add tests by @GleidsonDaniel in #5144
- fix: add fallback to unsupported MathML tags in MathJax by @GleidsonDaniel in #5127
- fix: disable backup of mmkv keys in icloud by @GleidsonDaniel in #5165
- fix: Fix the LoadMore logic for when the last message is a message from a thread by @GleidsonDaniel in #5129
- fix: fix bug in sub and bookmark search by @GleidsonDaniel in #5163
- chore: Upgrade React Native to 0.71.7 by @diegolmello in #4984
- chore: add --passWithNoTests to lint-staged by @GleidsonDaniel in #5120
- chore: Remove unused i18n keys from en.json by @diegolmello in #5056
- chore: avoid use all seats available on the server by @reinaldonetof in #5049
- chore: migrate AttachmentView to hooks by @GleidsonDaniel in #5003
- chore: migrate PickerView to hooks by @GleidsonDaniel in #5002
- chore: migrate WorkspaceView to hooks by @reinaldonetof in #5041
- chore: migrate E2EEncryptionSecurityView to hooks by @reinaldonetof in #5085
- chore: migrate AddExistingTeamView to hooks by @reinaldonetof in #5042
- chore: Merge 4.40.0 into master by @diegolmello in #5191
- regression: fix blank 'Name' field in Profile View when modifying other fields by @reinaldonetof in #5101
- regression: show roles on user info view by @GleidsonDaniel in #5154
- regression: Status bar's color theme is incorrect by @reinaldonetof in #5167
- regression: preview format text for edge cases by @reinaldonetof in #5172
- regression: Rollback to React Native 0.68.6 by @diegolmello in #5162
- regression: save different files with the same name and extension by @reinaldonetof in #5171
- Bump version to 4.40.0 by @diegolmello in #5112
- Language update from LingoHub 🤖 on 2023-06-27Z by @lingohub in #5123
- refactor: Migrate AutoTranslateView to hooks by @GleidsonDaniel in #4677
Full Changelog: 4.39.0...4.40.0