Parametrically generate small storage trays that fit together.
Drawer of fasteners showing partial adoption, before (right) and after (left)
Size of each cell on the grid can be adjusted from default of 15mm by 15mm, and from there trays are specified in number of grid cells they occupy. This example is a 4x4 tray.
By default, generated STLs are solid shapes intended for 3D printing in a special mode that may be named "single-wall", "spiral", or "vase mode" depending on slicer software used. If that is not strong enough, an optional thickness parameter may be specified to generate STL with thicker walls to be printed normally.
Trays have dovetails to fit into each other. These were designed for sitting in a drawer. The dovetails ensure the trays hold their relative positions and not slide around as the drawer is opened and closed.
Deliberate gaps can be added to allow individual trays to be easily removed. The dovetails ensure their space will remain open awaiting their return.
Alternatively trays can be generated without any gaps, so they fit tightly together to assemble a single large organizer.
This project was written with CadQuery ( and there are multiple options for running this code, see below.
In all cases you will need to have basic understanding of Python programming language in order to customize parameters to suit your project.
Every storage tray STL output by the generator is sized to fit a common grid, so the first decision is the size of each cell in that grid. The default size of 15mm x 15mm should work for most scenarios, but can be fine-tuned.
Example: if the goal is to tightly fill a 160mm x 180mm box, it may make sense to use a cell size of 16mm x 18mm so the box is evenly divided into a 10 x 10 grid.
Normal Range: Grid cell size a few millimeters larger or smaller than default of 15mm (~12mm-~18mm) should work well. Significant changes beyond that may will require adjusting dovetail dimensions to suit. Larger grid cell sizes may result in long flat sides, which risks warping during vase mode printing. To avoid this, consider using smaller cell sizes to generate same size trays.
Each tray should be at least double the cell size. So at default cell size of 15mm x 15mm, trays should be 30mm tall or taller for all the relevant geometry calculations to work. That calculation does not place an upper bound so maximum height would be dictated by practicalities like user-friendliness, 3D printer capability, the storage voluem, etc.
There's nothing special about the default value of 75mm. That just happens to be the height of the storage drawer I wanted to organize.
By default the trays are generated with a small gap all around so they can be individually removed, used, and placed back in their slot. Alternatively, the gap can be set to zero so all generated trays fit tightly together and assemble into a larger organizer tray.
Once those basic decisions have been made, create an instance of the generator class with chosen values.
from dovetailstoragegrid import DovetailStorageGrid as dsg
# These are the default values, presented as example. Units in mm
dsg_01 = dsg(x = 15, y = 15, z = 75, tray_gap = 0.1)
Additional fine-tuning parameters are available, but you can leave them at their defaults for initial experimentation. See code comments for details.
Once the generator class has been created, call one of its methods to generate a CadQuery shape based on parameters.
tray = dsg_01.label_tray(2, 3)
Tray with a small angled surface at its top front, designed for a label and can also serve as a small handle for lifting that tray via fingertip.
The first two parameters are required, specifying the number of grid cells
this tray would occupy. In this example, Parameters (2,3)
generates a 2x3
tray. Given the cell size of 15mm x 15mm, this results in a 30mm x 45mm tray.
Optional parameter wall_thickness
defaults to zero, which generates a solid
shape that is intended to be printed in vase mode. Alternative it can be
exported to another CAD software for further customization, where you can
cut whatever features you want to generate a custom tray that has dovetails to
fit with other trays on the storage grid.
If vase mode printing is not strong
enough, specify a nonzero wall thickness in mm. Recommend a multiple of your
3D printer nozzle size. So for the typical 0.4mm nozzle, wall_thickness=0.8
will result in two perimeter layer wall. wall_thickness=1.2
for three
perimeter wall, etc.
tray = dsg_01.basic_tray(2, 3)
A basic tray doesn't have a small label area in front, which may be desirable especially for the export-and-modify usage scenario. All other parameters are identical to those for label tray.
For interactive creation and easy visualization, installing CQ-Editor on your computer allows CadQuery experimentation with immediate rendered feedback. Follow CadQuery installation instructions for CQ-Editor, which will install all necessary CadQuery dependencies.
Then launch CQ-Editor and open
in this repository. From
the "Run" menu select "Render" to see the example in action. Adjust parameters
and select "Render" again to see their effects. Once you are happy with the
results, click on the rendered tray and select "Tools"/"Export as STL" to
generate a STL file for 3D printing.
If you want to generate a large set of trays and don't want to individually click and export from CQ-Editor, you can set up a Python environment with CadQuery using either conda or pip.
Once up and running, modify
in this repository as needed
to suit your scenario and generate the specified set of STL files.
If you don't want to install software onto your own computer, you can use somebody else's computer a.k.a. a cloud service.
Because this is all Python, we can take advantage of Python's current popularity partially thanks to AI mania. Jupyter ( makes Python easily accessible via a web browser and there are several Jupyter- based cloud services. Hosted by various companies to entice newcomers to explore machine learning under that company's umbrella. Which is great, but for our purposes we'll just use their Python runtime and ignore their magical AI special sauce.
The following instructions are for one particular service, Google Colab but should be similar for other Jupyter services. The tricky part is installing CadQuery into the hosted environment, as different providers will have different restrictions on what external libraries are permitted.
As of this writing, Google Colab has a free tier sufficient to run this project. As does GitHub Codespaces. The free tier seems to have disappeared from AWS SageMaker, but there is a free trial period. And of course there are other cloud-hosted Jupyter services.
Anyway, instructions for Google Colab:
- Log into your Google account.
- Open a new browser window to
- Click "New notebook".
- Go to the "File" menu and select "Open notebook"
- Click "GitHub"
- Enter URL for this project's Jupyter example:
- Go to the left toolbar and click on the file folder icon. If you are not automatically connected to a free tier runtime at this point, you will need to do so manually before the file explorer becomes available.
- Click the single file icon for "Upload to session storage"
- Upload a copy of
from this repository. - Follow instructions in the example notebook step by step, or select "Runtime"/"Run all" to run the entire example in a single shot.