mesh generation with Simmetrix SimModSuite for ice sheets
The input '.msh' files are expected to list all edges in counter clockwise order. The first four vertices and edges define a bounding box for the domain. The remaining vertices and edges should define a closed loop that is entirely within the bounding box (i.e., no intersections with bounding box).
env setup
module use /opt/scorec/spack/rhel9/v0201_4/lmod/linux-rhel9-x86_64/Core/
module load gcc/12.3.0-iil3lno mpich/4.1.1-xpoyz4t
module load cmake
module load simmetrix-simmodsuite/2025.0-250108dev-llxq6sk
git clone [email protected]:scorec/simLandIceMeshGen
cmake -S simLandIceMeshGen -B buildSimLandIceMeshGen
cmake --build buildSimLandIceMeshGen
./buildSimLandIceMeshGen/landIceMeshGen simLandIceMeshGen/oneSquare.msh one 0.5
./buildSimLandIceMeshGen/landIceMeshGen simLandIceMeshGen/twoSquares.msh two 0.5