Battle System is a library to allow fighting on 1..* entities versus a player party consisting on 1..* controlled entites.
Arena is a driver program to allow simulated runs of a battle via a command-line interface
- Register player party
- Register enemy party
- Register victory/loss condition(s)
- Start a battle
- Issue notification of single entity (player/enemy) turn
- Check victory/loss condition(s) at end of round
- Git
- CMake 3.5+
- Google Test
- C++17 or later compiler
To get started:
> git clone
> cd BattleSystem
Currently the depedencies are:
Note - code coverage requires a few additional and is only supported for Linux.
There are two shared platform options:
- Clone and Build and ensure that libraries can be found in the search path
- vcpkg
For Linux platforms it is possible to pull in the libgtest-dev package and build the source:
apt-get install libgtest-dev
cd /usr/src/gtest
cmake .
export GTEST_ROOT=$(pwd)
This project includes vcpkg as a submodule and can be accessed by:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Feel free to follow the Quick Start for getting started with vcpkg. Once that is complete, install Google Test for the intended build target:
# .\vcpkg\vcpkg install gtest:x86-windows
# .\vcpkg\vcpkg install gtest:x64-windows
# .\vcpkg\vcpkg install gtest:x64-linux
# installs the environment default (win=x86,linux=x64)
.\vcpkg\vcpkg install gtest
Note - vcpkg does not currently contain a triplet definition for Linux 32-bit builds
Code coverage requires:
Currently only MSVC and GCC have been tests, but Clang should work as well.
By default building tests and code coverage are disabled. To enable them pass, supply the following parameters to the cmake command:
Or change the root CMakeLists.txt where the options are defined.
It is possible to use either CMake via the command line or Visual Studio 2017 via Open Folder/CMake.
Command Line
cmake -G "%GENERATOR%" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=%PLATFORM%-windows -DBUILD_TESTS=ON .
cmake --build . --config %CONFIGURATION%
Visual Studio 2017 Make sure to install the Test Adapter for Google Test to have tests discovered in the Test Explorer window.
# Can replace Debug with Release
make BattleSystem_coverage
- Fill out compilers