It might be worth switching away from C++ because build systems/library management is a pain! I'd use rust but rust's openvr stuff is... out of date and unmaintained. maybe c#?
Create default bindings for the boolean actions (possibly involving chording?)
I think the choices made here regarding how to find/sort controllers is somewhat dubious, and out-of-date with slimevr. The logic could use a re-do.
You can download the feeder app by running the SlimeVR installer here: This will make it launch automatically along with SteamVR.
Alternatively, you can download the feeder app here: and manually launch the .exe.
We assume that you already have Git and CMake installed. Run:
git clone --recursive
cd SlimeVR-Feeder-App
cmake -B build
cmake --build build --target package --config Release
You can then execute the newly built binary:
This was largely based off of , even if the structure is different. Thanks, @Omnifinity.
Rust setup was basically copy-pasted from Thanks, @XiangpengHao.