Algebraic effects, in TypeScript.
Handle side effects in a unified way, with type-safety and elegance.
Programming heavily relies on side effects. Imagine a program without I/O capabilities (even basic console access) — it would be pretty useless.
There are many kinds of side effects: I/O operations, error handling, dependency injection, asynchronous operations, logging, and so on.
However, some effects don’t fit well with TypeScript’s type system — for example, error handling, where try-catch blocks only capture unknown types. Other effects, such as asynchronous operations, come with inherent challenges like asynchronous contagion.
That’s where tinyeffect comes in.
tinyeffect provides a unified way to handle all these side effects in a type-safe manner. It’s a tiny yet powerful library with its core logic implemented in only around 400 lines of code. The idea is inspired by the effect system from the Koka language. It uses algebraic effects to model side effects, which are then handled by effect handlers.
Don’t worry if you are not familiar with these concepts. tinyeffect is designed to be simple and easy to use. You can start using it right away without knowing the underlying theory. Simply start with the Usage section to see it in action.
npm install tinyeffect
Consider a simple example. Imagine a function that handles POST /api/users
requests in a backend application. The function needs to:
- Retrieve the current logged-in user from the context.
- Check if the user has permission to create a new user (in this case, only admin users can create new users). If not, an error is thrown.
- If the user has the necessary permission, create a new user in the database.
This example demonstrates three types of side effects: dependency injection (retrieving the current user), error handling (checking permissions), and asynchronous operations (database operations). Here’s how these side effects can be handled using tinyeffect and TypeScript:
import { dependency, effect, effected, error } from "tinyeffect";
type User = { id: number; name: string; role: "admin" | "user" };
const println = effect("println")<unknown[], void>;
const executeSQL = effect("executeSQL")<[sql: string, ...params: unknown[]], any>;
const askCurrentUser = dependency("currentUser")<User | null>;
const authenticationError = error("authentication");
const unauthorizedError = error("unauthorized");
const requiresAdmin = () => effected(function* () {
const currentUser = yield* askCurrentUser();
if (!currentUser) return yield* authenticationError();
if (currentUser.role !== "admin")
return yield* unauthorizedError(`User "${}" is not an admin`);
const createUser = (user: Omit<User, "id">) => effected(function* () {
yield* requiresAdmin();
const id = yield* executeSQL("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?)",;
const savedUser: User = { id, ...user };
yield* println("User created:", savedUser);
return savedUser;
The code above defines five effects: println
, executeSQL
, currentUser
, authentication
, and unauthorized
. Effects can be defined using effect
, with dependency
and error
as wrappers for specific purposes.
You can define effected programs using the effected
function together with a generator function. Inside the generator, simply write the program as if it were a normal synchronous one — just add some yield*
where you perform effects or other effected programs.
Hovering over the requiresAdmin
and createUser
functions in your editor reveals their type signatures:
const requiresAdmin: () => Effected<
| Unresumable<Effect<"error:authentication", [message?: string], never>>
| Effect<"dependency:currentUser", [], User | null>
| Unresumable<Effect<"error:unauthorized", [message?: string], never>>,
const createUser: (
user: Omit<User, "id">,
) => Effected<
| Unresumable<Effect<"error:authentication", [message?: string], never>>
| Effect<"dependency:currentUser", [], User | null>
| Unresumable<Effect<"error:unauthorized", [message?: string], never>>
| Effect<"executeSQL", [sql: string, ...params: unknown[]], any>
| Effect<"println", unknown[], void>,
The inferred type signature shows which effects the program can perform and its return value. We’ll dive into the Effect
type in detail later, but for now, let’s explore handling these effects:
const alice: Omit<User, "id"> = { name: "Alice", role: "user" };
const handled = createUser(alice).handle("executeSQL", ({ resume }, sql, ...params) => {
console.log(`Executing SQL: ${sql}`);
console.log("Parameters:", params);
We can invoke .handle()
on an effected program to handle its effects. The first argument is the effect name, and the second is a handler function. The handler receives an object with two functions: resume
and terminate
, plus any parameters passed to the effect. You can use resume
to continue the program with a value or terminate
to halt and return a value immediately as the program’s result.
Since createUser
is a function that returns an effected program, we first need to invoke createUser
with alice
to obtain this program, which then allows us to call .handle()
on it to handle its effects, such as executeSQL
. Note that while alice
is passed to createUser
, the program itself still won’t execute at this point. Only after handling all effects will we use .runSync()
or .runAsync()
to actually execute it, which will be covered later.
Hovering over handled
in your editor reveals its type signature:
const handled: Effected<
| Unresumable<Effect<"error:authentication", [message?: string], never>>
| Effect<"dependency:currentUser", [], User | null>
| Unresumable<Effect<"error:unauthorized", [message?: string], never>>
| Effect<"println", unknown[], void>,
Let’s handle the rest of the effects.
const handled = createUser(alice)
.handle("executeSQL", ({ resume }, sql, ...params) => {
console.log(`Executing SQL: ${sql}`);
console.log("Parameters:", params);
.handle("println", ({ resume }, ...args) => {
.handle("dependency:currentUser", ({ resume }) => {
resume({ id: 1, name: "Charlie", role: "admin" });
.handle<"error:authentication", void>("error:authentication", ({ terminate }) => {
console.error("Authentication error");
.handle<"error:unauthorized", void>("error:unauthorized", ({ terminate }) => {
console.error("Unauthorized error");
For error effects, we specify the return type (void
) with a type argument for .handle()
since terminate
can end the program with any value, and TypeScript can’t infer this type automatically.
After handling all effects, the handled
variable’s type signature becomes:
const handled: Effected<never, void | User>;
We get never
as the effect list because all effects have been handled. The return type becomes void | User
because the program may terminate with void
(due to terminate in error handlers) or return a User
Let’s run the program. Since all operations are synchronous in this example, we can use .runSync()
// Executing SQL: INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?)
// Parameters: [ 'Alice' ]
// User created: { id: 42, name: 'Alice', role: 'user' }
What happens if we don’t handle all the effects? Let’s remove some handlers, e.g., the println
and currentUser
handlers. Now TypeScript will give you an error:
// ~~~~~~~
// This expression is not callable.
// Type 'UnhandledEffect<Effect<"dependency:currentUser", [], User | null> | Effect<"println", unknown[], void>>' has no call signatures.
If you ignore this compile-time error, you’ll still encounter a runtime error:
// UnhandledEffectError: Unhandled effect: dependency:currentUser()
// at runSync (...)
You can access the unhandled effect by using the .effect
property of the error object:
import { UnhandledEffectError } from "tinyeffect";
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof UnhandledEffectError) console.error(`Unhandled effect: ${}`);
tinyeffect provides concise variants of .handle()
to streamline effect handling. These include .resume()
and .terminate()
, which use the handler’s return value to resume or terminate the program, respectively. Special effects, like errors (names prefixed with "error:"
) and dependencies (names prefixed with "dependency:"
), use .catch()
, .provide()
, and .provideBy()
for specialized handling.
Let’s see how we can rewrite the previous example using these variants:
const handled = createUser(alice)
.resume("executeSQL", (sql, ...params) => {
console.log(`Executing SQL: ${sql}`);
console.log("Parameters:", params);
return 42;
.resume("println", console.log)
.provide("currentUser", { id: 1, name: "Charlie", role: "admin" })
.catch("authentication", () => console.error("Authentication error"))
.catch("unauthorized", () => console.error("Unauthorized error"));
What about asynchronous operations? Typically, operations like executeSQL
are asynchronous, as they involve I/O and wait for a result. In tinyeffect, synchronous and asynchronous operations are not distinguished, so you can simply call resume
or terminate
inside an asynchronous callback. Here’s how to handle an asynchronous operation:
const handled = createUser(alice)
.handle("executeSQL", ({ resume }, sql, ...params) => {
console.log(`Executing SQL: ${sql}`);
console.log("Parameters:", params);
// Simulate async operation
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`SQL executed`);
}, 100);
.resume("println", console.log)
.provide("currentUser", { id: 1, name: "Charlie", role: "admin" })
.catch("authentication", () => console.error("Authentication error"))
.catch("unauthorized", () => console.error("Unauthorized error"));
You can then run the program using .runAsync()
await handled.runAsync();
// Executing SQL: INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?)
// Parameters: [ 'Alice' ]
// SQL executed
// User created: { id: 42, name: 'Alice', role: 'user' }
If you run an effected program with asynchronous operations using .runSync()
, the program will throw an error:
// Error: Cannot run an asynchronous effected program with `runSync`, use `runAsync` instead
// at runSync (...)
Sadly, synchronous and asynchronous effected programs can’t be distinguished at compile-time, so running an asynchronous program with .runSync()
won’t raise a compile-time error but may fail at runtime. In most cases, though, this shouldn’t be an issue: if you’re building an application with tinyeffect, you’re likely invoking .runSync()
or .runAsync()
only at the entry point, so there should be only a few places where you need to be careful about this.
You can use .runSyncUnsafe()
or .runAsyncUnsafe()
to run the program without handling all effects. This is useful for testing environments, situations where unhandled effects are not a concern, or cases where you’re certain all effects are handled correctly but TypeScript hasn’t inferred the types as expected.
tinyeffect integrates seamlessly with common APIs that use async/await syntax. For example, say you’re using an API like db.user.create(user: User): Promise<number>
to create a user in the database. You might want to write code like this:
// prettier-ignore
const createUser = (user: Omit<User, "id">) => effected(function* () {
yield* requiresAdmin();
const id = await db.user.create(user);
const savedUser: User = { id, ...user };
yield* println("User created:", savedUser);
return savedUser;
Since await
cannot be used inside a generator function, you might instead create a special effect (e.g., createUser
) and handle it later with db.user.create.then(resume)
, though this approach can be awkward. To address this, tinyeffect provides effectify
, a helper function that transforms a Promise
into an effected program, allowing yield*
in place of await
import { effectify } from "tinyeffect";
// prettier-ignore
const createUser = (user: Omit<User, "id">) => effected(function* () {
yield* requiresAdmin();
const id = yield* effectify(db.user.create(user));
const savedUser = { id, ...user };
yield* println("User created:", savedUser);
return savedUser;
This knowledge is enough to get started with tinyeffect in your projects. For more advanced features, refer to the sections below. Now, let’s combine the code snippets above into a complete example to recap:
import { dependency, effect, effected, error } from "tinyeffect";
type User = { id: number; name: string; role: "admin" | "user" };
const println = effect("println")<unknown[], void>;
const executeSQL = effect("executeSQL")<[sql: string, ...params: unknown[]], any>;
const askCurrentUser = dependency("currentUser")<User | null>;
const authenticationError = error("authentication");
const unauthorizedError = error("unauthorized");
const requiresAdmin = () =>
effected(function* () {
const currentUser = yield* askCurrentUser();
if (!currentUser) return yield* authenticationError();
if (currentUser.role !== "admin")
return yield* unauthorizedError(`User "${}" is not an admin`);
const createUser = (user: Omit<User, "id">) =>
effected(function* () {
yield* requiresAdmin();
const id = yield* executeSQL("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?)",;
const savedUser: User = { id, ...user };
yield* println("User created:", savedUser);
return savedUser;
/* Example */
let sqlId = 1;
const program = effected(function* () {
yield* createUser({ name: "Alice", role: "user" });
yield* createUser({ name: "Bob", role: "admin" });
.resume("println", (...args) => {
.handle("executeSQL", ({ resume }, sql, ...params) => {
console.log(`[${sqlId}] Executing SQL: ${sql}`);
console.log(`[${sqlId}] Parameters: ${params.join(", ")}`);
// Simulate async operation
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`[${sqlId}] SQL executed`);
}, 100);
.provide("currentUser", { id: 1, name: "Charlie", role: "admin" })
.catch("authentication", () => {
console.error("Authentication error");
.catch("unauthorized", () => {
console.error("Unauthorized error");
await program.runAsync();
After running the program, you should see the following output:
[1] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?)
[1] Parameters: Alice
[1] SQL executed
User created: { id: 2, name: 'Alice', role: 'user' }
[2] Executing SQL: INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?)
[2] Parameters: Bob
[2] SQL executed
User created: { id: 3, name: 'Bob', role: 'admin' }
tinyeffect is all around effects. The Effect
type is the core type that represents an effect. The type itself is straightforward: the first parameter specifies the effect’s name, the second defines its parameters, and the third denotes its return type. Here’s how Effect
is defined (a simplified version of the actual type signature):
export interface Effect<
out Name extends string | symbol = string | symbol,
out Payloads extends unknown[] = unknown[],
out R = unknown,
> {
readonly name: Name;
readonly payloads: Payloads;
readonly __returnType: R;
At runtime, only name
and payloads
are present, while __returnType
serves purely at the type level to infer the effect’s return type.
Using yield*
with a factory function created by effect
(or its variants) yields an Effect
object. To understand how it works, let’s take a look at a simplified version of the effect
function (and its variants) in JavaScript:
function effect(name) {
return function* (...payloads) {
return yield { name, payloads };
function error(name) {
return function* (...payloads) {
return yield { name: `error:${name}`, payloads, resumable: false };
function dependency(name) {
return function* () {
return yield { name: `dependency:${name}`, payloads: [] };
While the actual implementation of effect
is more complex and returns a factory function that produces an Effected
instance (instead of a generator function), the fundamental concept remains the same.
The mechanism of .runSync()
and .runAsync()
is also straightforward. These methods iterate through the generator function, and when encountering an Effect
object, invoke the corresponding handler registered by .handle()
. They then either resume or terminate the generator with the value passed to resume
or terminate
. The actual implementation is more complex, but the concept remains consistent.
Effect names are used to distinguish between different effects, so reusing the same name for different effects may cause conflicts:
const effectA = effect("foo");
const programA = effected(function* () {
return yield* effectA();
const effectB = effect("foo"); // Same name as effectA
const programB = effected(function* () {
return yield* effectB();
effected(function* () {
console.log(yield* programA);
console.log(yield* programB);
.resume("foo", () => 42)
// Will log 42 twice
However, once an effect is handled, it’s “hidden” from the program, so the same name can be reused in different parts:
const effectA = effect("foo");
const programA = effected(function* () {
return yield* effectA();
}).resume("foo", () => 21);
const effectB = effect("foo");
const programB = effected(function* () {
return yield* effectB();
effected(function* () {
console.log(yield* programA);
console.log(yield* programB);
.resume("foo", () => 42)
// Will log 21 and 42 respectively
You can also use symbols for effect names to avoid conflicts:
const nameA = Symbol("nameA");
const effectA = effect(nameA);
const programA = effected(function* () {
return yield* effectA();
const nameB = Symbol("nameB");
const effectB = effect(nameB);
const programB = effected(function* () {
return yield* effectB();
effected(function* () {
console.log(yield* programA);
console.log(yield* programB);
.resume(nameA, () => 21)
.resume(nameB, () => 42)
// Will log 21 and 42 respectively
You may notice there’re several kinds of effects: effects that never resume (like errors), effects that only resume (like dependencies and println
), and effects that can either resume or terminate (we haven’t seen this kind of effect yet, such effects may not be very common, but are useful in some cases).
Apparently, for effects that never resume, you should only handle them with terminate
. You can declare such effects using the { resumable: false }
option in the effect
function, and TypeScript will enforce handling them with terminate
. For example:
const raise = effect("raise", { resumable: false })<[error: unknown], never>;
When you hover over the raise
variable, you’ll see its Effect
type is wrapped with Unresumable
const raise: (
error: unknown,
) => Effected<Unresumable<Effect<"raise", [error: unknown], never>>, never>;
Attempting to handle an unresumable effect with .resume()
will result in a TypeScript error:
effected(function* () {
yield* raise("Something went wrong");
}).resume("raise", console.error);
// ~~~~~~~
// No overload matches this call.
// ...
Ignoring this TypeScript error would still lead to a runtime error:
effected(function* () {
yield* raise("An error occurred");
.resume("raise", console.error)
// Error: Cannot resume non-resumable effect: raise("An error occurred")
// at ...
When an effected program involves multiple effects, its type signature can become lengthy and difficult to read. For example, let’s look again at the type signature of the createUser
const createUser: (
user: Omit<User, "id">,
) => Effected<
| Unresumable<Effect<"error:authentication", [message?: string], never>>
| Effect<"dependency:currentUser", [], User | null>
| Unresumable<Effect<"error:unauthorized", [message?: string], never>>
| Effect<"executeSQL", [sql: string, ...params: unknown[]], any>
| Effect<"println", unknown[], void>,
You can make this signature much more readable by assigning names to these effects using the Effect
type and EffectFactory
helper type. Here’s how:
import { dependency, effect, effected, error } from "tinyeffect";
import type { Effect, EffectFactory } from "tinyeffect";
type Println = Effect<"println", unknown[], void>;
const println: EffectFactory<Println> = effect("println");
type ExecuteSQL = Effect<"executeSQL", [sql: string, ...params: unknown[]], any>;
const executeSQL: EffectFactory<ExecuteSQL> = effect("executeSQL");
type CurrentUserDependency = Effect.Dependency<"currentUser", User | null>;
const askCurrentUser: EffectFactory<CurrentUserDependency> = dependency("currentUser")<User | null>;
type AuthenticationError = Effect.Error<"authentication">;
const authenticationError: EffectFactory<AuthenticationError> = error("authentication");
type UnauthorizedError = Effect.Error<"unauthorized">;
const unauthorizedError: EffectFactory<UnauthorizedError> = error("unauthorized");
Now, when you hover over the createUser
function, you’ll see a much cleaner type signature:
const createUser: (
user: Omit<User, "id">,
) => Effected<
| Unresumable<AuthenticationError>
| CurrentUserDependency
| Unresumable<UnauthorizedError>
| ExecuteSQL
| Println,
Let’s take a closer look at the resume
and terminate
functions. resume
resumes the program with a given value, while terminate
stops the program with a value immediately. Use terminate
when you need to end the program early, such as when an error occurs, while resume
is typically used to continue normal execution.
The difference might seem obvious, but in real-world cases, the behavior can sometimes surprising you. Consider this example (adapted from the Koka documentation):
const raise = effect("raise")<[error: unknown], any>;
const safeDivide = (a: number, b: number) =>
effected(function* () {
if (b === 0) return yield* raise("Division by zero");
return a / b;
const program = effected(function* () {
return 8 + (yield* safeDivide(1, 0));
}).terminate("raise", () => 42);
What would you expect the result of program.runSync()
to be? The answer is 42
(not 50
). The terminate
function immediately ends the program, so the 8 + ...
part is never executed.
Until now, we’ve used either resume
or terminate
within a handler, but it’s also possible to use both in a single handler. For example:
type Iterate<T> = Effect<"iterate", [value: T], void>;
const iterate = <T>(value: T) => effect("iterate")<[value: T], void>(value);
const iterateOver = <T>(iterable: Iterable<T>): Effected<Iterate<T>, void> =>
effected(function* () {
for (const value of iterable) {
yield* iterate(value);
let i = 0;
const program = iterateOver([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]).handle("iterate", ({ resume, terminate }, value) => {
if (i++ >= 3) {
// Too many iterations
console.log("Iterating over", value);
In this example, terminate
stops the program after iterating too many times (in this case, more than 3 times), while resume
continues the loop. Running program.runSync()
will produce the following output:
Iterating over 1
Iterating over 2
Iterating over 3
Each handler should call resume
or terminate
exactly once. If a handler calls either function multiple times, only the first invocation will take effect, and subsequent calls will be ignored (a warning will appear in the console). If neither function is called, the program will hang indefinitely.
In this example, we also create a generic effect Iterate
to iterate over an iterable:
type Iterate<T> = Effect<"iterate", [value: T], void>;
const iterate = <T>(value: T) => effect("iterate")<[value: T], void>(value);
This might look complex at first, but it simply wraps the effect
function to make it generic. effect("iterate")
returns a generic factory function that produces an Effected
instance, and we pass type arguments to specialize it, then call the function with a value to yield an Effect
When you’re working with a large application, you’ll soon encounter situations where handling an effect can introduce one or more new effects.
For example, consider the following program:
type Ask<T> = Effect<"ask", [], T>;
const ask = <T>(): Effected<Ask<T>, T> => effect("ask")();
const double = (): Effected<Ask<number>, number> =>
effected(function* () {
return (yield* ask<number>()) + (yield* ask<number>());
What if we want to use a random number to handle the ask
effect? We could use Math.random()
, but generating a random number is itself a side effect, so let’s define it as an effect as well:
type Random = Effect<"random", [], number>;
const random: EffectFactory<Random> = effect("random");
const program = effected(function* () {
return yield* double();
}).resume("ask", function* () {
return yield* random();
As shown, when handling effects with other effects (or with other effected programs), you can use a generator function as a handler. The .handle()
method and its variants support generator functions, allowing you to use yield*
inside handlers to perform additional effects.
Hovering over the program
variable reveals its type signature:
const program: Effected<Random, number>;
Here, the Ask<number>
effect has been handled, but now the program has a new Random
effect introduced by handling ask
with random
You can also “override” an effect by yielding the effect itself within the generator function. Consider this example (adapted from the Koka documentation):
type Emit = Effect<"emit", [msg: string], void>;
const emit: EffectFactory<Emit> = effect("emit");
const program = effected(function* () {
yield* emit("hello");
yield* emit("world");
.resume("emit", (msg) => emit(`"${msg}"`))
.resume("emit", console.log);
When you run program.runSync()
, the output will be:
Sometimes, you may want to transform a program’s return value, or chain another effected program after the current one. Let’s revisit the safeDivide
type Raise = Unresumable<Effect<"raise", [error: unknown], never>>;
const raise: EffectFactory<Raise> = effect("raise", { resumable: false });
const safeDivide = (a: number, b: number): Effected<Raise, number> =>
effected(function* () {
if (b === 0) return yield* raise("Division by zero");
return a / b;
Now, suppose we have a type Option
to represent a value that may or may not exist:
type Option<T> = { kind: "some"; value: T } | { kind: "none" };
const some = <T>(value: T): Option<T> => ({ kind: "some", value });
const none: Option<never> = { kind: "none" };
We want to transform the return value of safeDivide
into an Option
type: if safeDivide
returns a value normally, we return some(value)
, otherwise, we return none
(if the raise effect is triggered). This can be achieved with the .andThen()
const safeDivide2 = (a: number, b: number): Effected<never, Option<number>> =>
safeDivide(a, b)
.andThen((value) => some(value))
.terminate("raise", () => none);
Now, running safeDivide2(1, 0).runSync()
will return none
, while safeDivide2(1, 2).runSync()
will return some(0.5)
Similar to most other methods in tinyeffect, .andThen()
can also be used with a generator function to chain another effected program, which can be incredibly useful in many scenarios. We’ll see many more examples of this in the following sections.
Besides .andThen(handler)
, the .tap(handler)
method offers a useful alternative when you want to execute side effects without altering the return value. Unlike .andThen()
, .tap()
ignores the return value of the handler function, ensuring the original value is preserved. This makes it ideal for operations like logging, where the action doesn’t modify the main data flow.
For instance, you can use .tap()
to simulate a defer
effect similar to Go’s defer
type Defer = Effect<"defer", [fn: () => void], void>;
const defer: EffectFactory<Defer> = effect("defer");
const deferHandler = defineHandlerFor<Defer>().with((effected) => {
const deferredActions: Array<() => void> = [];
return effected
.resume("defer", (fn) => {
.tap(() => {
deferredActions.forEach((fn) => fn());
const program = effected(function* () {
yield* defer(() => console.log("Deferred action"));
console.log("Normal action");
When you run program.runSync()
, you’ll see the following output:
Normal action
Deferred action
Imagine we have the following setup:
type Logging =
| Effect<"logging:log", unknown[], void>
| Effect<"logging:warn", unknown[], void>
| Effect<"logging:error", unknown[], void>;
const logger = {
log: effect("logging:log")<unknown[], void>,
warn: effect("logging:warn")<unknown[], void>,
error: effect("logging:error")<unknown[], void>,
type ReadFile = Effect<"readFile", [path: string], string>;
const readFile: EffectFactory<ReadFile> = effect("readFile");
interface Settings {
/* ... */
const defaultSettings: Settings = {
/* ... */
const readSettings = (path: string): Effected<Logging | ReadFile, Settings> =>
effected(function* () {
const content = yield* readFile(path);
try {
const settings = JSON.parse(content);
yield* logger.log("Settings loaded");
return settings;
} catch (e) {
yield* logger.error("Failed to parse settings file:", e);
return defaultSettings;
The readSettings
function reads a JSON file, parses it, and returns the settings. If parsing fails, it logs an error and returns the default settings.
If you want to skip logging effects altogether, handling each one individually can be tedious. Instead of specifying an effect name for each .handle()
method, you can use a type guard function to handle multiple effects at once. For example:
const readSettingsWithoutLogging = (path: string) =>
(name): name is Logging["name"] => name.startsWith("logging:"),
() => {
// Omit logging
Hovering over readSettingsWithoutLogging
will show its type signature:
const readSettingsWithoutLogging: (path: string) => Effected<ReadFile, Settings>;
Another useful case for this approach is wrapping all error effects in a Result
type, similar to Result
in Rust or Either
in Haskell. Here’s how to define a Rust-like Result
type in TypeScript:
type Result<T, E> = { kind: "ok"; value: T } | { kind: "err"; error: E };
const ok = <T>(value: T): Result<T, never> => ({ kind: "ok", value });
const err = <E>(error: E): Result<never, E> => ({ kind: "err", error });
Assume you have an effected program that may throw different types of errors:
type TypeError = Effect.Error<"type">;
const typeError: EffectFactory<TypeError> = error("type");
type RangeError = Effect.Error<"range">;
const rangeError: EffectFactory<RangeError> = error("range");
type Log = Effect<"println", unknown[], void>;
const log: EffectFactory<Log> = effect("println");
const range = (start: number, stop: number): Effected<TypeError | RangeError | Log, number[]> =>
effected(function* () {
if (start >= stop) return yield* rangeError("Start must be less than stop");
if (!Number.isInteger(start) || !Number.isInteger(stop))
return yield* typeError("Start and stop must be integers");
yield* log(`Generating range from ${start} to ${stop}`);
return Array.from({ length: stop - start }, (_, i) => start + i);
Instead of using individual error effects, you can convert them into a Result
type. A helper function makes this transformation easy:
const handleErrorAsResult = <R, E extends Effect, ErrorName extends string>(
effected: Effected<Effect.Error<ErrorName> | E, R>,
): Effected<E, Result<R, { error: ErrorName; message?: string }>> => {
const isErrorEffect = (name: string | symbol): name is `error:${ErrorName}` => {
if (typeof name === "symbol") return false;
return name.startsWith("error:");
return effected
.andThen((value) => ok(value))
.handle(isErrorEffect, ({ effect, terminate }, message) => {
terminate(err({ error:"error:".length), message }));
One detail we haven’t mentioned earlier is that, aside from resume
and terminate
, the object passed as the first argument to the .handle()
method also includes the effect object itself, giving you direct access to the effect’s name and payloads. In the handleErrorAsResult
function, we use this feature to extract the error name from the effect name.
Then simply wrap the range
function with handleErrorAsResult
const range2 = (start: number, stop: number) => handleErrorAsResult(range(start, stop));
Now, when you hover over the range2
function, you’ll see this type signature:
const range2: (
start: number,
stop: number,
) => Effected<Log, Result<number[], { error: "type" | "range"; message?: string }>>;
The handleErrorAsResult
helper function shown above is mainly for illustration — tinyeffect actually provides a built-in .catchAll()
method on Effected
instances, which lets you handle all error effects at once. Here’s how it works:
const range3 = (start: number, stop: number) =>
range(start, stop)
.andThen((value) => ok(value))
.catchAll((error, message) => err({ error, message }));
The .catchAll()
method takes a function that receives the error effect name and message, and returns a new value. range3
behaves the same as range2
, with an identical type signature.
With side effects, including errors, now handled in a unified way, you may wonder where try-catch
fits in. The answer is simple: it’s no longer needed. Errors are just effects, so you can handle specific ones with .catch()
and let others bubble up to higher-level handlers.
For example, suppose your program accepts a JSON string to define settings. You use JSON.parse
to parse it, but if the JSON is invalid, instead of throwing an error, you want to print a warning and fall back on a default setting. Here’s how to do it:
type SyntaxError = Effect.Error<"syntax">;
const syntaxError: EffectFactory<SyntaxError> = error("syntax");
// For other unexpected errors, we use an unresumable effect "raise" to terminate the program
type Raise = Unresumable<Effect<"raise", [error: unknown], never>>;
const raise: EffectFactory<Raise> = effect("raise", { resumable: false });
const parseJSON = <T>(json: string): Effected<SyntaxError | Raise, T> =>
effected(function* () {
try {
return JSON.parse(json);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof SyntaxError) return yield* syntaxError(e.message);
return yield* raise(e);
interface Settings {
/* ... */
const defaultSettings: Settings = {
/* ... */
const readSettings = (json: string) =>
effected(function* () {
const settings = yield* parseJSON<Settings>(json).catch("syntax", (message) => {
console.error(`Invalid JSON: ${message}`);
return defaultSettings;
/* ... */
As shown in the previous section, you can also use .catchAll()
to catch all error effects at once, which is useful if you want a unified response to all errors. For instance:
const tolerantRange = (start: number, stop: number): Effected<Log, number[]> =>
range(start, stop).catchAll((error, message) => {
console.warn(`Error(${error}): ${message || ""}`);
return [];
Running tolerantRange(4, 1).resume("log", console.log).runSync()
will output []
, with a warning message printed to the console:
Error(range): Start must be less than stop
If you prefer some errors to raise exceptions instead of handling them within your effects system, you can use the .catchAndThrow(error, message?)
// Throws "type" error effect as an exception with its original message
const range2 = (start: number, stop: number) => range(start, stop).catchAndThrow("type");
// Throws "type" error effect with a custom message
const range3 = (start: number, stop: number) =>
range(start, stop).catchAndThrow("type", "Invalid start or stop value");
// Throws "range" error effect with a customized message based on the error
const range4 = (start: number, stop: number) =>
range(start, stop).catchAndThrow("range", (message) => `Invalid range: ${message}`);
For example, running range2(1.5, 2).catch("range", () => {}).resume("log", console.log).runSync()
will throw an exception with the message “Start and stop must be integers”.
To throw all error effects as exceptions, you can use .catchAllAndThrow(message?)
const range2 = (start: number, stop: number) => range(start, stop).catchAllAndThrow();
const range3 = (start: number, stop: number) =>
range(start, stop).catchAllAndThrow("An error occurred while generating the range");
const range4 = (start: number, stop: number) =>
range(start, stop).catchAllAndThrow((error, message) => `Error(${error}): ${message}`);
Not all effects are totally independent from each other; sometimes, you may want to “group” effects that are closely related. A pair of getters and setters for global state is a good example (from the Koka documentation):
const getState = <T>() => effect("getState")<[], T>();
const setState = <T>(value: T) => effect("setState")<[value: T], void>();
To group these together, we could define them as:
type State<T> = Effect<"state.get", [], T> | Effect<"state.set", [value: T], void>;
const state = {
get: <T>(): Effected<State<T>, T> => effect("state.get")<[], T>(),
set: <T>(value: T): Effected<State<T>, void> => effect("state.set")<[value: T], void>(value),
Using these state effects looks like this:
const sumDown = (sum: number = 0): Effected<State<number>, number> =>
effected(function* () {
const n = yield* state.get<number>();
if (n <= 0) return sum;
yield* state.set(n - 1);
return yield* sumDown(sum + n);
let n = 10;
const program = sumDown()
.resume("state.get", () => n)
.resume("state.set", (value) => {
n = value;
Running program.runSync()
returns 55
, which is the sum of the first 10
natural numbers.
Just grouping the effects together is easy, but we still have to handle them one by one. To make it easier, we can create a helper function to abstract out the handlers:
const stateHandler =
({ get, set }) =>
(effected) =>
effected.resume("state.get", get).resume("state.set", set);
stateHandler({ get: () => n, set: (x) => (n = x) })(sumDown()).runSync();
For simplicity, this example is in JavaScript, focusing on the concept. Here, stateHandler
is a higher-order function that accepts handler methods and returns a function to apply them to an effected program.
The main challenge lies in defining the correct type signature for the stateHandler
function. Due to certain limitations in TypeScript, it can be tricky to annotate stateHandler
in a way that reliably covers all edge cases.
Fortunately, tinyeffect performs some type-level magic and provides a helper function, defineHandlerFor
, which you can use with the .with()
method to define handlers for one or more effects. Here’s how it works:
import { defineHandlerFor } from "tinyeffect";
const stateHandler = <T>({ get, set }: { get: () => T; set: (x: T) => void }) =>
defineHandlerFor<State<T>>().with((effected) =>
effected.resume("state.get", get).resume("state.set", set),
let n = 10;
const program = sumDown().with(stateHandler({ get: () => n, set: (x) => (n = x) }));
simply returns your function at runtime, and the .with(handler)
method applies the handler to the effected program. This keeps the runtime logic identical to previous implementations, while TypeScript infers the correct type signature for the handler.
Hovering over stateHandler
shows its type signature:
const stateHandler: <T>({
}: {
get: () => T;
set: (x: T) => void;
}) => <R>(effected: EffectedDraft<State<T>, State<T>, R>) => EffectedDraft<State<T>, never, R>;
The EffectedDraft
type is used internally by tinyeffect to achieve precise type inference.
Let’s revisit the safeDivide
example we defined earlier:
type Raise = Unresumable<Effect<"raise", [error: unknown], never>>;
const raise: EffectFactory<Raise> = effect("raise", { resumable: false });
const safeDivide = (a: number, b: number): Effected<Raise, number> =>
effected(function* () {
if (b === 0) return yield* raise("Division by zero");
return a / b;
and the Option
type Option<T> = { kind: "some"; value: T } | { kind: "none" };
const some = <T>(value: T): Option<T> => ({ kind: "some", value });
const none: Option<never> = { kind: "none" };
In previous examples, we used .andThen()
and .terminate()
to transform the return value of safeDivide
to an Option
type. Now, we can abstract this logic into a reusable handler:
const raiseOption = defineHandlerFor<Raise>().with((effected) =>
effected.andThen((value) => some(value)).terminate("raise", () => none),
const safeDivide2 = (a: number, b: number) => safeDivide(a, b).with(raiseOption);
Hovering over safeDivide2
reveals this type signature:
const safeDivide2: (a: number, b: number) => Effected<never, Option<number>>;
For more complex cases where defineHandlerFor
isn’t sufficient, you can still define a function that takes an effected program and returns another one as a custom “handler” function, then pass it to the .with(handler)
method. A good example of this is the handleErrorAsResult
function we defined earlier:
// Both definitions below are equivalent
const range = (start: number, stop: number) => range(start, stop).with(handleErrorAsResult);
const range = (start: number, stop: number) => handleErrorAsResult(range(start, stop));
When working with asynchronous effects, you frequently need to combine multiple operations. While generator syntax excels at expressing sequential code, it doesn’t provide a native way to run effects in parallel using yield*
. To address this, tinyeffect offers two complementary methods for handling multiple effected programs:
: Executes effected programs in parallel (concurrently)Effected.allSeq()
: Executes effected programs sequentially (one after another), equivalent to running them individually withyield*
It’s worth noting that when all effected programs are synchronous, Effected.all()
and Effected.allSeq()
produce identical results. The difference becomes significant when dealing with time-consuming operations:
const fetchUserData = (userId: number) =>
effected(function* () {
yield* log(`Fetching user ${userId}`);
const data = yield* httpGet(`/api/users/${userId}`);
return data;
// Sequential execution - total time is the sum of all operations
const sequentialFetch = Effected.allSeq([fetchUserData(1), fetchUserData(2), fetchUserData(3)]); // Takes ~300ms if each fetch takes ~100ms
// Parallel execution - total time is close to the slowest operation
const parallelFetch = Effected.all([fetchUserData(1), fetchUserData(2), fetchUserData(3)]); // Takes ~100ms because all fetches run concurrently
Both methods accept either an iterable of effected programs or an object with named effected programs:
// Iterable syntax - results will be an array
const users = await Effected.all([fetchUser(1), fetchUser(2), fetchUser(3)]).runAsync();
// users: [User, User, User]
// Object syntax - results maintain property names
const userData = await Effected.all({
user: fetchUser(userId),
posts: fetchUserPosts(userId),
settings: fetchUserSettings(userId),
// userData: { user: User, posts: Post[], settings: Settings }
You can mix synchronous and asynchronous effects, and Effected.all
will handle them efficiently:
const compute = effect("compute")<[label: string, delay: number], number>;
const calculate = effect("calculate")<[a: number, b: number], number>;
// Create a mix of sync and async tasks
const program = effected(function* () {
const results = yield* Effected.all([
// Sync task
calculate(10, 5),
// Fast async task
compute("fast task", 50),
// Slow async task
compute("slow task", 150),
console.log("Results:", results);
.resume("calculate", (a, b) => a + b)
.handle("compute", ({ resume }, label, delay) => {
console.log(`Starting ${label}`);
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`Completed ${label}`);
}, delay);
// Results will be [15, 50, 150]
// Total execution time will be ~150ms (the slowest task)
When should you choose sequential execution with Effected.allSeq
? Consider using it when:
- Operations must happen in a specific order.
- Later operations depend on earlier ones.
- You need to limit resource usage by preventing concurrent operations.
// Use sequential execution when operations must happen in order
const processData = Effected.allSeq([
// The equivalent generator syntax
const processData = effected(function* () {
yield* setupDatabase();
yield* migrateSchema();
yield* importData();
yield* validateData();
For most other cases, it is recommended to use Effected.all
over Effected.allSeq
, since it is more efficient and easier to read.
The fundamental logic of tinyeffect is not dependent on generators. An effected program (represented as an Effected
instance) is essentially an iterable object that implements a [Symbol.iterator](): Iterator<Effect>
Although using the effected
helper function with generators allows you to write more imperative-style code using yield*
to manage effects, this is not the only approach. tinyeffect offers an alternative pipeline-style API for transforming and combining effected programs. At the heart of this API is the .andThen()
method, which serves as the primary way to transform and chain effected programs.
While we've covered .andThen()
in previous sections, we haven’t yet explored how it can be used in a more functional, pipeline-style manner. The .andThen(handler)
method is quite versatile and can be used in several ways:
While we have covered .andThen()
in previous sections, we haven’t yet explored how it can be used in a more functional, pipeline-style manner. Actually, .andThen(handler)
is quite versatile and can be used in a variety of ways:
- Transform a result using a pure function.
- Chain another effected program.
- Work with generators that yield effects.
Let’s rewrite the createUser
example using the pipeline syntax:
const createUser = (user: Omit<User, "id">) =>
.andThen(() =>
executeSQL("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?)",
.andThen((id) => ({ id, ...user } as User)),
.tap((savedUser) => println("User created:", savedUser));
A helpful way to understand this code is to think of Effected
as a container for a delayed computation (or monad, if you come from a functional programming background). The Effected
instance itself doesn’t perform any computation; it only represents a sequence of effects that will be executed when you call .runSync()
or .runAsync()
You can compare Effected
with Promise
in JavaScript. Just like Promise.prototype.then(handler)
allows you to chain multiple promises together, Effected.prototype.andThen(handler)
allows you to chain multiple effected programs together. If a handler returns a generator or another effected program, it will be automatically flattened, similar to how Promise.prototype.then()
works in JavaScript.
To create effects without generators, tinyeffect provides two foundational methods. Effected.of(value)
creates an effected program that immediately resolves to the given value without performing any effects — similar to Promise.resolve(value)
. Effected.from(() => value)
allows you to execute a function lazily when the program is run. These are useful as starting points for pipeline-style code:
// Create an effected program that resolves to "Hello, world!"
const program1 = Effected.of("Hello, world!")
.tap((message) => println(message))
.andThen((message) => message.toUpperCase());
// Create an effected program that executes the function when run
const program2 = Effected.from(() => {
console.log("Computing value...");
return Math.random() * 100;
}).andThen((value) => println(`Random value: ${value}`));
When you need more explicit control, tinyeffect offers .map()
and .flatMap()
. The .map()
method transforms a result without introducing new effects, while .flatMap()
expects the handler to return another effected program:
const createUser = (user: Omit<User, "id">) =>
.flatMap(() =>
executeSQL("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES (?)",
.map((id) => ({ id, ...user } as User)),
.tap((savedUser) => println("User created:", savedUser));
For the common case of replacing a result with a constant value, use the .as(value)
method as a shorthand for .map(() => value)
Effected.of(42).as("Hello, world!").runSync(); // => "Hello, world!"
// You can also use `.asVoid()` as a shortcut for `.as(undefined)`
Effected.of(42).asVoid().runSync(); // => undefined
In most cases, .andThen()
is recommended over .map()
and .flatMap()
for its versatility and readability. A myth is that .flatMap()/.map()
may provide better performance than .andThen()
since they do not need to check if the handler returns a generator or another effected program. However, in practice, the performance difference is negligible, so it’s better to use .andThen()
directly for simplicity and consistency.
Both pipeline syntax and generator syntax are valid approaches for working with effected programs in tinyeffect. Each approach has distinct advantages:
Generator Syntax:
- More familiar to developers used to imperative programming.
- Natural handling of conditionals and loops.
- Simpler debugging with sequential steps.
Pipeline Syntax:
- More functional approach with method chaining.
- Reduces nesting for simple transformations.
- Offers better performance in some cases.
While pipeline syntax offers better performance for simple transformations, in reality such advantages are often negligible since IO-bound effects (like HTTP requests or file operations) usually dominate the execution time. Therefore, the choice between the two should primarily be based on readability and maintainability.
Below are several examples where pipeline syntax might seem more straightforward:
// Generator syntax
const getUserPosts = (userId: number) =>
effected(function* () {
const user = yield* fetchUser(userId);
if (!user) return null;
return yield* fetchPosts(;
// Pipeline syntax
const getUserPosts = (userId: number) =>
fetchUser(userId).andThen((user) => {
if (!user) return null;
return fetchPosts(;
Another example for error handling:
// Generator syntax
const processFile = (path: string) =>
effected(function* () {
const content = yield* readFile(path);
return yield* parseContent(content);
}).catchAll(function* (error, message) {
yield* logger.error(`[${error}Error] Error processing ${path}:`, message);
return null;
// Pipeline syntax
const processFile = (path: string) =>
.andThen((content) => parseContent(content))
.catchAll((error, message) =>
logger.error(`[${error}Error] Error processing ${path}:`, message).as(null),
However, when dealing with complex control flow, generator syntax might be more readable:
// Generator syntax
const submitOrder = (order: Order) =>
effected(function* () {
const [config, user] = yield* Effected.all([askConfig(), askCurrentUser()]);
yield* validateOrder(order, user);
const result = yield* saveOrder(order, config.apiUrl);
yield* sendNotification(, "Order submitted");
return result;
// Pipeline syntax
const submitOrder = (order: Order) =>
Effected.all([askConfig(), askCurrentUser()]).andThen(([config, user]) =>
validateOrder(order, user).andThen(() =>
saveOrder(order, config.apiUrl).tap(() =>
sendNotification(, "Order submitted").asVoid(),
While the pipeline syntax shown above is more compact, it may not be as readable as the generator syntax for most developers since it involves more nesting.
Both generator syntax and pipeline syntax are fully supported in tinyeffect — choose whichever approach makes your code most readable and maintainable for you and your team. The best choice often depends on the specific task and your team’s preferences.
It is a coincidence that the name “tinyeffect” is similar to Effect, a TypeScript ecosystem inspired by the effect ecosystem in Scala. However, “effect” means different things in both libraries. In tinyeffect, “effect” refers to “algebraic effect”, while in Effect, it means “effectful computation”. Both libraries are independent and developed for different purposes.
However, it is not surprising that the two libraries share some similarities, as they both aim to provide a way to handle side effects in a type-safe manner. The Effect
type in Effect and the Effected
type in tinyeffect are both monads that abstract effectful computations, and they share similarities in their API design, e.g.,
, Effect.flatMap()
vs. Effected.prototype.flatMap()
, Effect.andThen()
vs. Effected.prototype.andThen()
, etc.
While sharing some similarities, tinyeffect and Effect are fundamentally different in their design and implementation. tinyeffect is designed to be a lightweight library that focuses on providing a simple and intuitive API for handling side effects, while Effect is designed to be a full-fledged library that provides a comprehensive set of features for building effectful applications. Also, both libraries provide concurrency primitives, but Effect uses a fiber-based concurrency model, whereas tinyeffect uses a simple iterator-based model.